

The Research on Pledges of Trademark

【作者】 段世平

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 用商标的专有使用权作为债的担保是商标利用的一种重要方式。法学界对于商标权质押的性质还存在着争议。随着时代的发展,质押也出现了不移转占有的情形,其公示的方法也就成为登记而非移转占有。商标权的经济价值来源于商标的价值,并且依照我国法律,商标权是可以转让的,因而商标权可以成为质押的标的。商标许可使用权以及商标申请权虽然具有一定的价值性和一定程度的可转让性,但是却不宜用来设定质权。商标权质押合同从法律性质上分析,应为债权合同。而且,质押合同是质权设立的前提和基础,而质权设立是质押合同的最终目的。目前立法和司法中关于商标权质押合同生效的规定,应当修正。此外,对商标权质押合同的登记问题,不宜采用登记生效,而应采登记对抗,以更好的保护质权人的利益。我国《担保法》只规定有最高额抵押权,没有规定最高额质权。最高额质权和最高额抵押权对一定期间内连续发生的债权具有相同的担保作用,所以物权立法和实务有承认和规定最高额质权的必要。最高额质押与最高额抵押有着很大的相似之处。在制度设计上,可以参考最高额抵押的设计来设计最高额质押。另外,从充分发挥商标权价值的角度出发,立法应当考虑允许商标权质权的转质。商标权作为一种无形的资产,在设定质押时由于不需要占有和保管实物,因此其费用的支出相对较少。但强制性的登汜和评估使得质权设定的成本很高。另外,商标权人在质权存续期间一般不能处分这笔资产,这也是低效率的。 完善商标权质押制度,仅仅从该制度本身入手是远远不够的,还必须完善一些与此相关的法律制度。比如,担保登记制度、资产评估制度等等。

【Abstract】 It is an important way to hypothecate the debts with the right of trademark. But there are still many disputes on the legal nature of such pledges in law circles. With the development of the society, non-possessory pledges have appeared and their publicity is registration ,but not possession transferring. The licenced right of utilizing trademark( TM ) does have some economic value and to some extend can be transferred. But it is unsuitable to be used to hypothecate debts. The purpose of pledge-setting contract is to set possessory pledge. So the validity of this contract in our country should be adjusted. Besides, the registration of this king of contract should not adopt the doctrine of validity, but the doctrine of exclusion. The tiptop non-possessory mortgages can be found in the "Law on Pledges" in our country, but the tiptop possessory pledges can not be found . It’s the same in the draft developed by China Social-science Academy. But the two really do the same to the actual practice. So in the system-design course of the possessory pledges, we can take the tiptop non-possessory pledges as a model. As a sum of intangible assets, this kind of pledge does not demand the transferring of the possession of trademark. In fact, it is impossible. However, the compulsory regisration and assessment system higher the cost. In addition , the owner of the trademark can not treat his trademark freely. That makes this legal system lower effective.To perfect the system demands far more than this system itself. We have to do a lot with the corresponding system . For example, the registration system for pledges, and assets assessment system, etc .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】370

