

A Study on Mycorrhizal Container Nursery Technique of Castanea Mollissima

【作者】 石青莲

【导师】 郭素娟;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 板栗(Castanes mollissima)是我国名优树种,其果实营养丰富,深受国内外消费者的喜爱,因此,开发板栗市场前景广阔。然而,目前板栗主要以大田实生繁殖为主,由于其苗木的直根性,且根系再生能力差,致使苗木移栽造林时伤根严重,缓苗极慢,结实较晚。而容器苗与菌根菌相结合,则为提高板栗造林成活率提供了一条捷径。 本文以怀柔燕山板栗为对象进行菌根化容器育苗试验,重点筛选了营养土的配方、菌根菌的最佳接种组合及接种方式。同时对板栗菌根菌进行了分离、纯化与培养。旨在提出适宜于板栗容器育苗的配套技术措施。 结果表明:由表土(50%)、河沙(25%)、草炭土(23%)和过磷酸钙(2%)配制成的营养土是培育板栗容器苗的理想配方。其理化指标范围为:全氮0.207%~0.335%,速效磷26.2mg/kg~29.6mg/kg,速效钾167.22mg/kg~339.31mg/kg,有机质3.46%~8.43%,有效铁5.135mg/kg~6.843mg/kg,有效锰2.58 mg/kg~13.52mg/kg,有效铜0.436mg/kg~1.133mg/kg,有效锌0.98mg/kg~4.27mg/kg,水溶性硼0.314mg/kg~0.718mg/kg,pH值5.56~6.89,容重0.494g/cm~3~0.820g/cm~3,孔隙度72.73%~77.83%。 红绒盖牛肝菌(Xerocomus chrysenteron)和绵毛丝膜菌(Cortinarius sublanatus)混合接种效果最佳,且以固体菌剂为好。 从大田板栗苗根部取样,进行分离、纯化和培养,成功地分离到一个菌种,但其分类地位还有待于进一步鉴定。

【Abstract】 Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) is an important tree species in China, and nutrition of fruit is abundance. Because its fruit is liked by domestic and international consumers very much, Castanea mollissima has vast development foreground. However, Castanea mollissima cultivation is prior to field seedling propagation now, owing to its taproot characteristic and feeble regeneration capability of root system, lead to injure root seriously when seedlings transplant forestation, revive seedling slowly and fruit late. But the combination of container seedling and mycorrhizal fungi offers a crosscut for improving forestation survival rate of Castanea mollissima.This paper prosecutes container nursery experiments with Castanea mollissima cv. ’Huairou Yanshan’ as object, emphasis screening nutrient medium directions, the best inoculation combination of mycorrhiza fungis and inoculation measure. At the same time, the separation, purification, cultivation of Castanea mollissima mycorrhiza fungi are studied, the aim is to bring forward fit series technique measure for Castanea mollissima container seedling production.The results show that nutrient medium confected by surface soil (50%), sand (25%), peatmoss (23%), calcium superphosphate (2%) is ideal prescription for cultivating container seedling of Castanea mollissima , and its primary physical and chemical indexes scopes of nutrient medium are tha total nitrogen is 0.207%~0.335%, rapidly available phosphor is 26.162mg/kg~29.6mg/kg, rapidly available potassium is 167.22mg/kg~ 339.3lmg/kg, organic substance is 3.464 % ~ 8.43 % , rapidly available iron is 5.135mg/kg~6.843mg/kg, rapidly available manganese is 2.58 mg/kg- 13.52 mg/kg, rapidly available copper is 0.436mg/kg ~ 1.133mg/kg, rapidly available zinc is 0.98mg/kg~4.27mg/kg, rapidly available boron is 0.314mg/kg~0.718mg/kg, pH is 5.56-6.89,volume weight is 0.494g~0.820g/cm3, porosity is 72.73 %-77.83 %.The mix inoculation effect of Xerocomus chrysenteron and Cortinarius sublanatus is the best, and solid fungis substance is better.A fungus is separated successfully by sampling from the Castanea mollissima field seedling roots, isolation, purification and cultivation, but its classification position need authenticate further.

【关键词】 板栗容器苗营养土菌根
【Key words】 Castanea mollissimacontainer seedlingsnutrient mediummycorrhiza
  • 【分类号】S664.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】308

