

【作者】 李慧织

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文由前言和三个主体部分组成,具体内容介绍如下: 前言阐述了研究本专题的意义。 第一部分:业务过失犯罪界定。在这部分,笔者首先分析了业务过失犯罪的概念和类型,认为业务过失犯罪是指行为人在从事业务活动的过程中,因违反业务上必要的注意义务而导致严重的危害结果发生的行为;对业务过失犯罪的分类采用三分法(技术过失犯罪、职业过失犯罪与职务过失犯罪)和两分法(劳务性业务过失犯罪与公务性业务过失犯罪)都有一定的可取之处,但也均存在缺陷,更为科学合理的分类方法,有待理论上的进一步研究。接着着重阐述了业务过失犯罪在主体、主观方面、客观方面的特征,认为业务过失犯罪的主体,即业务人员,在多数情况下是特殊主体,但也可以是一般主体;所谓“业务”,首先必须是行为人基于社会生活中的地位而反复、经常从事的事务,其次这种反复经常从事的事务还必须是具有危险性的事务。业务过失犯罪在主观方面表现为行为人在具有注意能力的前提下,由于不注意而对业务行为可能发生的危险缺乏预见,或者虽有预见但轻信可以避免的心理态度,其中,判断行为人注意能力的有无应采取主客观相统一但以主观标准为主的观点,并且就具体的行为人来讲,具有注意能力并不一定就有负有注意义务;这类犯罪的主观罪过为过失而不是复合罪过。业务过失犯罪在客观方面的特征表现为:首先,其必须发生在业务活动过程中;其次,业务过失犯罪是同违反特别注意义务紧密联系在一起的,对特别注意义务的违反虽然主要体现为对规章制度的违反,但有时候也可表现为对有关约定俗成的不成文的操作惯例的违反;最后,业务过失犯罪在客观上必须造成了严重的危害后果,包括严重的实害结果和严重的危险结果。 第二部分:业务过失犯罪的处罚。笔者在此部分从应然的意义上探讨了业务过失犯罪的法定刑强度和法定刑刑种的设置两个问题。认为,在通常情况下,对业务过失犯罪的处罚应重于普通过失犯罪,但是当某些普通过失犯罪表现为行为人公然违反法律的禁止性规定而实施某些危险行为,并且这种危险行为所造成的危害结果并不小于业务过失犯罪时,对业务过失犯罪的处罚就应轻于普通过失犯罪;而且对于业务过失犯罪不仅应设置拘役、有期徒刑等自由刑,还应当广泛适用罚金、资格刑等附加刑。 第三部分:中外立法规定之比较及我国刑法的完善。在这一部分,笔者对中外刑法关于业务过失犯罪的规定进行了比较分析,并提出完善我国刑法规定的四条建议:其一,应在刑法分则中对业务过失犯罪用“业务过失”一词予以标明;其二,应加重我国刑法对业务过失犯罪的处罚,彻底改变刑法对业务过失犯罪的处罚轻于普通过失犯罪的普遍现象;其三,应适当增加业务过失危险犯;其四,应改变多数业务过失犯罪法定刑刑种设置的单一性,增设罚金刑和资格刑。

【Abstract】 The dissertation consists of introduction and three main parts as the following: The introduction deals with the significance of the subject.Chapter I: In this part, the author firstly analyses the conception, classification ofprofessional criminal negligence, then discusses mostly the characteristics of this kind of crime on its subject , subjective aspect, and objective aspect. The article emphasizes : Professional criminal negligence is that the actor breaks necessary professional obligation during dealing with professional affair .because of which grave dangerous result happens; Dichotomy and trichotomy about the classification of professional criminal negligence have not only benefit but fraud and it is important that we excogitate more scientific classified method; The subject of professional criminal negligence is mostly particular subject ,but sometimes is general one; The business within the meaning of criminal law is a kind of dangerous affair that the actor must deal with time and again basing on some caste.; The content of professional criminal negligence in subject aspect is that because of carelessness, the actor does not foresee the danger of act when he can do or though he has forecast the danger, he swallows that the harmful result can be turned away; Professional criminalnegligence has three main characteristics on objective aspect as the following : Firstly this kind of crime must take place in the course of dealing with professional affair,Secondly breaking special notice duty is the essence of this kind of crime, Finallythere must be grave harmful result.Chapter II: This part focuses its attention on the intension and type of penalty of professional criminal negligence. The author believes: Usually, the penalty of professional criminal negligence should be harder than that of general criminal negligence, but if the actor of general criminal negligence breaks publicly legal prohibitory provision and puts in practice some dangerous behavior, the penalty of general criminal negligence should be harder than that of professional criminalnegligence; There should be not only fixed-term imprisonment and constraint, but fine and capacity penalty.The final part: In this part, the author analyses the legal provision of China and foreign countries on professional criminal negligence. On the basis of this, she presents some suggestion on Chinese criminal legislation: Firstly, we should give clear indication of professional criminal negligence in criminal law; Secondly, we should aggravate the penalty to professional criminal negligence; Thirdly, we should add properly dangerous crime in professional negligence to criminal law; At last, we should change oneness of the type of penalty about professional criminal negligenceand setup fine and capacity penalty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】287

