

The Preliminary Studies on Legal System of Public Adjuster in Our Country

【作者】 张倩

【导师】 刘定华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 保险公估人作为一种保险中介组织,它与保险代理人、保险经纪人既有联系又有区别,一起构成了保险中介市场的三大支柱,在保险事业发展过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。但相对于保险代理人、保险经纪人而言,我国保险公估业目前尚处于初始阶段,还存在诸多问题。尽管近年来,保险公估人制度的建立和完善得到了一定程度的关注,并开始逐步完善。但是,由于缺乏深刻的法理分析和全面、系统的理论研究,相较于其他保险中介制度而言,保险公估人制度还十分落后,保险公估立法仍有待于进一步加强。因此,有必要从市场和行业现状着手,通过运用有关经济学和法学基础理论对保险公估人制度加以分析,并在此基础上从公估主体、公估行为和法律责任三个层面对保险公估人制度的构建和完善予以全面系统地论述。 从功能上来说,保险公估人制度不仅具有市场功能,同时还具有一定的社会功能和法律功能。因此,在构建和完善我国保险公估人法律制度时,应该以保险公估功能在市场、社会、法律三个层次上的实现为目标。这就要求我国保险公估人制度的构建和完善必须贯彻遵循市场规律的原则。一方面,要充分发挥保险市场本身对保险公估人的规范和约束机制,建立相应的行业自律机制;另一方面,要通过建立规范的市场准入制度、理清保险公估人与其他市场主体的关系、规范保险公估行为、明确其法律责任等措施,构建公平竞争的市场环境。同时,值得注意的是,保险公估机构的公正性和独立性,使得它能够在市场框架内对其中存在的纠纷起到调解的作用。我国保险公估法律制度的构建和完善应该体现这一特点。

【Abstract】 As one kind of insurance intermediary institutions, the public adjuster has not only relations but also differences with insurance agent and insurance broker, and they make up the three pillars of insurance intermediary market, which plays a decisive role in the development of insurance industry. While comparing to insurance agent and insurance broker, the public adjuster has still been in the initial stage and has so many problems. Although in these years the establishment and perfection of public adjuster have been noticed in some way and have been perfected step by step, the legal system of public adjuster is very backward as being short of deep legal analysis and overall theoretical study, which requires more of legislation of public adjuster. The study of public adjuster system should begin at analyzing the current situation of market and industry, and make analysis through using the basic theories of economics and law. Then on the basis of it we can discuss the public adjuster system comprehensively from three administrative levels as adjuster subject, adjuster behavior and legal responsibility.As far as the function is concerned, the public adjuster system has not only market function but social and legal function. Therefore, the achievement of public adjuster functions in market, social and legal function should be the target during the establishment and perfection of public adjuster system, which requires following market principle. That is to say, on one hand, we must bring into play the regulatory and restraint mechanism of insurance market to set up relevant trade self-discipline mechanism; on the other hand, we should build fair competition market environment through building normative system of permitting access to the market, making clear and definite the relationship of public adjuster and other market subjects, regulating the public adjuster behavior, setting definite legal responsibility, etc. At the same time, it is worth noticing that the public adjuster can play a role of mediation in market because of its justice and independence, which must be reflected during the establishment and perfection of public adjuster

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【下载频次】164

