

Studies on Rose Standards’ Rootstocks

【作者】 尹衍峰

【导师】 彭春生;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 树月季是我国园林绿化的新宠,具有广阔的应用前景。但我国树月季还存在树干柔弱、产量低、观赏效果不佳等缺点。 从国外引进树月季砧木和相应的树月季培育方法不失为解决我国树月季生产和应用中存在问题的有效途径。 本文主要从2001~2004年对美欧引进的树月季砧木作了引种观察,并深入探讨了砧木扦插繁殖问题。 引种观察的结果表明:所引砧木均能正常生长并且已经开花结实,其中R.multiflora ‘De La Grifferaie’干性好、抗寒力强,是露地栽培树月季砧木的理想选择。 扦插试验包括美国所引进的野蔷薇三个品种的嫩枝扦插和法国所引进的狗蔷薇的硬枝扦插。 试验采取了单因素、多因素、正交和配比等设计方法,从扦插生根数、根长两方面进行统计分析,最后结合生根和腐烂状况得出最佳处理方法。 嫩枝扦插试验结果表明:Rosa multiflora ‘Dr.Huey’用50 mg/l ABT2处理4 h可有效促进生根:R.multiflora‘De La Grifferaie’用刻伤+200mg/l NAA+4%蔗糖浸泡2h或2000mg/lABT2速蘸2~3s处理生根效果好;R.multiflora‘I×L’可选用50mg/lABT2浸泡4h处理。‘Dr.Huey’和‘De La Grifferaie’用珍珠岩扦插生根率可达到73%和93%;‘I×L’用蛭石扦插生根率可达87%。 狗蔷薇(R.canina)硬枝扦插试验结果表明:冬季扦插应结合低温温室室或阳畦进行,插穗宜取长;1000mg/lABT1速蘸10 s或500 mg/lNAA+4%蔗糖浸泡1h处理可有效促进生根;用草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩(3:2:1)作基质生根率可达93%。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, rose standard(Tree rose) becomes a popular garden plant in China, which has an admirable prospect. However, there are lots of undiscovered technical problems to explore in its fostered field.Those tree roses’ rootstocks were introduced from America in 2001, and Europe in 2002, respectively. After several years’ scientific observations on those rootstocks and further exploration for their cuttings, conclusion can be made that all those rootstocks have the ability to grow well. However, whether the introduced stocks will be widely utilized in Beijing mainly depends on their capacity of resistance to the coldness.Research on rootstocks’ cuttings mainly included green branch cuttings of three briers’ varieties from America and hard branch dog rose’s cuttings from France. Primary discussions were also made about the methods of "stenting" and " one-whip".Main effective elements such as type of media and category or density of hormones had been tested in the experiment of cuttings. Effects about leaves-saved and the different parts of branch from the bottom to the top were also experimented in the green cuttings.In the green cutting of briers, the variety of R. multiflora ’Dr. huey’ rooted best treated with 50mg/l ABT2 for 4 hours; R. multiflora ’De La Grefferaie’ can easily root after being treated with 200 mg/l NAA + 4% sugar or quickly dipped with 1000 mg/l ABT2 for 2-3 seconds. While R. ’IXL’ got a ideal result being treated with 50mg/l ABT2 for 4 hours. Perlite is the most appropriate media for R. ’Dr. huey’ and R. ’De La Grifferaie’, while vermiculite for R. ’IXL’.Dog rose’s cutting test showed that the cool greenhouse or cold frame would be the better place to make the bed, and longer branch will produce more roots. The most proper combination for dog rose cuttings on rooting is 500 mg/1 NAA + 4% sugar for an hour or 1000 mg/1 ABT1 for 10 seconds. The most excellent medium for dog rose’s cutting in winter is the mixture of peat +vermiculite + perlite (3:2:1), the rooting percentage cut in this medium is 93%.

【关键词】 树月季砧木引种扦插
【Key words】 Three roses’ rootstocksIntroductionCutting
  • 【分类号】S685.12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】257

