

The Study on Market Access Rules for Foreign Banks

【作者】 李冬荣

【导师】 张纯;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融自由化与全球化的发展,外资银行市场准入已经凸现为各国金融开放共同关注的焦点。所谓外资银行市场准入是指东道国设立的允许他国银行服务进入本国金融市场的所有法定条件之总和。研究表明,各国外资银行市场准入法制主要包括外资银行市场准入的组织形式,条件及经营范围等方面的规制。 从经济学的市场缺陷理论和国家经济主权的法理来看,东道国对于外资银行市场准入予以监管,既符合经济发展的内在需要,也符合现有的法理要求。但不适当的市场准入管制将构成市场准入壁垒,减损金融服务贸易给各国带来的共同利益,因此,审慎监管成为必要。WTO协议和巴塞尔体制的审慎监管在全球范围内具有普遍的指导意义。 在外资银行准入法制中,待遇标准问题是一个核心问题。各国对外资银行市场准入所采取的待遇标准主要包括保护主义、互惠待遇、国民待遇及最惠国待遇。各国采取何种待遇标准完全取决于国内利益的需要。作者认为,在外资银行市场准入待遇标准上,现阶段,我国应以互惠待遇标准为主,但这种互惠待遇不是指发达国家的互惠国民待遇,而是一种差别基础上的互惠待遇,以此重新构建我国外资银行市场准入法制;同时,在遵守我国金融服务贸易入世承诺的前提下,借鉴巴塞尔体制,从防范风险的角度,严格市场准入的条件。 具体而言,在立法体例上,我国应制定单独的《外资银行管理条例》,并将外资银行代表机构纳入调整范围;在外资银行准入的组织形式上,要提高对分行和子行的条件要求,提出应对以投资入股形式进入我国银行业的外资金融机构的最高投资入股比例加以限制,并应增设考量反垄断的条款;在具体的准入条件上,要关注申请人的国际排名、应引入“双人原则”以完善内控制度的建设、明确有效监管的标准,并建议通过与外资银行母国签订监管合作协议加强与母国的信息交流;在经营范围上,可以给予互惠的国民待遇,但应仿效新加坡和香港地区的经验实行外资银行分级制度,分级批准外资银行经营人民币业务的程度和范围。

【Abstract】 With the development of liberalization and globalization of finance, the problem of market access for foreign banks has become the focus for the countries to open their financial markets. Here, market access for foreign banks stands for the totality of lawful conditions imposed by host countries against other countries’ banking service entry. The research shows market access legal system mainly contains the forms of entry, the conditions of entry and the scope of entry.In view of market defects in economic theories and state economic sovereignty in law science, market access fits both the inner need of economic development and the need of law theory. But improper regulation of market access may form market access barriers which diminishes common interests from financial service trade. Therefore prudential supervision is needed in which WTO agreements and Basel System play a common guidance role around the world.Treatment standards are a core issue in market access legal system for foreign banks. At present protectionism, reciprocal treatment, national treatment and MFN treatment are the main standards in the world. Which standard a country may employ totally depends on the need of domestic interests. The author concludes China should take the reciprocal treatment for foreign banks’ entry. Yet it’s not based on national treatment but based on differential treatment, according to which China should reconstruct its market access legal system for foreign banks. At the same time China, complying with the Promissory Note must learn from Basel System to perfect its market access rules out of guarding against risk.Concretely, as for legislation structure, make the single Regulation of the Administration of Foreign Banks in which the representative agencies of foreign banks should be incorporated; with regard to the forms of entry, make strictness rules for foreign branches’ and subsidiaries’ entry, limit the maximum shares when considering the investment entry and perfect the rules against monopoly; concerning the specific conditions of entry, pay more attention to applicants’ international lists, introduce four-eyes principle for enhancing corporate government, explicate the standards of effective supervision and sign agreements with home country so as to reinforce message exchange; as to scope of entry, appropriately grant reciprocal national treatment, but separately authorize foreign banks’ RMB business by referring to Singapore’s and HongKong’s grading system of foreign banks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】236

