

【作者】 黄富成

【导师】 王星光;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 车子的发明与使用是人类技术发展史上的一个重要里程碑。世界上发现古车遗迹最早的地方是两河流域的苏美尔地区,年代大约在公元前4000年代末期,国内发现的最早古车遗痕为偃师商城(商早期)的车辙印,最早的车子实物遗迹则不早于公元前13世纪。目前,有关车子(尤其是双轮马车)的起源地与传播问题还没有较为一致的意见。从车子制造与使用所需的技术形成过程来看,中国古代独輈双轮马车出现的时代大约可推至夏代晚期左右:从形制上看,我国古代的造车技术远远走在了世界的前列,其特征为一衡、双轭、独輈、双轮、长毂、多辐,在系驾法上采用独特的轭靷式,并配以曲輈形制,使马车的性能大大优于直辕牛车。随着在实践中认识的提高及技术的发展,人们逐渐在舆底添加伏兔、当兔等构件,不仅平衡车舆,保护轴木,且有效地阻止了轮毂的内侵。由于轮的核心作用,其制作与安装更为精细,在对牙的制作与接口处处理工艺上、对辐的安装及毂的保护、利用等方面有效地解决了车子在运动时的平衡、减震、摩擦等一系列问题。同时,对轴木的保护与摩擦结构问题的处理工艺,亦说明造车技术的进步总是伴随着车辆在实践中的运用而逐步得到创新。迄至春秋战国时,由于技术手段的提高,车辆形制趋于多样化。至汉代,由于社会形势的变化,畅行千余年的独輈双轮马车终为轻便快捷的双辕马车所代替,但在技术手段及工艺形式上先秦车器奠定了后世的基础。因此,考察先秦手工业技术发展的流变不能不认真分析先秦马车的构造技术,所谓“一器而工聚焉者,车为多”,正反映了制车工艺的复杂性。从古人对各种日常力学现象的实际运用来看,这些技术的外现与理论形式无不出自于人们对实际问题的探索与解决,真实体现了人们对客观世界的感性认知水平。

【Abstract】 The invention and use of the vehicle is a millstone on mankind’s since and technology history.The oldest ancient carriage was be found in Sumer the Two River drainage area in the world. It’ s about 5000 years to date. In china, the oldest carriage rut was be searched in Yan Shi Shang City which belongs to the early period of the Shang Dynasty. While the ture of the two-wheels carriage vestige is later than the 13th Century B.C. in china. Up to date, the two-whlees carriage’ s creation place and dissemination way aren’t get a unamious agreement. However, the carriage should have been used in the late years of the Xia Dynasty’s. Its reasonable composition was superior to other countries in the world based on the special technology form. As far as the shape is concerned, China’ s ancient carriage has it’s own special traits.There are one heng, two yokes, one hitch, two wheels, long wheel hub,many spokes and so on on the carriage. With the development of science and technology, people add some woods to the axletree under the box in order to balance the box which can also protect the axle and preclude the wheel hub inside slip. Because realize the wheel is the key part in the carriage,people make and install more meticulous such as how to protect the wheel, how to make the wheel spoke and hub and so on which solve a series of questions such as the balance force, absorption of vibration force, frictional force and other force types when the carriage is runing. With the development of structure technology, the carriage shape have been simplicity and diversification since the Spring-Autumn and Warring States periods. At last, the one hitch carriage was displaced by the two hitchs carriage in the Han Dynasty. From the one hitch carriage structure history we can see the Chinese people’s handicraft technical level before Qin Dynasty which reflects the ancient people how to know the objective laws around the external world in some extend.

【关键词】 两周独輈马车构造技术
【Key words】 Zhou DynastyOne Hitch CarriageStructrue Technology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K875
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】415

