

【作者】 秦玉光

【导师】 吴洪;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 精神损害赔偿,作为民事责任制度的一种,是法律强制侵权人向受害人支付一笔金钱,在于补偿因民事违法行为侵害受害人人格权所受到的精神损害赔偿和抚慰受害人的精神痛苦。 本文围绕建立精神损害赔偿制度,分四个部分对该制度的基本理论、立法沿革及比较研究,法律适用和对精神损害赔偿立法的完善进行研究和探讨。 第一部分 主要阐述了精神损害赔偿的基本理论。精神损害指身体遭受侵害,精神受到恐吓,名誉、荣誉被抵毁,感情受到伤害,精神遭到刺激,及社会对受害人名誉、荣誉的贬损及类似的伤害。具有非财产性,存在独立性和单一性三种特征。精神损害赔偿是民事主体因人身权益受到不法侵害,使其人格权益和身份利益受到损害,造成精神痛苦,要求侵害人通过财产赔偿等方法进行救济和保护的民事法律制度。具有损害无形性,因果关系间接性及损害额不可估算三个特征。 精神损害赔偿制度建立以来,理论界形成了反对精神损害金钱赔偿和赞成精神损害金钱赔偿两种学说。反对各派从不同角度,阐述了精神损害金钱赔偿的不合理性,而赞成派认为精神损害赔偿具有补偿、抚慰受害人和惩罚侵害人三重功能。笔者认为,反对派各种观点与现代侵权行为法理论相违背,是不妥当的。赞成各派,虽从社会功能不同形成各自理论,但均认同精神损害赔偿具有补偿、抚慰和惩罚三大功能,符合现代侵权行为法理论。 第二部分 简述了精神损害赔偿制度的历史发展。精神损害赔偿是近现代民事立法发展的产物,经历了古代法萌芽时期,近代法形成时期和现代法完备时期三个阶段。 古代法中没有精神损害赔偿制度,但古代法中对人格权保护的法律措施是精神损害赔偿的前身。罗马法后期,损害赔偿之诉中亦包括对精神性人格权的侵害,精神损害赔偿具有独立的意义。近代法对民事主体精神性人格权的保护,沿袭了罗马法指引方向发展。16世纪以来,欧洲大陆法系和英美法系各国分别从立法和判例两方面建立了对精神性人格权的保护。同时,也完善了对物质性人格权的保护。现代法,以《德国民法典》的制订为标志,进入了完备时期。在现代社会和现代法制条件下,对人身损害给予精神损害赔偿成为普遍制度,精神损害赔偿成为保护民事主体人格权益,制裁侵权行为最有效的法律手段。 我国精神损害赔偿制度自清未民初开始建立。建国初期,受前苏联立法影响,从阶级观点认为精神损害赔偿是资产阶级制度加以否定。改革开放以后,《民法通则》对侵害一般人格权尝试精神损害赔偿制度,2001年,最高人民法院《关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》的公布,正式建立我国的精神损害赔偿制度。 通过对各国立法进行比较,笔者认为今后我国民法典制订中,应借鉴法国、瑞士的立法经验,采取列举主义和概括主义相结合的立法原则,扩大精神损害赔偿的范围。 第三部分阐述了精神损害赔偿的法律适用,根据学术界不同理论,结合精神损害赔偿的客体,从侵害人心理状态、产生的原因,是否直接指向受害人,侵权的标的及侵权的程度区分了精神损害赔偿的不同种类。精神损害归责原则,从现代侵权法理论,确定损害归责原则分为主观和客观两种归责原则,前者以当事人主观上过错作为构成责任的必要条件,亦称为过错原则,后者以特定的损害后果或致害原因为构成要件,有损害后果或致害原因才负责任,该原则被称为无过错原则或严格责任原则。精神损害赔偿的范围指与加害行为之间存在事实因果关系的全部损害事实中加害人所应当赔偿的部分,根据我国现代立法规定;精神损害赔偿范围限于人格权,监护身份权,死者人格权及毁损他人特定纪念物品四种情形。目前我国立法对精神损害赔偿用语不统一,笔者根据审判实践认为今后应统一定名为精神损害赔偿金或精神损害抚慰金。确定精神损害赔偿金数额上,除现行司法解释所规定的情节,笔者认为还应考虑侵权人的认错态度,受害人身份、家庭状况、经济能力等诸多因素。 第四部分根据我国现代精神损害赔偿制度立法、司法现状,笔者对审判实践中精神损害赔偿的有关问题提出了建议,认为应当从立法上予以解决。 民法中应扩大精神损害赔偿的范围,现代民法关于精神损害赔偿范围,不适应现实生活需要,具有明显的局限性,今后民法典制订中应增加对侵犯公民贞操权、隐私权、肖像权等方面权利给予精神损害赔偿的立法规定,对侵犯法人人格权给予精神损害的法律措施予以完善。 目前,我国刑事案件中受害人无权要求精神损害赔偿,笔者认为该观点不符合保护人权需要,赋予刑事受害人以精神损害赔偿请求权,体现了民法的价值趋向,是刑法理念的转变和进步,同时也顺应了各国的通行做法,建议在今后的刑事立法修改中,对侵害人触犯刑律的犯罪行为,应根据损害事实的程度及犯罪行为与精神损害后果之间存在的因果关系,确定刑事附带民事诉讼精神损害赔偿。 国家赔偿或行政赔偿是国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权侵犯行政相对人合法权益,并造成损害所应承担的赔偿责任。现行国家赔偿制度未规定行政相对人的精神损害?

