

The Comparative Study on Pistil Development in Two Different Kinds of Flowers of Xanthoceras Sorbifolia Bunge

【作者】 胡青

【导师】 李凤兰; 高述民;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 植物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 文冠果属杂性花,即两性花(孕花)与雄花(不孕花)同株。在花性别分化的早期即两种类型花在蕾期时,花器官结构基本相同,雄蕊、雌蕊都存在。但经过花的性别决定后,位于侧芽形成花序上的小花,其雌蕊发生选择性败育,因而成为不孕花(雄花)。 本文通过对文冠果不同发育时期的两性花和雄花的细胞及形态解剖学观察,初步确定了雄花中雌蕊选择性败育的时期,即珠心还未形成大孢子母细胞时就开始败育。 通过对两种不同类型花中雌蕊同工酶酶谱的分析,找到了一些特殊的酶带,如α-淀粉酶酶谱中的A1和C1,过氧化物酶酶谱中的B1、B2、B8、B9和B7。这些酶带的出现或消失都与雌蕊发育或败育过程中的生理生化反应相关。 通过对上述两种不同类型雌蕊蛋白质双向电泳结果的分析,找到了与雌蕊败育相关的差异蛋白点,如A1、A2和D1、D2、D3,它们可能与子房萎缩、胚珠不正常发育过程有关。另外,有一些蛋白点可能会在促进子房膨大、胚珠发育方面起作用,如B1、B2、B3和C1、C2,推测与雌蕊的正常发育相关。 进一步深入的研究将对差异蛋白点及特殊酶带进行结构和功能分析,寻找与育性相关的基因。

【Abstract】 Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge is polygamous flower and it is andromonoecious. The two kinds of flowers (male flower and bisexual flower) have similar structures of floral organ during the early stage of sex differentiation. They both have stamen and pistil. But after sex differentiation the florets in lateral buds become male flowers because selective abortion happens in pistil.Some morphological and anatomical observations on both male and bisexual flowers were made in different developmental stages. The right stage when the selective abortion happened in male flower was ascertained preliminarily. The result was that the ovule in ovary of male flower abored when the megasporocyte was not formed in nucellar tissue.Some special isozyme bands found in the two types of flowers in our experiment were relative to the physiological and biochemical changes during the pistil development or abortion.The differential proteins related to the abortion were also found after the result of tow-dimentional polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis was analyzed. These proteins may be related to the wilting of ovary and the abnormal development of ovule. Other proteins which may promote expanding of ovary and development of ovule were also found. They were inferred to be the proteins which was related to normal development of pistil.The structure and function of these proteins and isozyme bands need to be analyzed in advanced researches and finally special genes related to the abortion will be found.

  • 【分类号】S794.9
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】371

