

Start-up Study on Full-scale IC Reactor in Treating Alcohol Production Wastewater

【作者】 应一梅

【导师】 买文宁; 张雷顺;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 水工结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 内循环厌氧反应器(Internal Circulation Reactor,简称IC)是在UASB反应器基础上开发成功的第三代超高效厌氧反应器,具有占地面积小、高径比大、有机负荷高、出水稳定和耐冲击负荷能力强等特点。 本研究项目为辉县市酒精厂的委托项目。针对该厂规模小,土地资源有限,排放的酒糟废水COD、SS浓度高,pH值低等特点,选用IC反应器作为本研究厌氧处理设备。试验装置为自行设计的圆柱形钢结构IC反应器两座,分别为1#罐和2#罐。单体反应器容积为692.37m3,主体高18米,主体上部气-液分离器高4m。本研究探索了IC反应器处理酒糟废水的初次启动和二次启动过程,并对系统运行的工艺参数和反应器内颗粒污泥的性质等进行了研究。 IC反应器初次启动所采用的进料模型为Mn=350×(1+0.03)n-1。接种污泥为辉县市酒精厂自行培养的厌氧污泥,郑州市城市污水处理厂厌氧脱水污泥以及孟州酒厂厌氧颗粒污泥。初次启动时1#罐污泥浓度为13.40g/L,2#罐污泥浓度为10.85g/L。 2003年11月18日开始对IC反应器进行初次启动,至2004年1月11日结束,历时55天,反应器有机负荷达1800kgCOD/d。进水为玉米酒糟废水,COD浓度控制在15000mg/L左右,pH约为6.0,间歇进水,中温消化(30~40℃)。初次启动结束时,18m出水COD稳定在500mg/L左右,其去除率高达95%以上,9m出水COD稳定在700mg/L左右,去除率达到了90%以上。罐内pH值由6.0升到6.8,VFA从最初的1400mg/L逐渐下降到300mg/L,说明反应器没有有机酸的积累,反应器运行良好。初次启动结束时,反应器内污泥性质发生显著变化,1~3m处出现大量的颗粒污泥,9m处也出现了少量的颗粒污泥,直径在0.5~3.5mm之间,颗粒污泥的外观为灰黑色、浅灰色球形和椭球形。 IC反应器的二次启动于2004年2月9日开始,至3月15日结束,历时36天,有机负荷达4000kgCOD/d,COD去除率稳定在92%以上。进水于2月29日由玉米酒糟废水换为薯干渣酒糟废水,虽然其COD,SS,pH以及温度波动很大,但是并未对厌氧微生物的活性产生较大的影响。到启动结束时,反应器底部污泥中粒径大于2mm的颗粒明显增加,最大粒径可达4.5mm。此外,颗粒污泥的数量也较初次启动时多,第一反应室和第二反应室均出现了大量的颗粒污泥,污泥浓度有了明显的增加,1#罐污泥浓度21.5g/L,2#罐16.95g/L。对污泥进行镜检可知厌氧颗粒污泥为多种微生物构成的共生互营细菌团,组成的微生物有甲烷丝状菌、杆菌、球菌,一些鞭毛纲的原生动物(如眼滴虫,绿眼虫等)以及真菌等微生物,其中甲烷丝状菌为优势菌种。 IC反应器具有能耗小,占地省等特点,其正常运行之后不仅为辉县市酒精厂废水顺利达标提供有力的保证,改善该区域的生态环境,而且为该厂的废水处理节省了大量泞膺环厌葡…全勿反应器必理酒潜工业废次劣生…产趁后动研…芜,的能耗费用和基建投资,而且反应器所产生的沼气还可以创造一定的经济效益。

【Abstract】 The Internal Circulation Reactor (IC reactor), which was developed by Paques BV based on UASB reactors, can be operated at high reactor volume lading rates and high liquid up-flow velocity with low investment cost and space occupation.This full-scale study on alcohol production wastewater is a cooperative project with the alcohol factory of Huixian City. Because the factory is small and its production wastewater is characterized by the high COD, SS, low pH value etc, IC reactor was selected as the anaerobic reactor. In this study, two round steel-made IC reactors were designed which were called 1# reactor and 2# reactor. The single reactor is 18m high and its volume is 692.37 cubic meters. And the gas-liquid separator located at the top of the IC reactor is 4m high. The first and second start-up of the full-scale IC reactor in treating the alcohol production wastewater and the characteristics of granular sludge during start-up were studied.The influent model on organic loads was Mn=350 X (1 +0.03)n-1 in the first start-up of IC reactor. Inoculation sludge had three sources which were domesticated anaerobic sludge cultivated by the alcohol factory of Huixian city itself, anaerobic dehydration sludge of domestic wastewater treatment plant of Zhengzhou city and anaerobic granular sludge of the Mengzhou alcohol factory. At the beginning of the first start-up, the sludge concentration of 1# and 2# reactor were 13.40g/L and 10.85g/L respectively.The results showed that the first start-up of IC reactor could be finished in 55 days with COD loading rate 1800kgCOD/d. After adjustment, the COD concentration of corn alcohol production wastewater was about 15000mg/L and the pH value was 6.0 or so, then fed the wastewater to the IC reactor intermittently. And the reaction temperature was 30~40C. During start-up, the COD concentration of 18m was about 500mg/L and its COD removal was more than 95%, while the 9m COD concentration was 700mg/L and its COD removal could reach 90%. The pH value of reactors rose from 6.0 to 6.8. Meanwhile, VFA fell sharply to 300mg/L which was 1400mg/L initially. The results showed there was little VFA accumulation in IC reactors. A lot of granular sludge appeared in l~3m of reactors, and a little in 9m. The granular diameter was 0.5-3.5mm and its appearance changed into gray sphericity or ellipse gradually.The secondary start-up of IC reactor could be finished in 36 days with COD loading rate 4000kgCOD/d and COD removal more than 92%. The influent water was changed from corn alcohol production wastewater to potato production wastewater on the 29th of Feb. in 2004. Although its COD concentration, SS, pH and temperature fluctuated largely, the bioactivityof anaerobic microorganism could not be influenced badly. During start-up, the characteristics of granular sludge changed greatly. The granular sludge of 2mm diameter was increased a lot and the largest diameter could reach 4.5mm. Moreover, the number of granular sludge was more than that of the first start-up. And the sludge concentration of 1# and 2# reactor increased to 13.40g/L and 10.85g/L respectively. Through microscope, several types of microorganisms were observed in the granular sludge, such as Methaothrix, Methanococcus, Mthanobacterium and some protozoa fungi. And Methaothrix was the main bacteria.The Application of IC reactors not only solved the pollution of the alcohol production wastewater efficiently, improved local environment but also brought economic benefits to the alcohol factory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】777

