

【作者】 曹雪刚

【导师】 张竞芳;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用了法哲学、比较法学、判例研究的方法,从信赖利益理论产生及发展演变的进程出发,对这一我国学者较少论及的合同法中的基础理论问题进行了较详细地历史考察及比较研究,提出了一些自己的观点和建议,以期对我国合同法基础理论研究有所帮助。本文将对缔约过程中信赖利益保护作一尝试性的研究。 本文整体上分为三部分: 第一部分,信赖利益理论的研究。论述了大陆法系及英美法系信赖利益及其损害赔偿理论的产生及发展,对于耶林和富勒的信赖利益理论的内容、产生的影响、理论发展及在司法实践中的运用进行了着重论述。信赖利益是民事法律合同责任及损害赔偿领域的一个基本概念,是不同损害分类的一种,在二十世纪三十年代,美国法学家富勒和帕迪尤在美国契约法史上具有纪念碑意义的论著《合同损害赔偿中的信赖利益》中“信赖利益”概念的提出,使自近代以来的契约学说发生翻天覆地的变化。 第二部分,两大法系信赖利益的保护制度。研究了信赖利益的两大保护制度即缔约过失责任制度和“允诺禁反言”制度的产生、发展、概念、理论基础、构成要件、适用及二者的关系;缔约过失责任,是指合同订立过程中,一方因违反其依据诚实信用原则所产生的义务,而至另一方信赖利益的损失,并应当承担损害赔偿责任。“允诺禁反言”,又称之为允诺后不得翻供或不得自食其言,是指根据诚实信用义务,允诺人所作出的赠与允诺或无偿的允诺具有约束力,而须加以强制执行。 第三部分,我国合同法中对缔约过程中信赖利益保护的研究。从理论研究的角度着重论述了我国合同法中对缔约过程中信赖利益的保护,包括:信赖利益的概念、信赖利益损害赔偿与违约损害赔偿、侵权损害赔偿的关系,建立信赖利益损害赔偿的意义,缔约责任的建立及特点,信赖利益损害赔偿的构成,范围及具体适用。最后,针对我国合同法中关于缔约过程中信赖利益保护规定的不足,笔者抛砖引玉,提出自己的看法和建议。

【Abstract】 This thesis discusses the bases theory of Contract Law "Reliance Interest in Contract" , on which the scholars of our seldom dissertate. The author makes a detailed dissertation on this topic from this theory’ s beginning and evolvement by the way of legal ideas, comparative analysis and case analysis. In this thesis, the author puts forwards some new opinions and suggestions, wishing to contribute to the development of the basis theory of China’ s contract law. This thesis also attempts to study the protection of reliance interests in contract.This thesis is composed of three parts:The first part is about the study on reliance interests. Reliance interest is a basic concept in civil contract liability and compensation for damages. In 30s of 20 century , American legist Fuller and Perdue first puts forward the concept of reliance interest in their famous work "The Damages for the Reliance Interest in Contract" , and this brought radical changes to modern contract theory. - In this part , the author mainly dissertate the beginning and development of reliance interest and related damages compensation respectively in Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System, and specially emphasize the contents, influence, using in juridical practice of Jhering and Fuller’ s theory.The second part is about the protect on reliance interest in the two law systems . In this part , the author particularly discuss the beginning , development , concept , theoretical basis , inscapes and applying of the two protect systems on reliance interest , i.e. culpa in contrahendo and promissory estoppel, as well as the relationship between them ; Liability arising from negligence during negotiation for a contract, means during the concluding of a contract, if one of the parties breaches the obligations according to the principle of good faith thus causing the damages to the interest of the other party who relies upon his acts, he should be liable for the damages. Estoppel" : also called one should notrepudiate his commitment or eat off his words after promise made, it means according to the obligation of good faith, the promiser should abide by the donation or volunteer duty he promised, and the promise should be enforced.The third part is about the protection of reliance interest in contract of China’ contract law. In this part, the author stress the protection of reliance interest in the Contract Law of China form the theoretical view, include: the Concept of Reliance Interest, the relationship among Compensation to Damages of Reliance Interest, Compensation to Damages of Breach Contract, and Compensation to Damages of tort, significance to establish the system of compensation to damages of reliance interest, the establishment and characters of contracting liabilities, requirements, scope and applying of compensation to damages of reliance interest. In the end, the author puts forwards some opinions and suggestions on how to optimize the system of protection of reliance interest in China’ Contract Law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】306

