

【作者】 申宏

【导师】 马松建;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以“论刑法中的赦免制度”为题,从中外赦免制度之考察入手,探讨近现代赦免制度的概念和分类,评述赦免制度的理论基础,并在此基础上对我国赦免制度进行了重构。全文由前言、四个主体部分和结束语组成,共计四万余字。 前言部分:介绍选题过程,阐述研究赦免制度具有的重大的理论价值和立法、司法意义,并对本文的大致脉络进行简要的归纳。 第一部分:中外赦免制度之考察。综观古今中外各国的历史与现状,赦免制度伴随人类社会的发展进程已走过了数千年的历程。在该部分,笔者从三个层次考察中外赦免制度:(1) 从古代赦免制度的渊源,大陆地区赦免制度,港、澳、台地区赦免制度三方面概述我国赦免制度的历史与现状。(2) 对国外赦免制度的发展与演进进行梳理,并主要介绍了法国、日本和俄罗斯的赦免制度。(3) 近现代赦免制度概述。赦免权的行使是否受到法律的约束以及有关机关的牵制是近现代赦免制度和古代赦免制度的根本区别点。该部分着重对近现代赦免制度的概念和分类展开分析和论证。首先将近现代赦免制度界定为:“国家从刑事政策的角度出发,对某些犯罪人免除其罪和刑或者虽然不能免除其罪但是免除或者减轻其刑的刑法制度”。而后,参照世界范围内通行的分类方法,将近现代赦免制度分为大赦、特赦、赦免性免刑、赦免性减刑和赦免性复权五类,并进行了全面的概述和分析。 第二部分:赦免制度的理论基础。作为刑法制度中不可或缺的一部分,赦免制度有着深厚的理论基础。该部分从赦免制度的理论争讼和赦免制度理论争讼评析两个层次对赦免制度的理论基础展开论证。在对以上“赦免制度肯定说”、“赦免制度否定说”和“赦免制度有限度说”进行概括介绍基础上,对三种学说进行评析。最后,笔者表示赞同“赦免制度有限度说”,并进一步丰富、完善了该说的具体内容。 第三部分:我国赦免制度的重构。笔者认为,赦免制度在我国被束之高阁多年是多种原因综合作用的结果,而赦免制度过于概括和原则,内容极其单薄、疏漏,缺乏可操作性是其中的重要原因之一。在该部分,笔者首先概述我国学界关于完善赦免制度的构想,并进行了简要的评析。鉴于我国赦免制度仅仅体现为《宪法》、《刑法》及《刑事诉讼法》中区区不足六条的法条,根本达不到“制度”的层次,笔者主张对我国赦免制度进行重构:(l)特赦制度具体化,建立死刑赦免制度、特殊犯罪的赦免制度和针对某些外国人的赦免制度;(2)赦免制度法制化,提出赦免的行使主体,申请主体,适用范围、对象及条件和适用程序法制化等具体内容。 结束语部分:对笔者关于赦免制度的立场进行重申,以避免对本文不必要的误解。

【Abstract】 Titled by "absolvable system of criminal law", the dissertation presents the conception and classification of absolvable system in modem times, from absolvable system in China and abroad. The dissertation states the theoretical basis and reconstructs absolvable system on this basis. The dissertation contains preface, the four main parts and the end, forty thousand words in a whole.In the preface, the author states the procedure of choosing the topic, important value of theory, legislation and judicatory. The author outlines the dissertation concisely.In the first part, the author introduces the inspection of absolvable system in China and abroad. From history and current situation of every country in accident and modem times, absolvable system has the experience of thousands of years with the development of the society of human beings. In this part, the author inspects the absolvable system in China and abroad from three aspects: Firstly, the author explains concisely the history and current situation of absolvable system in China from the origin of the absolvable system in accident times, in the continent, Honking, Macao and Taiwan; Secondly, the author induces absolvable system in France, Japan and Russia, hackling the development of absolvable system in abroad; Thirdly, the author introduces concisely absolvable system in modem times. The fundamental difference on absolvable system in accident and modem times is whether the implement of pardon right is subjected to restriction of law and organization. The author analyzes and states the conception and classification of absolvable system in modern times. Firstly, the author outlines it: "From the criminal policy, the state exempts crimes and penalty or exempts and lessens penalty though crime can not be exempted. " Then, the author outlines and analyzes the absolvable system in modern times. According to the common classification all over the world, it is divided into five types: general pardon, special pardon, absolvable remitting a penalty, absolvable commutation of punishment, absolvable rehabilitating rights.In the second part, the author states the theoretical basis of absolvable system, it contains deep theoretical basis as necessary part of criminal system. This part states theoretical basis of absolvable system from its theoretical dispute and discussion its theoretical dispute. The author sums up three theories "improvement of absolvable system", "disparagement of absolvable system" and "limitation of absolvable system", then, the author comments the three theories. In the end, the author supports the "limitation of absolvable system" and improves the specific?confects of this theory.In the third part, the author states the reconstruction of absolvable system in China. The author believes there are many kinds of causes that make the absolvable system in China having been laid aside and neglected for many years. The author thinks that the important one cause is its simple, its principle and its lack of manipulation. What is more, the author explains the ideas on its implement in learning community. According to its six articles in constitution, criminal law, and criminal procedure law. It cannot attain the level of system. The author raises the reconstruction of absolvable system: (1) specification of absolvable system and absolvable system on capital penalty, special crime and some foreign should be constructed. (2) It should be legalized. The author raises implement object, applicable object, applicable scope and object, condition, and special content on applicable procedure legalization.In the end, the author states her owns standpoint on absolvable system once more in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】394

