

Research on Strengthening of Market Supervision and Administration of the Industry and Commercial Administration Authority

【作者】 曹瑛

【导师】 范实秋;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 国民经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国改革开放20多年来,市场经济迅速发展,市场机制和市场体系在逐步形成。但是应当看到,当前我国市场的发展还不完善,还存在许多缺陷。市场准入不规范、扰乱市场秩序的多种违法行为屡禁不止,不仅使国家的利益受到了损害,也直接侵害了消费者和经营主体的利益,给社会造成了不安定因素。近年来工商行政管理部门按照中央国务院整顿和治理市场秩序的要求,加大监管力度,有效地整顿了市场行为、规范了市场秩序,使经济运行环境明显好转。随着我国市场体系的逐步完善,市场监管正在由过去监管单一市场主体转变为监管多元化市场主体,这就要求工商行政管理部门在市场监管执法工作中进行新的改革和突破,以适应新经济形势发展的需要。强化政府的市场监管执法力度,是完善市场体制的必然要求。工商行政管理机关是市场监管和行政执法的重要职能部门,担负着维护市场经济秩序的重要职能。加强市场监管已成为工商行政管理部门一项刻不容缓的任务。 本文以工商行政管理部门加强市场监管为论题,对市场监管的背景、意义、任务、内容及要求等进行了详细讲述;介绍了我国市场的发展现况和存在的问题;阐述了加强市场监管的必要性;分别从规范市场秩序,市场准入监管,企业信用工程建设监管,培育成熟的市场经营主体,打击各种违法违章活动,营造公平竞争的市场环境及工商管理队伍自身建设等方面,全面论述了新形势下工商管理部门如何加强市场监管和如何进行有效监管,以真正履行行政执法的职能。 本文组织如下:第一章介绍了市场监管的基本内容、要求以及我国市场经济发展状况及存在问题。第二章主要讲述了要认真规范市场经济秩序。第三章论述了如何对市场经营主体及经营商品的准入监管。第四章论述了通过构建企业信用工程来实现监管。第五章论述了监管的重点是培育完备的市场经营主体。第六章论述了打击各种违法活动,营造公平竞争的市场环境。第七章指出加强市场监管,要有一支高素质的执法队伍。

【Abstract】 It has been over twenty years, since the reform and opening of China. Meanwhile, market economy has been developed rapidly, and the market system has been established step by step. But the development of our country’s market is not mature enough. Many defects still have existed and there has been many market-doings that did not conform to the norm. These counter-normative doings, even some illegal doings have often destroyed normal tread order. Because of this, our country, business dealer and consumers’ benefits have been damaged. According to the requirement of the State Council, the Industry and Commercial Administration Authority has taken great efforts to renovate these counter-normative doings, and has got good improvement. With the market system perfection step by step, to supervise and administrate main-body of market has changed from multi-main body to single-main body. That mean market supervision and administration should be reformed to adapt to new situation. So, to strengthen market supervision and administration becomes an urgent mission of the Industry and Commercial Administration Authority.The topic of this thesis is that the Industry and Commercial Administration Authority has to strengthen market supervision and administration. This thesis introduces some basic knowledge such as background, concept and contents of market supervision and administration, current status of market development and existing problems, necessity of strengthening of market supervision and administration. And it also discusses the measures of how to strengthen market supervision and administration, for instance, market order normalization, market admittance, credit construction of enterprises, and fair competition circumstance build, etc.The thesis is organized as follows:Chapter1: introduce the necessity of strengthening of market supervision and administrationChapter2: discuss the normalization of market orderChapter3: discuss the supervision and administration of market admittance Chapter4: discuss the supenision and administration of the credit system ofenterprisesChapter5: discuss the stress of market supenision and administration. Chapter6: discuss to build a fair competition circumstance Chapter7: discuss the self-construction of the Industry and CommercialAdministration Authority.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F203.9
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】884