【Abstract】 The system’s a spirit indemnity for. is compulsive infringement person of law facing victimizing the person paying first pen money, consist inning compensating because of civil case break the lawing the behavior violating victimizing the of person personality power suffering of civil case duty of spirit indemnity , conduct and actions with comfort to victimize the spirit of the person pain and sufferings.This text around establishes the spirit indemnity the systems, and divide four parts right should system of origin and development of basic theories, lawmaking and comparison the research, law apply with to the perfect proceeding that spirit indemnity lawmaking research with study.The first part, main expatiate the basic theories of the spirit indemnity.The spirit injures to point the body to suffer to violate, and the spirit suffer the intimidation, reputation, honor to be arrived to ruin , and the affection suffer the disservice , spirit to encounter the incitement, and the society is right to victimize the damaging of person’s reputation , honor and similar disservice.Have not property , exsit independent is with three kinds of characteristics of onenesses.The spirit indemnity is a civil case corpus to suffer the illegality to violate, make the rights of its personality because of the Human body rights with the body civil case law for benefits suffering the damage, result inning the spirit pain and sufferings, requesting violating the person passing the property indemnification the etc. method proceeding give reliefing with aegis system.Having to injure the invisible, cause and effect relation the indirect and injure sum can’t three characteristics of estimation.Spirit indemnity the system establish since then ,the theories field became the objection spirit to injure the money indemnification with approve the spirit the damagethe money to compensate two kinds of theories.Each parties of objection is from the different angle, expatiate the spirit injure the money to compensate of be unsuited to the reasonableness > but approve the parties to think the spirit indemnity to have to compensate, comfort to victimize the person to punish with punishment to violate the person three heavy function. The writer thinks, every kind of standpoint and modern infringement behavior method theories of opposition faction are disobey , and is unappropriate.Approve each parties , although from the different formation of social function each from the theories , all approve the spirit indemnity to have to compensate , comfort to punish three greatest functions with punishment > and match the theories of modern infringement behavior method.The second part, Chien’s state spirit history of system indemnity development. The spirit indemnity is a near and modern civil case lawmaking thing that develop, experienced the ancient method to sprout period , modern age method formation period is with complete period three stageseses of modern methods.Law measure that out of heart indemnity system of ancient method inside, but it is the precursor of the spirit indemnity that ancient method inside for the right of personality protect.Rome method empress period, indemnity meaning for it telling the inside as well including to violating of the right of spirit personality . spirit indemnity having independence.The modern age method aegis the right of civil case corpus spirit personality , along with the Rome method guide since direction development? 16 centuries> the European Continent law system is with the anglo-american law system is all countries established with judicial precedent both side to aegis the right of spirit personality from the lawmaking respectively, at the same time , and also perfect aegis physically the right of personality .Modern method , regarding establishing of German civil code >> of << as the marking, enter complete period.Under modern society is with the modern legal system term, injure to give the spirit indemnity to become the widespread system, spirit indemnity to become theaegis civil case corpus p

【关键词】 精神损害理论适用立法完善
【Key words】 the spirit injuresthe theoriesapplythe lawmaking perfect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】353

