

Study on the Lignin Structure of Triploid Clone of Populus Tomentosa Carr.

【作者】 刘鑫宇

【导师】 蒲俊文; 谢益民;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林产化学加工工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国现有的以草为主的原料结构已经成为我国造纸业发展的严重障碍,发展木材造纸已经成为各方的共识。培育适宜纸浆基地林的树种成为当前最紧迫的任务之一。“速生、质优、成熟期短”是纸浆基地林对树种的基本要求。 三倍体毛白杨是北京林业大学毛白杨研究室运用染色体加倍技术和部分染色体替换技术培育成功的一系列新品种。它们具有明显的速生优势,是优良的制浆造纸用材。为了深入了解三倍体毛白杨的制浆漂白性能,本研究用硝基苯氧化法分析了三倍体毛白杨的木素结构单元,用红外光谱(IR)、核磁共振碳谱(13C-NMR)对三倍体毛白杨的磨木木素(MWL),木素-碳水化合物复合体(LCC)进行了研究,并对三倍体毛白杨进行了硫酸盐法(KP法)和碱性亚钠—蒽醌法(AS-AQ法)制浆,提取了两种未漂浆的浆中残留木素,用红外光谱和13C-NMR详细分析了其结构,最后得到了如下的主要结论: 三倍体毛白杨的木素结构中对羟基苯丙烷结构占2.22%,愈创木基丙烷结构占44.16%,紫丁香基丙烷结构占53.62%。与普通毛白杨相比,三倍体毛白杨木素含有较少的对羟基苯丙烷结构和紫丁香基丙烷结构,含有较多的愈创木基丙烷结构。因此三倍体毛白杨的木素降解应略难于普通毛白杨。 三倍体毛白杨LCC中碳水化合物主要是由木聚糖以及葡萄糖醛酸组成,其他单糖含量较少;碳水化合物与木素的联接主要是碳水化合物和愈创木基的联接,其中纤维素和木素有可能产生的化学键联接将会使制浆及漂白过程中脱木素更为困难。 硫酸盐法制得的三倍体毛白杨未漂木浆,浆中含有较多的缩合性木素结构和木素与碳水化合物复合体,不太利于后续漂白,而碱性亚钠-蒽醌制浆法对比硫酸盐法,缩合性木素结构和木素与碳水化合物连接较少,因此理论上分析,碱性亚钠法制得的三倍体毛白杨木浆可漂性较硫酸盐法好。 总的来说,三倍体毛白杨略为复杂的木素结构和其存在较多的LCC可能是造成制浆及漂白过程中脱木素难的原因;就制浆方法来说,碱性亚钠-蒽醌法制得的未漂浆可漂性较硫酸盐法好,较适用于三倍体毛白杨。

【Abstract】 All kinds of nonwood plant fibers occupy a great proportion in raw material structure in the paper industry of our country. It now has become an obstacle for the further development of paper industry. Increasing wood fibers for paper-making is understood and recognized by all sides related. So cultivating superior trees which suite to plant in pulp forest base is one of the most urgent tasks for now. "Grow fast, quality high and mature early" is the basic requirements for those trees.Triploid clones of populus tomentosa carr. are a series of new tree-types which cultivated by the Research Room of White Polar, BJFU. They grow fast because they have 1 more chromosome than normal clone, and they are excellent trees for pulping. In order to understand the detailed properties of pulping and bleatching about one of triploid clones Populus tomentosa Carr. , we extracted the MWL and LCC from triploid clone Populus tomentosa Carr. and the residual lignins in unbleached pulp by KP and AS-AQ, then the lignin building unit of it was analysed by nitrobenzene oxidation, and the MWL and lignin-carbonhydrate complex (LCC) and the residual lignins were analysed by means of FT-IR and 13C-NMR , The main results are as follows:Lignin is made up by three types of unit, p-hydroxyphenylpropane unit, guaiacylpropane unit and syringylpropane unit. The percent of these units in lignin of triploid clones is 2.22%, 44.16% and 53.62% respectively, There are less p-hydroxyphenylpropane units and syringylpropane units, but more guaiacylpropane units in the lignin structure of triploid clones than normal clone. So the lignin of triploid clones degrades a little more difficult than the normal clone.The carbohydrate in LCC of triploid clone of populus tomentosa carr. is mainly made up of xylan and glucuronic acid, and the content of other monosaccharide is little. The chemical bonds between lignin and carbohydrate are majority bonds of carbohydrate and guaiacyl, among them the chemical bonds produced between cellulose and lignin may make delignification more difficult in the process of pulping and bleaching.The pulp by AS-AQ had less condensed lignin structure , lignin-carbonhydrate complex (LCC) and carboxy group as compared with pulp by KP . we can infer that the bleachability of AS-AQ pulp is better than that of KP pulp.Sum up, the complex lignin structure and LCC of triploid clone of populus tomentosa carr. may be the reason that delignification is difficult in the process of pulping and bleaching. For the means of pulping, the bleachability of unbleached pulp by means of AS-AQ is better than that of pulp by means of KP.

  • 【分类号】TS72
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】278

