

【作者】 杜宪苗

【导师】 钊作俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自19世纪刑事实证学派兴起以来,短期自由刑问题在刑法学界一直争论不休,为各国刑法学者普遍关注,在争论的过程中,学者们深刻剖析了短期自由刑的利弊,并因此而产生了短期自由刑的存废之争。在经过长达一个多世纪的争论后,学界基本上形成了这样一个共识,即短期自由刑有其存在的价值,其存在能够满足惩罚犯罪,对犯罪进行报应的需要,有利于实现刑罚预防犯罪、防卫社会的目的。笔者认为,短期自由刑存在一定的弊端,但同时也有相对于其他刑罚方法的优点,因此,不应当简单的否定短期自由刑,进而废除短期自由刑;应当在充分研究短期自由刑利弊的基础之上,通过对短期自由刑的法理分析,发现短期自由刑的不足及缺陷之处,进而寻求短期自由刑的完善之路。在本文的写作中,笔者基本上是遵循这一思路的。 正文共分为三个部分: 第一部分:短期自由刑的概述。 在这一部分中,笔者首先讨论了短期自由刑的概念及特征,通过中外学说的比较研究,提出了我国短期自由刑的界定标准,认为我国的短期自由刑应当包括3年以下有期徒刑和拘役;接着探讨了中外学界对于短期自由刑的存废之争,通过对短期自由刑存废之争的探讨,笔者认为我们应当主张折衷说;最后对短期自由刑存废之争从法理上进行了评析,以期发现我们坚持折衷说,主张对短期自由刑进行改革完善的理论基础,认为应当保留短期自由刑,但需要对其进行完善,这样才是符合刑法基本理论的,才是符合刑罚目的要求的。 第二部分:短期自由刑的立法改良。 在这一部分中,笔者首先讨论了短期自由刑立法改良应当遵循的原则,认为短期自由刑立法改良应当坚持正义原则、协调原则、轻轻原则,以适应世界刑罚改革的大趋势;然后,笔者尝试着在基本原则的指导下提出立法改良的方案,认为,在刑法中可以规定短期自由刑的替代方式,进一步完善短期自由刑与行政处罚衔接的制度,从立法上协调我国的短期自由刑制度与缓刑制度,进一步改善我国的缓刑制度。 第三部分:短期自由刑的司法改良。 在这一部分中,笔者仍然先讨论短期自由刑司法改良应当遵循的原则,认为短期自由刑的司法改良应当坚持经济性原则、个别化原则、社会化原则,认为这些原则是实现我国刑事司法现代化必不可少的;然后,在基本原则的指导下,笔者认为,在司法实践中,应当注意尽量减少短期自由刑的宣告,注意更充分发挥缓刑的作用,改善短期自由刑的执行条件,完善短期自由刑与假释制度的结合,关注对未成年人短期自由刑的适用,发挥社区矫正在短期自由刑执行中的作用。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, it is divided into three parts; there are about 47 thousand words except preface and postscript.From 19 century, the problem of short-term imprisonment was debated all along and universally concerned by the criminal jurists. They thoroughly analyzed the advantage and fraud of the short-term imprisonment, and then they debated whether the short-term imprisonment should be abolished. The problem was debated in more than one century, now they reached a consensus, considered that the short-term imprisonment could satisfy the need of punishment and the retributive and it could take advantage of the prevention of the crime and the social defense. In this thesis, the writer considers that the short-term imprisonment has some fraud, but it also has some advantage. So, we could not negate the short-term imprisonment thoroughly and claim for abolishing the short-term imprisonment. If we study and analyze the advantage and the fraud of the short-term imprisonment, we could find the short-coming of the short-term imprisonment and we could find the way which we revise the short-term imprisonment.The first part: the summarization of the short-term imprisonmentIn this part, the writer discusses three questions, the first question is the conception of the short-term imprisonment, at last the writer considers that the short-term imprisonment should comprise the imprisonment not more than three years and the criminal detection; the second question is the discussion of whether the short-term imprisonment should be abolished, the writer holds that we should stand for the eclecticism; the last question is how to appraise the discussion, the writer hold that the short-term imprisonment could accord with the purpose of the punishment, though it should be revised.The second part: the reform of the legislation of the short-term imprisonmentIn this part, the writer divides it into two parts. In the first part, the writer discusses the principle of the reform of the legislation of the short-term imprisonment, and considers that we should hold the principle of the justice, harmonization, the tendency of the light punish. In the second part, the writer puts forward the plans of the reform of the legislation of the short-term imprisonment, they are the plans of replacing the short-term imprisonment, the joint of the short-term imprisonment and the administrative penalty, how to harmonize the short-term imprisonment and the suspension of sentence.The third part: the reform of the administration justice of theshort-term imprisonmentIn this part, the writer also divides it into two parts. In the first part, the writer discusses the principle of the reform of the justice of the short-term imprisonment, and considers that we should hold the principle of the economic nature, the principle of the separation, the socialization. In the second part, the writer considers that we should try our best to reduce the declaration of the short-term imprisonment, develop the function of the suspension of sentence, and improve the conditions of execution of the short-term imprisonment, and improve the combination of the short-term imprisonment and the parole, and pay close attention to suit the short-term imprisonment to the juvenile offenders, and elaborate the function of the community treatment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】367

