

An Empirical Study on Chinese Microfinance Sustainability

【作者】 严盛虎

【导师】 金彦平; 李学术;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 小额信贷可持续发展不仅有利于小额信贷机构自身的生存发展,而且有利于完善农村金融市场、促进贫困地区经济发展以及帮助贫困人口脱贫。本文对国外小额信贷实践的分析表明,国外小额信贷发展经历了“强调资金到户”和“降低操作成本”这两个发展阶段后,选择可持续发展作为小额信贷发展的目标,相关的政策制定与管理创新都是围绕小额信贷可持续发展目标而展开。文章分析表明,小额信贷走可持续发展道路是小额信贷实践的历史选择,是可持续发展的本质要求,同时也是小额信贷机构自身发展的需要。 我国小额信贷发展实践经历引进、试点和推广几个阶段后,当前正规金融机构——农村信用社——已经开展小额信贷业务,小额信贷发展既面临着新的机遇,也面临着一定的挑战。一方面,整个国家改革的市场化进程在加速,小额信贷发展也面临着市场化的压力;另一方面,“九五”以来的农村金融体制改革为小额信贷实现可持续发展带来了新机遇。尽管如此,我国小额信贷发展目前还处于初级阶段,面临着如何实现可持续发展和发展方向选择等问题。 文章根据我国小额信贷发展的实际情况,采用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,从小额信贷供给角度对我国各类小额信贷机构的可持续发展现状进行分析后指出:我国现存的各类小额信贷机构目前还没有能够实现可持续发展的目标。影响小额信贷可持续发展的因素包括:(1)人们对小额信贷与扶贫关系的认识;(2)政府的宏观经济政策;(3)小额信贷机构的管理水平;(4)区域经济发展水平和市场化程度;(5)社会信用环境。 文章最后,从我国小额信贷发展的背景与现实需要出发,在借鉴国外小额发展经验教训的基础上,从农村金融市场改革的角度探讨我国在促进小额信贷可持续发展时应有的对策建议,指出在政策制定过程中应该注意的若干问题:(1)要改变对小额信贷的认识与定位;(2)转换政府在小额信贷发展中的职能,要从完善农村金融市场角度制定相关政策,营造一个有利于小额信贷可持续发展的宏观经济环境;(3)要灵活制定小额信贷的利率政策;(4)要采取更加灵活和有针对性的监管方式加强对小额信贷的监管,避免小额信贷发展的风险,促进小额信贷更好的服务于贫困和中低收入群体。除此之外,在实践中,还应该加强小额信贷机构的能力建设,提高小额信贷的经营管理水平,这是小额信贷实现可持续发展的根本。

【Abstract】 Micro finance Sustainability is propitious not only to the survival and development of micro finance institutions, but also to perfecting the rural financial market, promoting the economic development of depressed area, and helping paupers get rid of poverty. According to the results of analyzing the overseas Microfinance practices, we find that overseas microfinance all target the sustainable development.Microfinance has been introduced to China for the same reason for poverty alleviation. Although many achievements have been gotten, there is a big challenge for microfinance further development. How to keep microfinance institutions survived? Considering China’s microfinance practice, taking measures of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and analyzing the sustainability of institutions that develop microfinance in our country from the scope of microfinance supply, the study points that China’s microfinance is developed at primary phase and all the institutions have not achieved the goal of sustainable development. Also the paper states that the following factors influence microfinance sustainable development such as (1) people’s understanding in relationship between microfinance development and poverty alleviation; (2) government’s macroeconomic policies; (3) managerial ability of microfinance institutions; (4) the extent of area development and commercialization; (5) social credit circumstance.In order to perfecting the rural financial market, based on the experience of foreign countries’ microfinance practice, the paper points out that sustainability is the necessity for microfinance development. The following questions should be given priority to considering in policy-making: (1) put microfinance in the content of rural financial system; (2) change the role of government in microfinance development; (3) enact more agility rate of rural finance; (4) strengthen the supervision of microfinance to avoid the risks of development. In addition to those, institution capability must be considered in promoting microfinance sustainability.

  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】2430

