

Studies on Tissue Culture and Somatic Embryogenesis of Parthenocissus Tricuspidata and P.quinquefolia

【作者】 冯大领

【导师】 李云; 孙振元;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 地锦和五叶地锦是葡萄科(Vitaceae)地锦属(Parthenocissus Planch.)植物中最常见的栽培种,是我国优良的垂直绿化攀援植物。本文重点对地锦和五叶地锦的组织培养及体细胞胚发生进行了研究,为地锦属植物的细胞工程研究奠定基础。主要试验结果如下: (1) 在引进五叶地锦的组织培养过程中,用种子作外植体建立无菌体系的培养基是不加PGR的1/2MS或B5培养基;芽继代增殖培养的培养基是B5+BA 0.5 mg/L+IBA 0.05(或0.1)mg/L+蔗糖20g/L+琼脂5g/L(以下培养基中蔗糖和琼脂的用量相同)或B5+BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.02 mg/L;诱导生根的最适培养基是B5+IBA 0.1mg/L;移栽成活率达90%以上。 (2) 通过试验得知,本地地锦品种启动培养时,最适合的基本培养基为B5,适宜的BA浓度为0.3 mg/L,茎尖是启动培养的适宜外植体;地锦增殖培养的适宜培养基为B5+BA 1.0(或1.5)mg/L+IBA 0.1 mg/L或B5+BA 1.0(或1.5)mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L;地锦试管苗生根培养的适宜培养基为B5+IBA 0.2 mg/L,经炼苗移栽,成活率可达到93%以上。 通过试验比较,本地地锦品种褐化较轻,而引进品种的褐化较严重。添加VC是引进地锦品种组织培养中防止褐化较有效的方法,比AC和PVP的效果好,VC适宜的浓度为1.5 g/L,褐化率只有25%。 (3) 通过体细胞胚发生的研究得知,地锦子叶在MS附加BA 0.3 mg/L和NAA 0.1 mg/L培养基上或1/2MS附加BA 0.5 mg/L和NAA 0.1 mg/L以及1/2MS附加BA 0.3 mg/L和NAA 0.2 mg/L的培养基上都能诱导产生体细胞胚;地锦子叶的叶柄在1/2MS附加BA 0.3 mg/L的培养基上也产生了体细胞胚,但体细胞胚的诱导率很低,最高只有18.8%。添加水解酪蛋白没有提高体细胞胚的诱导率,暗培养对体细胞胚诱导率也没有明显的改善。 五叶地锦没有体细胞胚的发生,说明不同基因型之间的体细胞胚发生差异是很大的。

【Abstract】 Parthenocissus tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia are plants of Vitaceae. They are good vertical greening plants in china. Tissue culture and somatic embryogenesis of P.tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia were mainly studied. All the results are beneficial character of cell engineering of Parthenocissus plants. The results indicate as follow:(1) In P.quinquefolia tissue culture, the best medium of seed explants is B5 or 1/2MS without PGR; The optimal medium of bud multiplication of subculture of P. quinquefolia is B5 + BA 0.5mg/L + IBA 0.05 (or 0.1mg/L) + sugar 20 g/L + agar 5 g/L (Sugar and agar contents are same in follow medium) or B5 + BA 0.5 mg/L + NAA 0.02 mg/L; Rooting medium of P. quinquefolia is B5 + IBA 0.1 mg/L. After acclimatization the survival rate of transplantation is over 90 %.(2) The experiments show that shoot tips are the suitable explants for tissue culture of P.tricuspidata(endemic species). In initiated culture, B5 is the best basal medium and the optimum BA concentration is 0.3 mg/L. The suitable culture medium for bud multiplication of shoots is B5 + BA 1.0 (or 1.5 mg/L) + IBA 0.1 mg/L or B5 + BA 1.0 (or 1.5 mg/L) + NAA 0.05 mg/L. The shoot rooting medium is B5 + IBA 0.2 mg/L. The rooted plantlets are transplanted into the pots containing 1/2 vermiculite +1/2 perlite. The survival rate is over 93 %.By experimental comparisons the imported species has more serious browning than the endemic species in tissue culture. Adding VC is more effective method to lighten browning than PVP and AC. The suitable Vc concentration is 1.5 g/L and the browning rate is only 25 %.(3) Somatic embryogenesis from P. tricuspidata was studied. The results show thatsomatic embryos are obtained from cotyledons of P. tricuspidata which are induced on MS medium containing 0.3 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA or 1/2MS medium containing 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA, and from cotyledon petioles which are induced on 1/2MS medium containing 0.3 mg/L BA. The somatic embryos induction rate is very low. The highest induction rate is only 18.8 %. Adding CH into the medium and dark culture have no effects on somatic embryogenesis of P.tricuspidata.P.quinquefolia have no somatic embryogenesis. The results confirm that different genotypes have large difference in their somatic embryogenesis.

  • 【分类号】S687.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】221

