

A Study on Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest Dynamics Modelling

【作者】 左金淼

【导师】 刘家冈;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 为了能够充分理解阔叶红松林的动态机制,准确模拟东北阔叶红松林的动态变化,探索出既能够保护好又能够利用好阔叶红松林的新途径,根据阔叶红松林的动态机制,在经典林隙模型的基础上,添加考虑了阔叶红松松林中动物对种子的有效传播、人工采摘干扰以及红松(Pinus koreansis)的结实特性,建立了红松种子库及其更新的动念模型更新子模型,使模型更能够反映阔叶红松林中的动态机制。除了传统林隙模型的功能外,此模型还可以用来模拟人工采摘松籽和猎杀松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)对森林动态的影响。 通过模拟不同强度的松果采摘对阔叶红松林的长期动态影响,确定要保证红松的更新,红松松果的采摘比例不能超过45%;通过模拟松鼠狩猎对阔叶红松林的长期动态影响发现,如果每年都进行狩猎则对松鼠种群破坏较大容易造成种群灭绝,从而影响红松的更新,如果只在松鼠大发生年份进行狩猎,则即使狩猎的强度很大也不会影响到红松的更新。

【Abstract】 In order to clearly understand the dynamics mechanism about broad-leaved Korean pine forest(BKPF) and simulate its dynamics mechanically, a simulation model is demanded through which we can simulate the long-term dynamics of BKPF under different pine cones picking intensity and hunting for grey squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in different intervals. By considering the effective dispersal of seeds by animals, the human disturbance and the masting behavior of Korean pine (Pinus koreansis), a new gap model integrated seed-bank and regeneration dynamic model, based on the classical gap model, is established.The paper indicated that the suitable picking proportion of cones must be no more than 45%, otherwise the Korean pine can not regenerate normally, by simulating BKPF dynamics under different cone picking intensities. By simulating the long-term effect of hunting squirrel on BKPF, we found squirrel population destroyed greatly and easily cause population extinction if hunting every year, then affect the regeneration of red pine, while hunting in the squirrel springing year, even the large intensity of hunting did not affect the regeneration of Korean pine.

  • 【分类号】S791.247
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】269

