

【作者】 胡东杰

【导师】 靳建丽;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 公益的提倡和维护是现代法治运作所追求的目标之一。传统的民事诉讼法对公益的保护是有缺陷的,如何调度有限司法资源形成对公共利益的强大保护是值得我们重新思考和梳理的。民事公益诉讼即一定机关、组织或公民依法律授权就违犯民法、经济法侵犯国家、社会公共利益的行为提起的诉讼。公益诉讼被认为是保护公益的有效方式之一,但我国民事诉讼法仍未建立民事公益诉讼制度。为了使法律满足社会现实要求,促进社会进步,有必要对民事公益诉讼进行研究,以促进我国尽快建立民事公益诉讼制度。本文就民事公益诉讼作了初步探讨,望起抛砖引玉之效果。 全文分为引言、正文、结语三大部分。 引言部分主要概述了建立民事公益诉讼制度对维护国家、社会公共利益、发展市场经济、促进民主法治建设的重要意义。 正文共分四部分,对民事公益诉讼制度进行了深入系统的分析。 第一部分为概念、特征分析。首先分析了公益诉讼的先决问题——什么是公共利益及公共利益与私人利益之间共生与冲突的辩证关系,进而分析了公益诉讼、民事公益诉讼的概念,并着重从与传统民事诉讼比较的角度阐释了民事公益诉讼的特征。 第二部分比较介绍了外国法律中关于民事公益诉讼的立法规定及司法实践。首先介绍了英美法系中美国、英国民事公益诉讼的立法及实践,美国是现代公益诉讼的创始国,其已形成了健全的公益诉讼制度;继而介绍了大陆法系中法国、德国的民事公益诉讼的立法与实践;最后对一元诉讼启动模式与多元诉讼启动模式、直接起诉模式与前置审查起诉模式、事后追惩诉讼模式与事前预防诉讼模式进行了比较,从中得出了对我国确立民事公益诉讼模式的启示。 第三部分着重分析民事公益诉讼的法理依据及民事公益诉讼与传统民事诉讼理论的冲突及如何在法理上作合理解释。民事公益诉讼对传统民事诉讼的法理提出严峻的挑战。本部分首先从宪法的基本理念、当事人的适格理论、非刑事公诉权的角度论述了民事公益诉讼存在的正当性,继而分析了民事公益诉讼判决的扩张性与传统民事诉讼理论中既判力理论和程序保障规则的冲突及如何从法理上寻找合理的解释。 第四部分结合我国国情,提出了建立我国民事公益诉讼制度的构想。首先分析了我国民事公益诉讼案件的范围及条件、民事公益诉讼的四种形式即民事公诉、公民诉讼、团体诉讼、选定代表人诉讼,其中重点论述民事公诉和对选定代表人诉讼制度的改造:进而分析了民事公益诉讼中举证责任、诉讼费用的分担;最后对滥用公益诉讼的限制、对胜诉原告的奖励等其它公益诉讼制度进行了阐释。

【Abstract】 Advocating and protecting the public interest is one of the goals by the modern legal system. It is invalid for the traditional civil suit to protect the public interest. How to effectively protect the public interest is seriously thought by us. Civil public interest action is an action that the citizen and the party and the government suit for the country and social benefit that is defined in the civil and economic law. Public interest action is a valid way to protect public interest. In order to make law reflect reality and promote society’s progress, We need go on a deep research. I hope that the civil public interest action is established soon in china. In order to cast a brick to attract jade, this article intends to a preliminary research on public interest action.This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, body, conclusion.The introduction mainly outlines the important meaning of protecting the public interest, market economy, democracy and legal system caused the civil public interest action system in the civil procedure act.The body includes four sections and does the careful and deep analyses to the civil public interest system.The first part is about the conception and characteristics of the public interest action and the civil public interest action. Firstly this part introduces the preliminary problem: what is the public interest. The conflict and harmony of the public interest and the private interest is told in this section. Secondly this part introduces the principal topic question-the public interest action and the civil public interest action.The second part introduces the situation of the public action in the foreign country. Firstly this part introduces the situation of the public interest action of Anglo-America system such as America and British. Secondly it introduces the situation of the public interest action of Continental law system. Thirdly the pattern of the public interest action is compared in the two legal families. Finally, the study of foreign public interest action will be of great inspiration to the establishment of public interest action in China.The third section mainly analyzes the basic law theory of the civil public interest action and discusses the intense relationship between the traditional civil action and public interest action and how to alleviate this intension. Firstly the validity of the civil public interest is told from the theory in constitution and the theory of the quality of litigants and the theory of right of prosecution. Finally, this part analyzes the confliction and rational explanation between the civil public interest action and the theory of effect of court decision, and the theory of the procedural justice.The fifth section introduces the prospect of our country’s public interest action. Learning foreign experience and caring about our situation, we should create citizen action, civil public prosecution, party action and innovate representative action. This section discusses the scope of the civil public interest action and the expenses of the public interest action and the question of quote duty and other important procedural guarantees of the public interest action.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【下载频次】298

