

【作者】 魏春明

【导师】 马松建;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 毒品祸国殃民,对人类的生存和发展构成重大威胁。毒品犯罪已成为全球性的难题,世界各国都对其作了艰苦持久的斗争。纵观各国立法,都将毒品的种类和数量作为量刑的主要依据。然而,在关于毒品数量的计算方法上,各国根据自己的国情,采取了不尽相同的立法。我国现行刑法第三百五十七条第二款规定:“毒品的数量以查证属实的走私、贩卖、运输、非法持有毒品的数量计算,不以纯度折算。”该款规定简单明了,但在司法实践中出现了一些无法回避的问题,突出表现在:一是导致涉案毒品数量大、但含量低的被告人处罚重于涉案数量相对较小、而纯度高的被告人;二是对涉及摇头丸、度冷丁等毒品的被告人,如果毒品数量不以纯度折算,则无法准确量刑。那么,毒品纯度在量刑中有何作用?我国现行立法应如何完善?本文拟从以下四个部分研究毒品纯度与量刑的关系。 第一部分题为:国外一些国家毒品纯度与量刑问题评述。介绍了国外一些国家特别是美国、英国关于毒品纯度与量刑的规定,深入讨论了美、英两国在毒品数量是否根据纯度折算的不同做法,指出国外在毒品纯度与量刑方面的立法对于我国具有重要的参考价值。 第二部分题为:我国毒品纯度与量刑问题的历史与现状。首先回顾了1990年全国人大常委会通过《关于禁毒的决定》后,学术界在毒品数量是否以纯度折算问题上的争论,并就此进行了评析。接着介绍了我国在此问题上的有关司法解释,并重点分析了2000年最高人民法院《纪要》中关于毒品纯度与量刑的最新规定。 第三部分题为:毒品纯度在量刑中的作用及原因。分析了毒品纯度在量刑中的作用,认为在量刑中应充分考虑毒品纯度的原因在于:一是目前我国对于毒品犯罪的立法还存在着死刑,二是刑罚程度的谦抑性的必然要求,三是有助于实现刑罚目的。 第四部分题为:我国现行毒品犯罪的立法完善。首先建议以刑法修正案的形式制定毒品数量与量刑关系表和不同毒品之间的换算表,其次给出了关于我国刑法第三百五十七条的修改建议。

【Abstract】 Drugs brings calamity to the country and the people, greatly threatening the survival and development of human beings. Drug criminality has become an increasingly thorny international issue, against which each country has been fighting a hard and enduring struggle. Each country regards the types and quantity of drugs as the main factors in sentence. While on the method that how to calculate the quantity of drugs, different nations adopt different measures. As stipulated in Article 357, section 2 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, the quantity of Narcotic drugs smuggled, trafficked in, transported, manufactured or illegally possessed shall be calculated on the basis of the verified amount and shall not be converted according to its purity. Although being simple and clear, it has some problems, one of which is that defendants with large amount but low purity receive heavier punishment than those with small amount but high purity, the other is that the judge cannot determine the accurate punishment where not taking account of the purity of some drugs such as Ecstacy and pethidine. Then, what is the role of drug purity in sentence and how to perfect our country’s legislation? This paper studies this question in four sections:Section I introduces the issue of relationship between drug purity and sentence in some foreign countries especially the U.S and Great Britain. After discussing the totally different practices in these two countries, the author draws the conclusion that their legislations are of high value to China.Section II deals with the history and status quo of the relationship between drug purity and sentence in our country. It reviews the public debate that whether the amount of drugs should be converted according to its purity since the Standing Committee of NPC passed Dicision on the Prohibition Against Narcotic Drugs in1990. Furthermore, it generalizes some judicial interpretations concerned and focuses on the latest regulation in the Summary of Forum of the Supreme People’s Court in 2000.Section III analyses the importance of drug purity in sentence and its reasons. The author points out that drug purity plays an important role in sentence. There are three main reasons: first is that there still exists death penalty in China at present, second is that the demand of the mildness of punishment and finally, the benefit to the implementation of the purposes of punishment.Section IV puts forward two proposals to the perfection of our Criminal Law. One is drawing up the relationship table between drug quantity and sentence and drug equivalency table in the form of Amendment of Criminal Law, the other is the revision proposal to Article 357 in the Criminal Law currently in force.

【关键词】 毒品犯罪毒品纯度量刑
【Key words】 drug criminalitydrug puritysentence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】381

