

【作者】 方东阳

【导师】 张琳娜;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前CAD/CAM的发展已经取得了重大突破和引人注目的成就,但作为机械产品设计和制造过程中的一项重要内容,产品的精度设计主要还是依靠设计人员的经验或图表,采用类比或专家系统的方法进行人工或半人工设计。虽然此类方法实用、可靠、方便,尤其是专家系统法在工程应用中也取得了一定的成效,但此类方法不能对产品的几何精度进行必要的数学描述,也不能对繁杂的影响因素实施有效的优化分析,因此难以实现CAD/CAM集成中精度信息的传输、共享与控制,精度设计已经成为制约制造业信息化发展的瓶颈环节。这其中形位精度因其被控对象结构形状的复杂性、功能特征要求的多样性和影响因素的综合性,实现其数字化的设计与控制难度更大。本课题就是在这样的背景下提出的。 本论文的总体研究目标是:建立具有智能化和数字化功能并存互补的计算机辅助形位精度设计系统,并着重对其中形位精度(公差)的数字化设计与评价技术进行深入地研究,为全面实现系统的数字化功能奠定理论和技术基础。其研究思路是基于新一代GPS的数字化分析描述技术,实现计算机辅助形位公差项目的分析与确定;分析典型零件中形位公差与尺寸及尺寸公差的关系,运用尺寸链技术、优化设计、特征建模等先进技术和设计方法,建立有形位公差参与的尺寸链并求解,达到用计算法优化形位公差值的目的;并利用Solidworks对设计和装配结果进行评价模拟。 本论文的主要研究内容是:(1)基于恒定类、特征和要素等GPS的数字化分析描述技术,综合考虑设计对象的结构、功能特征及相关影响因素,实现形位公差项目的设计;(2)在分析典型零件中形位公差与尺寸及尺寸公差的关系的基础上,利用尺寸链技术,考虑尺寸、形状、位置等特征的综合影响,建立有形位公差参与的综合尺寸链,并利用优化方法进行求解,实现了用尺寸链建立数学模型;(3)抽象各种尺寸链的“共性”,建立尺寸链模板;根据零件“个性”特点和匹配规则修改模板得到综合尺寸链;(4)尺寸链求解优化的方法研究;既利用传统的极值法和概率法求解尺寸链,同时也用蒙特卡罗方法对尺寸链进行优化,合理确定形位公差值;(5)基于Solidworks中的参数化建模技术和二次开发功能,利用面向对象技术VB,模拟评价设计和装配结果。 形位公差由于其特殊性和复杂性,其数字化的零件特征信息描述是基础性的难题。新一代GPS标准体系为从根本上解决几何模型中表达几何公差信息的问题,提供了理论基础和操作方法。其几何公差设计借鉴CAD及CAD/CAM中表面/实体的几何造型技术概念与思路,将工件的几何形体划分为七种常用的种类,所有的理想要素都属于七种恒定类中的一种,每种恒定类由本质特征和方位特征来描述。本论文基于恒定类、特征和要素等GPS的数字化描述技术,建立了面向CAX集成的零件特征信息模型,综合考虑设计对象的结构、功能特征及相关影响因素,分析并给出了形位公差项目的生成方法和规则。摘要 形位公差值的确定要受到零件功能、尺寸及尺寸公差、受力受热变形和加工方式等诸多因素的影响,因此建立数学模型非常困难。本论文利用尺寸链技术,根据形位公差与尺寸及尺寸公差的关系,考虑零件结构、功能影响等因素总结出形位公差参与尺寸链的方法,建立典型零件中有形位公差参与的综合尺寸链。总结具有同类零件结构和功能影响的尺寸链的“共性”,建立尺寸链模板并进一步建立尺寸链模板库;并根据零件的具体结构和功能要求制定匹配规则,调用模板并修订得到某一“个性”尺寸链。利用极值、概率和蒙特卡罗优化算法,建立尺寸链解法库,完成对尺寸链的求解进而实现用计算法确定形位公差值的目的。 根据并行设计思想,在设计阶段就应该考虑零件的制造、检验和装配的相关问题,因此有必要在设计时对装配结果进行模拟。本论文利用SolidworkS的参数化建模功能,建立装配体的三维模型;并采用面向对象技术VB对Solidworks二次开发,实现装配结果的评价模拟。 综上所述,通过本论文的研究和探讨,主要结论和成果如下: 基于GPS的形位公差项目的分析和设计,建立了面向CAX集成的零件特征信息模型,完成了形位公差生成方法的分析和规则的建立,为形位公差信息在CAD/CAM中的集成控制奠定了基础。 基于建模优化理论和尺寸链摸板技术,构造了计算法确定形位公差值设计系统,该系统具有实用性、集成性和二次开发性。 基于SohdworkS的参数化建模技术采用VB开发的模拟零件设计和装配结果的系统,该系统与前面的形位公差值设计系统一起可以完成零件设计以及装配结果的模拟,具有较好的实用性。 根据目前国际和国内在计算机辅助形位公差方面研究的理论成果和应用进展来看,各种理论都有其特点、适用范围和局限性,没有形成相对成熟的理论和应用技术。新一代GPS标准体系集合了各流派的理论优点,规范了面向CAX集成的几何特征信息描述机制,通过要素、恒定类、恒定度、特征、表面模型等一系列概念的互补应用,为从根本上解决过去几何公差设计中存在的问题提供了理论基础和操作方式。以此作为理论基础,更有利于实现计算机辅助形位公差设计

