
0.6μm CMOS工艺900MHz GSM低噪声放大器和混频器的设计

The Design of 0.6 μm CMOS Technology 900MHz GSM Low Noise Amplifier and Mixer

【作者】 危长明

【导师】 陈迪平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近几十年来,随着无线通信技术的不断发展,人类已基本实现随时随地通信的梦想,相应地,人类对高性能大容量无线通信系统的需求也越来越大。在这种形势下,射频与通信集成电路的研究已趋于白热化。目前,各种无线通信标准并存,但市场份额最大的还是GSM系统,因此,针对GSM标准进行射频接收电路的研究和设计具有重要的现实意义。 低噪声放大器(LNA)和混频器(Mixer)是无线通信射频接收机中不可缺少的关键电路。近年来,随着无线通讯由第二代(2G)标准向第三代(3G)标准过渡,系统对芯片的噪声系数和线性度等指标提出了更高的要求。同时,为了满足产品化后高可靠性和低成本的要求,芯片需要高集成度,因此射频接收机必须单芯片实现。 本文介绍了LNA和Mixer的基本原理以及几种常见的LNA和Mixer结构,并对各种结构的优缺点作了阐述。针对目前LNA和Mixer中应用最为广泛的源极电感负反馈LNA和CMOS开关型Gilbert混频器,文章作了较为详细的分析。在此基础上,文中对这两种结构进行了优化,提出了全差分电感负反馈LNA结构和低压Gilbert混频器结构。该优化的结构扬原有电感负反馈LNA和Gilbert混频器电路之长,避其之短,解决了LNA电路中电感失配的影响,Gilbert混频器电路中电源电压高、线性度低的问题。 CMOS工艺的电感和MOS管噪声是设计LNA和Mixer时需要考虑的非常重要的问题。本文专门介绍了电感的模型、品质因数以及自谐振频率,介绍了MOS管的射频和噪声模型以及其最新发展,讨论了模型的选择对设计结果的影响。 文章根据GSM接收机标准给出了基于0.6μmCMOS工艺、采用全差分电感负反馈结构的LNA和低压Gilbert结构混频器完整的电路设计、模拟结果和版图设计。模拟结果表明,采用该方案的LNA和Mixer基本达到了GSM的设计标准。更进一步的结果有待于芯片制作完成后的功能测试。

【Abstract】 With the development of the technology of wireless communication in recent decades, people have basicly realized the dream of communication anywhere and anytime. At the same time, the demand for high-performance and large-capability wireless communication systems has been on a great upsurge. Under such circumstances, researches in the field of radio and wireless communication IC become more and more heated. Now all kinds of wireless communication standard exists, but GSM system share the biggest market. Thus, it is important to research and design radio IC according GSM standard.Low noise amplifier(LNA) and Mixer is the key component in radio transceiver. As the standard of wireless communication upgrades from the second generation to the third generation in recent years, the performance such as noise figure(NF) and linearity of IC must be promoted. Simultaneously, in order to satisfy product’s high performance and low cost, chips need a higher intergration. Therefore, radio transceiver must be fully monolithic integration.This paper introduces the fundamentals of LNA and Mixer, withing some common structure as well as their merits and demerits given out. The paper also gives a detailed analysis of the LNA with source inductor degeneration and CMOS commutating Gilbert Mixer, which are currently the most widely used. Based on the analysis, an optimized full differential inductor degeneration LNA and low voltage Gilbert Mixer is presented. This type of LNA and Mixer enjoys the advantages of the anterior LNA and Mixer, while resolves the problem of inductor’s mismatch and mixer’s high power voltage and low linearity.The inductor per se in CMOS process and the MOSFET’s noise is an important issue in designing LNA and Mixer. This thesis specially introduced the inductor’s modeling and the MOSFET’s radio and noise model, and discussed the simulation result under the influence of different model.The final part of the paper presents a LNA and Mixer chip fabricated in 0.6 m CMOS technology used for GSM system. The simulation results and the layout design are provided . The results indicate that this cascade LNA and Mixer is compliant with GSM specifications. More will be obtained after the wafer testing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TN722;TN773
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】515

