

Investigation on Ecological Design of Outdoor Space in Residential Area in Actual State

【作者】 安画宇

【导师】 周曦;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 人类住区室外空间环境的生态设计这个新名词频频出现在房地产业内。然而究竟什么是生态设计,它与以为的常规设计有什么区别,究竟在目前的经济条件和科学技术水平下,它可以走到哪一步,这在园林景观专业内尚无定论。为此,本文以人类住区室外空间环境的生态设计为题,进行了研究探讨。 以往的人类住区室外空间环境设计基本上以满足居民的生理、安全、社交与自尊需求为前提,在设计原则上考虑功能性、艺术性与社会性。然而自20世纪60年代环境危机爆发以来,人们越来越认识到保护生态环境,实现可持续发展的重要性,在人文与自然科学的各个领域内掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的生态运动。哲学、艺术、经济发展模式、生产生活方式等社会生活的各个角落无不受到冲击。生态设计这个新名词出现在建筑与园林景观行业内,它体现着人类尊重自然发展规律,自觉地以生态学原理为基础来保护地球家园,以实现大环境的、具有长远效益的生态平衡。 虽然在建筑界内,生态建筑、节能建筑、可持续性建筑等理论研究比比皆是,但在园林景观界尤其是居住区室外空间环境上,生态设计却是说的多做的少。为此,本文立足于已有的生态设计研究成果,将已有的设计方法按照适应性的生态设计和补偿性的生态设计两个类别归类,并借鉴生态建筑设计领域内的场地分析方法和全寿命周期理论到住区室外空间环境的生态设计上来。并得出目前人类住区室外空间环境的生态设计尚处于过渡阶段,需要以常规设计作为依托,在实践中,常规设计与生态设计必须结合起来应用。最后,总结归纳并探讨了具体的设计方法。

【Abstract】 The word of ecological design appeared frequently in the real estate. But what’ s the meaning of it, what’ s the difference of general design and ecological design, and how much could it do in actual state? All of the questions above are discussed in my paper.Satisfying the demands of inhabitant is the most important thing in the general design of outdoor space in residential area .But when the crisis on env i ronment occur, people wake up to the importance of reduc i ng of pollution and saving energy. The ecological movements extend all over the world. In landscape architecture .ecological design imply the respecting and cherishing to nature, and apply ecology as the principle to design.The ecological design in outdoor spaces in residential areas is more and more valued by people. Facing the problems, such as the confusion of concept and lack of design principle. In this paper, the methods of the general designs and the ecological design are compared, and principle and method of design are summarized.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】468

