

Studies on Effect of Use AMF in Micropropagated Plantlets Transplant

【作者】 任萌圃

【导师】 李青; 王幼珊;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在温室条件下以金叶连翘、玉簪(2~#、5~#品种)、火鹤(3~#、4~#品种)3种植物共5个品种的组培苗为试材,接种7个不同丛枝菌根真菌(AM真菌)菌株,研究AM真菌对组培苗移栽后生长的影响,并评价不同菌种、菌株间的接种效应,为AM真菌在观赏植物组培苗移栽上的应用筛选优良菌株,并为AM真菌菌株的筛选提供理论依据。 试验结果表明,接种AM真菌能够提高金叶连翘、玉簪、火鹤等观赏植物组培苗移栽后的生长,对提高组培苗移栽成活率的效果因植物而异。在所接种的7个菌株中,1~#、2~#、7~#菌株的综合效果较好,可以作为优良菌株应用。 菌株的接种效果受其生态型的影响。分离地气候条件同试验环境小气候相似的菌株,接种效果较好。在选择优质接种用菌株时应考虑到菌株的生态型与应用地环境条件的一致性。 对宿主植物侵染率高的菌株,一般对宿主植物生长的促进效果较好。高效菌株应该能够尽快完成对植物的侵染,并在相对长的时间内保持稳定的侵染状态。这一点对高效菌株的筛选具有一定的指导意义。 在无菌条件下,在金叶连翘生根培养基上对金叶连翘组培苗接种AM真菌,AM真菌能够完成正常侵染。并发现G.mosseae 93孢子的萌发率在pH5.8-7.0范围内随pH值增加而增加,光照条件下孢子可以正常萌发。

【Abstract】 In order to estimate the effects of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species, isolates, and select efficient isolates used micropropagated plantlet transplant, the effect of 7 AMF isolates on growth of micropropagated plantlets of Forsythia koreanna ’SauonGold’, Hostaplantaginea, Anthurium andreanum are investigated under greenhouse condition.The results show that inoculation the micropropagated plantlet with AM fungi can promote the growth and increase survival rate. Among the isolates used in the investigation , 1# 2# 7# isolate can be used as efficient isolate in micropropagated plantlet transplant.The isolate’s inoculation effectiveness is affected by the ecotype. The efficient isolate is originated from where the climate is similar with the microclimate of the greenhouse.The isolate with higher colonization rate also has better incolation effectiveness. The efficient isolate should have the ability of quick colonization and maintaining the relativehigh colonization rate in a long period.The result of inoculating Glomus mosseae spores to the Forsythia koreanna ’SauonGold’ under sterile condition show that the spores’ germination rate increases with the pH of the medium range from 5.8 to 7.0. Light has no harmful effect on the germination of the spores. And the isolate can colonize the Forsythia koreanna ’SauonGold’ in vitro normally.

  • 【分类号】S604.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】374

