

【作者】 朱小玲

【导师】 钊作俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 刑罚个别化是指在裁量和执行刑罚时,针对犯罪分子的人身危险性和犯罪的社会危害性所对应之刑的个别化。它最初是由近代学派针对古典学派理论固有的缺陷提出来的,古典学派主张人的理性能力是无限的,因而可以制定出一部完美无缺的法典,对付社会当中的所有犯罪现象,并进而主张严格的罪刑法定。在这种情形下,法官成了严格执行法律的机器,没有丝毫的自由裁量权。同时在裁量和执行刑罚的过程中因只注意犯罪的一般情况,忽视了犯罪的具体情况和犯罪分子的个别情况,丧失了刑罚的个别公正性。进而促进了刑罚个别化观念的形成。这一观念不断发展,在刑法理论占有一席之地。但是发展至今,我国刑法学界对刑罚个别化很少有人问津,相对于外国刑法学界对刑罚个别化研究欣欣向荣的局面形成鲜明的对比。而司法实践又呼唤着对刑罚个别化进行深入的理论研究,笔者仅凭自己的微薄学识对此略抒己见,对刑罚个别化进行研究。 本文的主要内容包括五个部分:一、刑罚个别化的本质,主要对有关刑罚个别化的观念进行了评述,并对之进行了内涵界定,指出刑罚个别化的内容包括刑罚裁量个别化与刑罚执行个别化。二、刑罚个别化的根据,对大陆法系当中的德国、日本、意大利,英美法系中的美国及俄罗斯有关刑罚个别化的观念进行了评述,并进而指出刑罚个别化的根据主要在于个别预防,并兼顾到一般预防和报应的需要,三、刑罚个别化与罪责刑相适应的关系,主要有包容论、并行论等理论,笔者认为刑罚个别化和罪责刑相适应原则是分别独立的,但在适用时地位有主次之分。四、我国刑法当中的刑罚个别化问题检讨,指出我国在刑罚个别化方面存在的问题和不足,并有的放矢的提出一些立法建议。

【Abstract】 The individuaiization of penalty means that judges must consider the specific character of the criminal and the crime when deciding and carrying off penalty . The article is divided into four parts.The first part is about the essence of the individuaiization of penalty. Author mainly talks about various views and praise on it, then author divides the concept into two parts.The second part is about the basis of the individuaiization of penalty. Author briefly tells readers about the view criminal scholars in other countries have on this problem, for example, in common law system and in civil law system countries. Then the author talks about her own view: it is a conception mainly based on individual precaution, at the same time it is also based on common precaution and retribution.The third part is about the relationship between the individuaiization of penalty and the principle of symmetrical crime and penalty. There are all kinds of opinions on this problem , such as complete individuaiization of penalty, theory of independence on their relationship and so on. Author is of the view that they are independent, when they collide, the principle of symmetrical crime and penalty must be firstly considered.The fifth part is about the situation of our country on this problem. Author simply talks about the deficiency and makes some suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】183