【Abstract】 Recently, the development of CAD/CAM have acquired great breakthrough and remarkable achievement .But as an important part of mechanical production design and manufacture progress , the design of geometric tolerance depending on the expert system or experiences of deviser on the main has been in manpower or half-manpower state. Although it is convenient, utility ^ reliable and having put to use in engineering, the expert system go against to accomplish mathematics represent of geometric tolerance and can’t do efficiency optimize analysis on all kinds of influent factor. It is difficult to realize tolerance information’s transmitting and sharing in CAD/CAM integration. The design of tolerance has become a choke point restricting to CAD/CAM on second development. under this background the task is put forward.The studying target of this paper has three segment. The first one is analyzing relations between geometric tolerance item and ideal feature .. orientation feature based on the technologies of digital analyzing and describing . The relations will be basis to fulfill computer aided auto-forming geometric tolerance item. The second one is though opening out connections among geometric tolerance, dimension and dimension tolerance, using advanced technology and design means as dimension-chain technology optimization design feature modeling to build dimension-chain including geometric tolerance and evaluate it. Reaching the goal of optimizing geometric tolerance value . The third one is evaluating and simulating the result of design and assembly.The contents of this paper are as follows: (l)Based on GPS digital analyzing and describing technology, such as stable class characteristic and feature etc., considering the construct , capable feature and correlation influence factor of the design object, so the design of geometric tolerance is carried out; (2) Under analysis the relationship among geometric tolerance dimension tolerance and dimension of the classic part, considering the combination influences of dimension shape and place etc. by dimension-chain technology, synthesis dimension-chain is set up in which the geometric tolerance take part, simultaneity , it is evaluated by optimized method, so the mathematical model by dimension-chain is realized. (3)Abstracting the commonness of all kinds of dimension-chain, the template of dimension-chain is established; according to the character of separate part and the match rule, the template is modified and a synthesized dimension-chain is obtained. (4) With the traditional method of extremum and probability method, the dimension-chain is evaluated, simultaneity, the dimension-chain is optimized by Monte Carlo method, the value of geometric tolerance is certain. (5) According tothe functions of parametric design and second development of Solidworks, with object-oriented technique VB, the design and assembly are simulated.For the structure of the object controlled by geometric tolerance is complexity, the requires of function feature are variety, and the affecting factor is synthesize, so the computer aided design and control for geometric tolerance, especially the digital design and control ,is very difficult. The new generation GPS standard system presents academic basic and operation method. In GPS standard system, based on TTRS put forward by Clement and technologically and topologically related surfaces , there are seven stable classes , which regulate the geometry shape of workpiece. Every workpiece is combined by one or more classes , and give every stable class essence feature and orientation feature. In this paper, with the GPS digital description technology ,such as stable class feature and element etc., considering synthetically the structure function feature and correlation influence factors, the created method and regulation of geometric tolerance are analyzed.The value of geometric tolerance of part is influenced by function . dimension and dimension tolerance distortion suffered by force and heat and manufacture method etc. ,so setting up t

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TH122
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】361

