

The Essential Approach to High-Rise Vertical Outer Space

【作者】 易芹

【导师】 张庆余; 柳展辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自从日本建筑师芦原义信在1975年出版的《外部空间设计》一书中提出“外部空间”以来,他的关于建筑外部空间的概念和设计原理已在建筑界获得公认,颇有权威性。由于芦原义信提出的“外部空间”主要侧重于从“没有屋顶的房间”来看问题,在某种意义上,我们可以将其视为一种“单层建筑”。然而,在高层建筑栉比鳞次的现代都市,高层建筑的外部空间本身已经变成了某种意义上的“多层建筑”,因此我们也就不能再仅仅只从横向来看待这样的外部空间了。 基于芦原义信的研究成果,本论文在其“外部空间”概念的基础上进一步提出了一个新概念:“外部竖空间”。本研究课题针对建筑外部竖空间的特性,着重研究了一些设计原理和设计手法,希望对高层建筑设计实践及城市环境设计实践能有一定的指导作用,以对城市环境建设作出贡献。 第1章提出了“外部竖空间”的概念。先解释外部竖空间形成的原由,同时指出了国内外在理论研究层面上对这一问题几乎还未触及。因此,本文作者希望对其进行理论探讨。与此同时,并就实际设计问题作一些研究,以期找到一些实用的设计方法。 第2章和第3章从一个新的角度阐述了两个重要的概念:城市空间和高层建筑;概括了芦原义信关于外部空间的基本理论;还简单地介绍了辛华泉关于“形态占有空间”的论述。 第4章阐明的是本文关于外部竖空间研究的基本观点。分析了城市空间与高层建筑之间的关系;列举了外部竖空间的构成要素;并对外部空间进行了新的分类。 第5章着重讨论了设计的原理和方法,涉及到着眼于水平特性,垂直特性和形态心理学的各种设计手法和技巧。在本章结尾还特别关注了建立在可持续发展战略上的生态化设计。 第6章专门就外部竖空间设计的实施问题进行探讨。其中涉及政府机构组织、法制建设以及公众参与几个方面。 论文最后以结论和对高层建筑外部竖空间未来发展建设的前景作出展望作结尾。

【Abstract】 The authoritativeness of Yoshinobu Ashihara’s ( ) theory on OUTER SPACE has been generally acknowledged in the field of Architecture, since the author advanced the concept and design principles in Outer Space Design, which was published in 1975. By reason that Ashihara’s OUTER SPACE is mainly in view of the" room without a roof , we can treat his OUTER SPACE as a somewhat kind of " single story architecture" . However, there are so many high-rises placed closely side by side in modern cities , the outer spaces surrounded by high blocks have become " multiple-story-spaces " themselves as well. Thus we can hardly observe those spaces only from horizontal dimensions any more.Based on the result of Ashihara’s research, this dissertation further puts forward a new concept: VERTICAL OUTER SPACE in order to research this kind of spaces focusing on their distinctions and tries to offer some design methods and skills useful for design practice.Chapter 1 raises the significant concept, namely the VERTICAL OUTER SPACE, at first . Explains the reasons of the forming of vertical outer space then, at the same time, this article points out that the research about VERTICAL OUTER SPACE has almost rested in untouched state in the theoretical field as yet. Therefore the author expects to propose some essential theories and a few useful suggestions for design practice of high-rise buildings and design practice of urban environment.Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 state tow important concepts: Urban Space and High-Rise; summarize the kernel theories of Ashihara’s OUTER SPACE ; and, in a simple way, introduce Xin Huaquan’s ( ) statement of that Form Possesses Spaces.Chapter 4 illustrates the author’s important points of view about the research of VERTICAL OUTER SPACE. It analyses the relationship between urban spaces and high-rises, enumerates the construction elements of VERTICAL OUTER SPACE, and makes a classification of vertical outer spaces.In chapter 5, the author mainly discusses the principles, techniques and skills in design practice concerning the horizontal, the vertical characteristics and Morpho-Psycology This dissertation pays special attention to Biological Architecture at the end of this chapter.The sixth chapter is to approach the implementation of vertical outer spacedesigns that relates to government organizations, legal system establishment and public participation.At last, this dissertation makes conclusions and gives a prospect of future development of the vertical outer space construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU972
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】408

