

Studies on Environment Evaluation and Construction of Tourism Convalescent Area in Fuzhou National Forest Park

【作者】 刘雁琪

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 福州国家森林公园是国家十大示范国家级森林公园之一,是福州唯一的4A景区。经过三十多年的建设工作,福州国家森林公园已经发展成为福州市民日常休闲度假的理想场所,但由于其建成时间比较长,游客对于景区的景观已经十分熟悉。森林公园正面临着旅游吸引力有所下降的问题,如何能够合理的进行森林公园的二期开发建设,是关系到森林公园未来发展的一个至关重要的问题,是实现森林公园可持续发展的必由之路。 对于一个自然环境为主的景区,生态环境质量的好坏是评价其景观质量的最为重要的因素,而福州国家森林公园作为一个国家级的十大示范公园在此之前还从未系统的做过这方面的评测工作,正所谓“水背源则流竭,木无根则不长”只有全面准确的掌握了森林公园内各区域的生态环境质量的具体情况,才能在进一步二期的景观建设中做到有的放矢,箭不虚发。 本文针对森林公园旅游静养区建设研究,于2003年7月和11月间两次到福州国家森林公园实地进行了旅游生态环境质量的测定与旅游视觉环境质量的评价工作,并在市区进行了对比性的试验。在环境因子的选取上我们主要选取了与人们健康关系比较密切的空气负离子、可吸入颗粒物、空气中细菌含量、以及环境中的噪音状况四个因子进行评测。通过评测研究得出了如下结论:福州国家森林公园内的环境质量远远优于福州市区,是理想的休闲静养场所。在公园内各景观区域中兰苑、古藤、刻字潭三个景观区域的环境质量最为优越,非常适合进行旅游静养区的规划与建设工作。 在方法上采用定量与定性相结合的方法。在客观评测的基础上选取出了适宜的基址区域,为随后的建设工作奠定了坚实的基础,并进一步进行了整个静养区的景观规划与项目的设计工作,在静养区项目设计中引人园艺医疗、森林氧吧、有氧健康步道等对人体健康有宜的活动项目,让来公园中的人们能更加深入地利用森林资源,达到强身健体的目的。森林环境资源与国民健康的密切关系还不为大多数人所了解,本文研究的一个主要目的就是为这一方面的评价和建设工作,提供一个比较完善的可供借鉴的方法体系。

【Abstract】 Fuzhou National Forest Park is one often top parks of china. It is the only 4A scenery spot in Fuzhou. After 30years construction, Fuzhou National Forest Park has become an ideal area to spend the leisure time for residenters of Fuzhou. Because the national park has been there for a long time, and the residents are very familiar with the whole area, the Fuzhou national park is just losing its attraction. How could we do reasonable reconstruction and exploitation is a very important thing to the future development of the national park. And it is the only way through which the Fuzhou national park could achieve containable development.When a natural spot is talked about, the eco-environment quality is the most important factor that we have to consider about. Fuzhou national park, as one of the top ten national parks of china, has not make this kind of eco-environment evaluation till now. People always say that a tree could not grow up if there is not a root. If only people well know the detail of eco-environment condition in different areas of the park they can make the following construction job just hit the aim.We went to Fuzhou national park twice in July and November 2003, and finished the job of eco-environment quality evaluation and vision quality evaluation. At the same time we make the construct experimentation at urban area. When we choose the environment factors, the factors that have important relationship with person’s heaths are chose first, they are Air Anion air dusts bacterial content and environment noise. The following conclusion are reached: the eco-environment quality in the park are much better than the city zone of fuzhou, and lanyuan, kezitan, guteng, are ideal areas for convalescent area.The method of fix quantify is combined with the method of determine the nature to finish the whole research. At the basic of impersonality measure we find the ideal area to continue our reconstruction. And we continue progress the job of convalesce layout and item design. At the process of convalescent area design we bring in the item of horticultural therapy forest oxygen bar, and health walkway and some other activities thatcan do good to people’s health. The tourist could through use this kind of methods to utilize the forest resource to promote their health condition. The relationship of forest environment and people’s health is still not well known by many people. And one main aim of my research is to find a consummate evaluation and construction system.

  • 【分类号】X820;TU986
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】631

