

Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation and Tourism Suitability Assessment of Natural Environment in Fuzhou National Forest Park

【作者】 王忠君

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪八十年代以来,我国的森林旅游业得到了蓬勃发展,回归自然已成为现代人的一种重要生活方式。随着森林公园逐渐成为旅游者的主要旅游目的地之一,森林公园生态效益与环境质量的研究引起了学术界的重视。森林公园的生态效益与自然环境旅游适宜程度是影响森林旅游业可持续发展的重要因素,科学地对其进行分析,对于森林公园建设与森林风景旅游资源开发具有重要指导作用。但到目前为止,学术界对这两方面研究多以定性研究为主,缺乏定量化研究。本文以福州国家森林公园为研究对象,分别于2003年7月和11月对其生态效益进行了系统的量化研究,并以生态效益的研究为基础,对森林公园自然环境的旅游适宜性进行了综合评价分析,确定了森林公园适宜开展旅游活动的区域和适宜开发的旅游项目,为森林公园今后的建设和旅游业的健康发展提供了科学依据。 本文对福州国家森林公园骨干植物材料固碳释氧能力和森林公园绿量进行了研究,福州国家森林公园的总绿量值约为110万m~2,年固碳量约1.6万吨、释放氧气1.4万吨,是福州市名副其实的“城市绿肺”。森林公园中阔叶林的绿量最高,其次是针阔混交林,木荷林对福州国家森林公园绿量贡献最大。 由于植物具有蒸腾吸热和减少太阳辐射作用,夏季时福州国家森林公园的空气温度比福州市区的气温低4.7℃、空气相对湿度高26.4%,秋季时福州国家森林公园的气温比福州市区的气温低1.7℃、空气相对湿度高16.1%,夏季时森林公园的热辐射强度比城区低3倍多,是福州市的“天然绿色空调”。不同植物群落的增湿降温和减少太阳辐射效益不同,森林公园中乔灌草结合型、常绿阔叶密林和针阔混交林植被构成的植物群落增湿降温效益显著,乔木林、乔木灌丛、乔灌草结合型植物群落减少热辐射的能力较强。 福州国家森林公园粉尘日平均质量浓度夏季为0.035 mg/m~3、秋季为0.03 mg/m~3,达到国家大气质量一级标准,而福州市城区粉尘日平均质量浓度只达到国家三级标准,森林公园的植物产生了巨大的滞尘降噪效益,是天然的空气净化器和声屏障。研究表明,森林公园中乔灌草结合型植物群落与阔叶乔木林群落的减尘能力最佳,针阔混交林型和乔灌草型植物群落降低噪音效果强,构成的微环境最安静。 森林公园的植物有降低空气细菌含量的作用,其中针叶树与棕榈科植物杀菌能力较强,以针叶树+棕榈科植物为主体的绿地类型或含有针叶树与棕榈科植物的植物群落微环境中空气含菌量较低。 森林公园各季节都有较高的空气负离子含量,环境清洁程度高,森林公园中乔灌草搭配适宜的植物群落和接近流水处的植物群落空气负离子含量高于其它植物群落,并且空气负离子效益的大小与气温呈负相关性、与空气相对湿度呈正相关性。 福州国家森林公园具有较高的生物多样性水平,植物多样性指数高,同时还发挥福州国家森林公园生态效益及自然环境旅游适宜性评价研究了较高的水源涵养效益,平均土壤蓄水量达131760t小mZ。 本文以森林公园生态效益研究为基础,从地质地貌、气候气象、大气环境、水环境、生物环境、声环境等六个方面对森林公园的自然环境旅游适宜性进行了评价研究,结果表明:福州国家森林公园中有9.6%的区域为高度旅游适宜区,有30.5%的区域为中度旅游适宜区,有47.6%的区域为勉强旅游适宜区,有12.3%的区域为不适宜旅游活动区,森林公园旅游开发应在自然环境的旅游适宜区域进行,因地制宜地开展适宜的旅游活动。

【Abstract】 Since 1980s, the forest tourism has been rapidly developing in our country. It is a kind of living ways to experience nature. As national forest parks have been becoming the most important tourist destinations, tourism experts have paid more and more attention to the research on ecological benefits and national environmental quality of forest parks. It is necessary to scientifically assess ecological benefits and tourism suitability of national environmental quality in forest parks for developing forest tourism resources. Nowadays, studies about ecological benefits and national environmental quality have been carried out, but there are a few qualitative analyses while few quantitative ones. The thesis takes the Fuzhou National Forest Park as study object, and the ecological benefits have been quantitatively studied on field survey in July and November 2003. Based on the results, the tourism suitability of natural environment has been evaluated in Fuzhou National Forest Park. At the same time, suitable activities and regions have been determined, which will provide healthy development of Fuzhou National Forest Park with scientific foundation.By analyzing carbon-fixed and oxygen-made ability of principle woody plants in Fuzhou National Forest Park, it is concluded that the whole vegetable quantity of Fuzhou National Forest Park is 1.1 107m2, the amount of carbon-fixing gets 16,000 tons and the number oxygen-making becomes 14,000 tons. The Fuzhou National Forest Park has become real green lung of Fuzhou urban. The Greenland amount of latifoliate forest is in the majority, and the next is the forest type mixed by broadleaf and conifer. The forest type of Schima superba is principal part of the Fuzhou national park.Vegetable can increase humidity and cool down temperature of environment. As a result, the temperature in forest park is 4.7 C lower than the temperature in Fuzhou urban, and air relative humidity in forest park is 26.4 percent higher than air relative humidity in Fuzhou urban in summer. In autumn, the temperature in forest park is 1.7 C lower than the temperature in Fuzhou urban, and air relative humidity in forest park is 16.1 percent higher than air relative humidity in Fuzhou urban. The intension of illumination in urban is as 3 times as it is in forest park in summer. As for it, the forest park has become natural air-conditioner of Fuzhou city. The benefits of different vegetation communities is different in increasing humidity and cooling down temperature and reducing illumination. The benefit of increasing air humidity and decreasing temperature is obviously high in plantcommunity of arbor + shrub+ herb, evergreen latifoliate forest and mixed forest of conifer and broadleaf. The benefit of reducing illumination is high in arbor forest, the forest of arbor+shrub, arbor+shrub+grass typical vegetation communities.Air dust average content per day of Fuzhou National Forest Park is 0.035 mg/m3 in summer and 0.03 mg/m3 in autumn, which reaches to the national first-level standard. However, air dust content of Fuzhou urban only reaches to the national third-level standard. Vegetation of forest park makes distinct benefits of decreasing dust and reducing noise in forest park, which is the natural cleaning-air machine and noise barrier. The result of study shows that the plant community of arbor+shrub+grass collection model and latifoliate forest are greatly superior in decreasing dust benefit, and that mixed forest of conifer and broadleaf and the plant community of arbor+shrub+grass collection model are better in decreasing noise benefit.The vegetation of forest park can decrease air bacterial content, in which the ability of killing air bacterium of conifer and palmate is superior. Air bacterial content is lower in mic-environment made by conifer and palmate in the most part or in partsThe aero-anion level of Fuzhou forest park is high in all seasons. So air cleaning index is high. The study shows the aero-anion level is higher in arbor+shrub+grass typical forest collocation model or submargina

  • 【分类号】S718;F592
  • 【被引频次】55
  • 【下载频次】2108

