

Studies on Fast Propagation of Zizyphus Mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao by Tissue Culture

【作者】 王红梅

【导师】 续九如;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 台湾青枣是热带果树,繁殖方式主要采用嫁接繁殖,由于砧木种子主要来自越南,且嫁接费工费时,因此台湾青枣的繁殖存在一定困难,而且有关组培至今未见有成功报道。因此开展组织培养试验具有一定的理论意义和实际价值。本论文按照组培的各个环节,包括外植体采集、表面灭菌、启动、分化、生根培养等,对台湾青枣快速繁殖问题进行探索。三年试验结果表明,台湾青枣属于组培繁殖比较困难的树种,本文只解决了台湾青枣的启动培养和继代培养有关的问题,尚未突破生根培养问题。台湾青枣组培适宜的外植体为:春秋两季的一年生健壮枝条的茎尖和带一个腋芽的茎段。茎尖:70%酒精灭菌30秒,0.1%升汞灭菌3.5分钟;茎段:70%酒精灭菌30秒,0.1%升汞灭菌4.5分钟,污染率和褐变率都较低。台湾青枣四个品种(五千种、黄冠、高朗一号、蜜枣)的启动培养品种间差异不显著,启动培养基均为MS+6-BA1.0mg/L+IBA0.1mg/L,附加蔗糖3%,琼脂0.5%,pH值6.0。分化培养基则存在显著差异,五千种的分化培养基为:MS(大量)+改良MS(微量)+MS(有机成分)+MS(Fe盐)+6-BA1.5mg/L+IBA0.3mg/L,附加蔗糖3%,琼脂0.5%,pH值调至6.0。而台湾青枣四个品种均存在黄化落叶现象并且生根困难,因此,这两方面的研究还需进一步深入。 在前期研究基础上,本文对已成功进行启动、分化培养的毛叶枣组培苗进行了生根培养和移栽试验,获得了毛叶枣生根苗并移栽成功。试验结果表明:毛叶枣在1/2MS+IBA0.1mg/L+NAA0.4mg/L,蔗糖2%,琼脂0.5%,pH值6.0的培养基上,生根率高达83.33%。培养条件为:每日光照12小时,光强2000lx,空气相对湿度70%,温度26±2℃。毛叶枣的移栽也获得成功。其方法为:移栽前先封口炼苗14天,再打开封口炼苗2天,然后移栽。以蛭石:营养土(2:1)为移栽基质,移栽完毕后,淋透水,用塑料薄膜覆盖1周,每日上午10点前,下午4点后透气各10分钟,保持环境的相对湿度80%以上。春季移栽成活率高达90.2%。 根据台湾青枣试管苗生根困难而毛叶枣生根相对容易的特点,本论文还对毛叶枣与台湾青枣的微嫁接技术进行研究。结果表明,低浓度的激素和蔗糖的用量对接穗成活有利,另外,培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mg/L+IBA0.05mg/L+蔗糖1.0%+活性炭3%时,接穗的成活率达到15%。

【Abstract】 Zizyphus mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao is a tropic fruit tree and propagation by grafting costs a lot of time. In order to search a fast way of propagation, the microprogation techniques of Zizyphus mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao were studied in this present. The process includes explants collection, sterilization, establishment of asepsis culture system, multiplication and rooting. Shoot tip and stem segment from one year-old lusty branches in the spring and in the autumn were used as the explants. After being sterilized in 70% alcohol for 30s and then in 0.1% HgCl2 for 3.5 min for shoot tip or in 70% alcohol for 30s and then in 0.1% HgCl2 for 4.5 min for stem segment, the pollution and the browning rate of the explants reached a rather low level. There was no remarkable difference in the initial culture of the four ber varieties (Wuqianzhong, Huangguan, Gaolangyihao, Mizao). The MS basic medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L 6-BA, 0.1 mg/L IBA was the best initiation medium, in which the germination rate can reach 84.6%. Remarkable difference existed in the multiplication media of the four ber varieties. The new basic medium was composed of the macro-elements, organic substances, iron salts (all the three from MS basic medium) and the micro-elements (from meliorated MS), supplemented with 1.5 mg/L 6-BA and 0.3 mg/L IBA, which was the relatively suitable multiplication medium for Wuqianzhong. 0.5% agar and 3%sucrose were supplemented to all the media above with a pH of 6.0. As etiolation was serious and rooting was diffcult for Z mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao, the best multiplication and rooting media of the ber varieties should be further studied.Based on the previous work, the rooting and transplanting techniques of Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. were studied in this present. The rooting medium for Z. mauritiana Lam. was 1/2MS basic medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IBA , 0.4 mg/L NAA, 0.5% agar, 2% sucrose, and the pH of the medium was 6.0, in which the rooting rate reached 83.33% with the average root length of 1.38 cm and average root quantities of 4.86. The temperature in the tissue culture room was adjusted to 26+2C, with 12-hour illumination, light intensity of 2000 lx and relative humidity of 70%. Before being transplanted to a mixture of the vermiculite and the nutritious soil of 2:1(V/V), the seedlings were exposed to the greenhouse for 14 days with seals and 2 days without seals. Then the seedlings were saturated with water and covered with plastic film for one week and exposed to the air for ten minutes twice a day. After one month, the seedlings could be transplanted into the plastic cups or the cropland. The survivalrate of the seedlings was 90.2% in the spring.The rooting of Z mauritiana Lam. was easier than that of Z mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao, in order to resolve the rooting problem of Z mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao, the micrografting between Z mauritiana cv. Taiwanqingzao and Z mauritiana Lam. was studied in this present.The results were showed that the low dosage of sucrose and plant hormone was propitious to the survival of cions. In addition, the survival rate of cions was 15% in MS basic medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 6-BA , 0.05 mg/L IBA, 1.0% sucrose and 3% active carbon.

  • 【分类号】S665.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】326

