

【作者】 郝碧峰

【导师】 郑志龙;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国村民自治制度的全面实施导致了农村村级权力结构的分化,而权力分化的必然结果就是权力间的斗争。当前,农村两委矛盾已经成为农村工作的“症结”。它的存在不仅使村民自治难以顺利实施,而且也一定程度上影响了农村的发展、稳定大局。 两委矛盾的形成有各方面的原因,其中过度行政化和过度民主化倾向是其最重要的原因,要消除隔阂,化解矛盾,关键是提高党的执政能力,改变党的执政方式(村党支部的领导方式),在制度层面明确界定党支部和村委会的职权,并充分发挥村民大会和村民代表会议的主体作用,从而协调两委关系,使两者形成良性的互动格局,促进农村经济社会的快速健康发展。 本文就当前农村两委关系的现状、表现形式、存在原因及解决对策等方面,分四个部分展开了比较详实的分析、探讨和论证。第一部分简要分析了农村两委关系的现状,列举了当前中国农村存在的比较典型的几种两委关系表象,多角度对两委关系进行了分析和归类;第二部分从历史、现实等方面分析了两委关系不协调的成因;第三部分针对成因,提出了解决问题的对策;第四部分从实践层面对部分方法进行了简单评价。

【Abstract】 The overall implementation of Chinese villagers’ self-governing has led to the disintegration of the power structure in the rural areas, which subsequently gives rise to the power struggle. Currently, the contradiction between the two rural committees is a crux for the rural work, the existence of which makes it hard to exercise villagers’ self-governing and to some extent affects the countryside’s development and stability of the whole situation.There is a diversity of causes for these contradictions, among which over-administralization and over-democratization are the main ones, so the key to removing misunderstandings and contradictions is to improve our party’s capability of managing the government ,shift our party’s ways of managing the government ,clearly define the powers of the party branches and the village committees, bring the subjective functions of the villagers’ conference and their representative session into full play. Thus the relations between the two committees can be reconciled to achieve an interactive virtuous pattern and promote the rapid and wholesome development of the rural economy.This paper falls into four parts concerning the present situation, manifestation, existing causes and measures to be taken. Part one briefly analyses the present situation of the two-committee relation in the rural areas, enumerates several typical two-committee relation in the rural areas and then analyses, categorizes the relation from multiple respects. Part two analyses the origins of the two committees’ reconciliation in terms of history and reality. Part three puts forward some measures to solve these problems in view of the origins. Part four gives a brief evaluation of some methods from the practical level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D422
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】265

