

Identification of Aphids on Ornamental Plants in Beijing and Toxicity Test of Pesticides to Aphis Gossypii and A. cittricola(Homoptera, Aphidinea)

【作者】 郭一妹

【导师】 李镇宇;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 蚜虫是农林业上一类重要的害虫,能够造成很大的经济损失。蚜虫的危害常引起植物营养恶化,植物畸形生长。其中棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)、桃蚜(Myzus persicae)等数十种蚜虫可造成严重危害,并传播多种植物病毒病。 北京是伟大祖国的首都。植被类型丰富,生态环境复杂,在动物地理区划方面属于古北界和东洋界的过渡带北缘,因此本地区蚜虫种类十分丰富,区系组成成分相当独特。 随着城市绿化的加速,为害观赏植物的有害蚜虫数量正逐年增加,蚜虫对于这些植物的危害严重影响了北京市容。 关于北京蚜虫的研究,除1949年朱弘复整理过简单的名录外,张广学和钟铁森从1979年开始有过零星报道,直到目前尚未有一本关于北京观赏植物蚜虫的专著。 近年来,农药残留问题越来越受到重视,多种高毒杀蚜农药相继被限制登记使用。 鉴于此,本论文做以下研究内容: 本文采用比较形态学的研究方法,对采自北京各地区植物上的蚜虫进行了显微鉴定。首次系统全面记述了北京地区观赏植物上的蚜虫种类,共计9科64属148种,列出了蚜虫种类与寄主植物的系统检索表。对北京地区几种常见树木上的蚜虫提供了从寄主植物与系统学两方面进行鉴定的田间检索表,从而使使用者在田间可以直接将所采蚜虫鉴定到种。 对危害严重、能够造成很大经济损失的棉蚜和绣线菊蚜做了室内药剂杀蚜实验,结果表明:阿维菌素、吡虫啉、啶虫脒的药效均高于常用拟除虫菊酯类杀蚜药剂。且这三种药剂对天敌的杀伤力较小,残效期长,适用于防治观赏植物害虫,可供植保工作者选择使用。

【Abstract】 Aphids are very important pests in agriculture and forestry which can cause serious economic loss. Hosts attacked always show the symptoms of malnutrition and malformation. Among all aphids, tens of species represented by Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae are the most dangerous, many of which could spread some kinds of virus diseases.Beijing is located in the zone of transition between Palaearctic realm and Oriental realm by zoogeographical region, and which is affluent in vegetation and complex in entironment. Therefore, aphid species are abundant and the composition of the fauna is very particular.Along with the quickening of city virescence, more and more aphids on ornamental plants appear every year.Up to now, no monograph about aphids on ornamental plants was found except the simple directory by Hongfu Zhu in 1949 and the tiny reports by Guangxue Zhang & Tiesen Zhong in1979.People are paying more and more attention to the residue of pesticide in recent years and many pesticides killing aphids were limited to register or use.Microscopical identification is used by comparing the morphologic difference between aphids from different regions of Beijing in this article. Altogether 148 species of 64 genera belong to 9 families on ornamental plants were recorded and narrated. Identification key for aphids and their hosts were made respectively. Furthermore, field identification key for the familiar aphids in trees was made according to hosts and systematic s, and this made it easy to identify aphids on the spot.Indoor pesticide experiments were done with Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, and the results showed that the control efficiency of abamectin, imidacloprid and acetamiprid are all higher than that of pyrethroid. It’s appropriate to control pests on ornamental plants with these three pesticides because of the safety to natural enemies and the long residual life.

【关键词】 蚜虫分类观赏植物北京毒力测定
【Key words】 AphidtaxologyOrnamental PlantsBeijingToxicity test
  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】214

