

Study on the Development of the Suggestions to Shanxi Flexible Employment

【作者】 何建宁

【导师】 孙红湘;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 就业问题是当今社会普遍存在的一个重大问题,而灵活就业方式则是解决这一问题的最有效途径。尽管传统的正规就业在目前依然占有相当大的规模和比例,但在解决不同就业群体的就业问题和消除贫困以及适应企业多种生产经营需要等方面,灵活就业的作用则显得更为突出。本文共分两大部分。在论文的第一部分,笔者首先从灵活就业的有关概念出发,然后追溯了灵活就业的前身,并对传统经济学派就业理论中灵活就业观点的萌芽进行了分析和提出了借鉴,之后又对当今世界国内外灵活就业的研究现状做了进一步的阐述说明。论文的第二部分是本文的主要部分。笔者运用理论分析模型,以陕西省灵活就业现状为实例进行了实证分析,并对陕西省未来的灵活就业形势做了理论预测。实证部分的研究对象主要是下岗弱势就业群体、农村剩余劳动力和陕西丰富的高素质人才,以此来说明灵活就业适合于各类就业群体以及灵活就业的可行性。主要内容如下:(1)通过理论分析和实际调研说明灵活就业对传统正规就业具有替代效应,这种替代效应主要体现在对用人单位,它可以给带来更多的经济效益,对社会,在相同雇佣成本条件下,它可以增加更多的就业岗位。(2)灵活就业分布的主要部门是中小企业、非公有制经济和第三产业。本文对陕西省当前的就业供求特征进行了实证分析,又对陕西省当前不同的就业群体进行了实证考察,得出的结论是,灵活就业能够产生积极有效的社会效果。当然,作为一种市场化的就业方式,灵活就业在发挥其重要作用的同时,在某些领域还存在许多问题和负面影响,这就要求在全社会范围内要形成合理的社会共同规范,不论是国家还是地方,是政府还是企业,在其制定的就业政策中,一定要有一套完整的灵活就业支持体系,为灵活就业提供多方面的就业保护和扶持,以促进其朝着现代化的方向健康发展。

【Abstract】 Unemployment is a severe social problem in the world, while flexible patterns of employment are the most effective way to solve this problem. Although at present tradition jobs are more than flexible jobs, they in fact are giving way to flexible,temporary , and task-based contractual relationship.This paper is divided into two parts. The first section starts from the related concepts of flexible patterns of employment, then dates back to its predecessor, also the employment theories of traditional economic school of thoughts are analyzed at the same time, especially their flexible employment standpoints. At last, this part illustrates the domestic and international flexible employment situation in present world.The major section is the second section. In this section, according to the present employment condition in Shanxi, though using theory models and positive analysis, this paper estimates the future situation of shanxi flexible employment. The researched objects are mainly workers out of job, village surplus labor force and high quality people.The positive analysis is divided into following sections, there are (1) through theoretical analysis and actual investigation , we can see that flexible patterns of employment can take the place of traditional paternalistic patterns of employment, this replacement reflects that to an enterprise flexible patterns of employment can yield more profit and to society it can offer more jobs with the same employment cost. (2) flexible patterns of employment mainly distribute in small business enterprise, nonpublic ownership economy and tertiary industry. The paper positively analyses the present characteristic of labor supply and demand in Shanxi , and in combination with the actual investigation on different employed groups, reaching the conclusion: flexible patterns of employment can yield positive effects.Of course , as an employment pattern of market economy, flexible employment still <WP=4>has some negative influences while it plays a very important role in our society. This requires that either the national government or the local government; either the government or the enterprise should make out a series of policies to support and protect flexible employment, in order that it is promoted and develop to the modern direction.

  • 【分类号】F249.27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】234

