

Discussion on Some Issues Concerning Green Space Plan and Construction of Urban-rural Fringe in Chinese Megalopolis

【作者】 贾俊

【导师】 徐波;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 由于城区内部绿地建设困难,面积狭小,零散琐碎,因此它对城市整体生念环境的改善十分有限。而在城乡结合部地区,由于地价便宜,可利用程度高,绿地建设规模宏大。因此,大力加强该地区的绿化建设就成为从根本上改善城市生态环境的有效方法之一。 但是,由于我国城乡结合部地区的各种城乡关系错综复杂,决定了该地区的绿地规划具有更加特殊和复杂的特点,以及更加综合的内涵和职能。然而,由于缺乏正确的规划理论指导和积极有效的实施措施,许多城市有关该地区的绿地规划建设仍然长期处于落后状态。 因此,本项研究的主要着眼点,并没有放在一般的绿地对城市生态环境影响以及绿地内部生态环境控制上面,而是从规划建设的实际出发,更加注重结合部绿地规划建设与社会、经济发展等因素之间的相互影响。着重研究结合部绿地规划建设的特殊性,以及由此给绿地规划带来的新问题,新方法。 本研究通过对我国该地区发展中存在的各种问题及其原因,以及国内外相关绿地规划理论及实践的系统分析,总结出该地区绿地规划建设的基本特征、基本原则和对策,最终由此建立起一套适合我国国情,对城市生态环境建设有着积极引导作用的城乡结合部地区绿地规划原则和理念。从而有效促进该地区绿地规划的科学编制和实施建设,以及整个城市的可持续发展。 本研究最终认为: [1] 城乡结合部绿地规划担负着许多一般绿地规划所没有的功能和任务,故应从社会、经济、环境等多个角度综合去考虑问题。 [2] 城市经济发展的强烈需求是不可阻挡的,绿地规划应协调好绿地保护与自身经济效益、以及城市经济发展之间的关系。 [3] 应以科学、务实的态度,运用多种规划手段,增强规划的可操作性,促进规划的实施。

【Abstract】 Because of small area and scattered layout, the effect of green space in the inner urban built-up area to improve city environment is limited. But in the urban-rural fringe, for the low land-price, easy acquire and large scale, the green space plan and construction there has become one of the effective method to improve the urban ecological environment thoroughly.However, due to many complex relations and problems of urban-rural fringe, which make green space plan of it more special and complicated. The plan itself also has more multiple intension and function. But now, for the sort of plan theory and implementation measure, the plan and construction has been in backward for a long time.So the main angle of this article is from the plan and construction practice, not the ecological theory of green space. It pays more attention to the mutual influence between the social, economy development and the green space plan, also to study the particularity, new issues, and new methods of urban-rural fringe green space plan.By analyze many kinds of issues about urban-rural fringe, and the green space plan practices related both at home and abroad, this article propose a series basic character and principles of green space plan of urban-rural fringe, which conform to the situation in our country and guide the city ecological environment construction actively. So that, the conclusion of this article can promotes the green space plan drawing up and implement scientifically and effectively, also the sustainable development for all of the city.In the last, this article conclude that:[1] The urban-rural fringe green space plan has many functions and tasks, which the normal green space plan has not. So that it should be considered from many angles of society, economy, and environment.[2] The city economy development demand cannot be resisted, so the green space plan should take a good balance between green space protection and the economy development needs.[3] The plan altitude should be scientific and realistic, and make the plan more operative, and enhance the plan implement.

  • 【分类号】TU985
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】874

