

Studies on the Plant Diversity and 3S Aided Analysis Technique in Saihanba Nature Reserve

【作者】 王建军

【导师】 王建中;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究了塞罕坝自然保护区植被类型、群落结构多样性和物种多样性、维管植物区系特征、生物多样性保护与经济价值评价及3S技术在植被研究中的应用。 研究结果表明:塞罕坝自然保护区共有维管植物618种,隶属于81科312属;植被类型多样,可划分为7个植被类型25个群系;植物区系地理成分复杂,312属维管植物可划分成14个分布区类型,区系组成以北温带分布类型为主;濒危植物评价结果:保护区有国家二级保护植物1种,三级保护植物3种,均为渐危种;特有植物2种1变种1变型;河北新纪录种46种,其中,极危种植物5种,濒危种6种,渐危种24种,敏感种11种;经济价值计算结果:保护区直接价值和间接价值分别为2924.25万元和21259.36万元,间接价值以固定CO2和释放O2价值最大;确定了以保护区为主的生物多样性保护措施和保护区总体规划原则,并将3S技术应用于植被调查和植被分类研究。

【Abstract】 In this paper, The diversity of the vegetation type, community, species and the characteristics of the vascular plants flora, the bio-diversity conservation and evaluation on economic value has been studied systematically.Investigation indicates that there are about 618 plant species falling into 312 genera and 81 families. The Vegetation types are various, the vegetation in this region can be dived into 7 vegetation types, 25 groups of formations. The Geographical element of flora are abundant, those 312 genera are classified into 14 distribution type, the distribution types of north temperate are dominant.There are 4 kinds of wild conservative plants, those four species are 1 second-protection species and 3 third-protection species, and 4 endemic Plants. There are 46 new recorded plants of Hebei, among those there are 5 critically endangered species , 6 endangered species, 24 vulnerable, 11 lower risk species; The value of biodiversity was calculated which incuded direct use value and indirect use value one of 2924.25 millinon yuan and 21259.36 million yuan respectively in saihanba nature reserve , and release the value of oxygen and fix carbon dioxide is maximum among the indirect use value. The conservation measures of biodiversity was confirmed , which include the establishment of the nature reserve and whole planning principles of narure reserve, and applies 3S technique to the studies of vegetation investigation and vegetation classified.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【下载频次】269

