

【作者】 杜永召

【导师】 刘凌梅;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 刑讯逼供罪是古今中外司法活动中一种常见的犯罪。由于受历史、自然、社会等因素的影响,在我国表现尤甚,虽屡禁而不止。 本文从刑讯逼供罪的五个方面进行论述,着重阐述了它的法律特征,法条中疑难问题的理解,共同犯罪,未遂等问题,在此基础上,提出了对该罪修改、完善的立法建议。 在法律特征中,从犯罪构成要件中归纳了该罪的七大特征,首次提出了具有时间先后性和行使职权合法性的特性,并论述了在司法实践中如何界定犯罪嫌疑人。对疑难问题的论述是本文的重点部分,提出了“伤残”一词应包含轻伤和重伤(含残)两种结果及理由;说明了“致人伤残、死亡”的主观方面应是直接故意,不包括过失;在对该罪的犯罪转化问题的论述中,提出了广义上和狭义上两种转化犯的概念、特征,肯定了刑讯逼供罪是广义上的转化犯。在共同犯罪中从主体适格和不适格两个方面列举了共犯的情形,指出了“不作为”也是该罪的客观行为的表现形式,论述了身份犯与非身份犯共同犯罪的认定。本文大胆地尝试性地提出了刑讯逼供罪应当有犯罪未遂形态,该罪是行为犯,有两种未遂情形:手段行为未实施终了的未遂和手段行为实施终了、目的行为未实施终了的未遂。在立法建议中,主要从立法体例编排上,犯罪主体的完善上,犯罪对象的补充上,法定刑的设置上,转化犯的定位上,司法解释的修改上等方面提出了合理化建议。

【Abstract】 The torturing crime is a familiar offence in judicial activities both at home and abroad, especially it is more familiar in our country as a result of the influence of such factors as history, nature and society, etc. It does not stop although it is strictly forbidden repeatedly.This article will expounde from the five aspects of the crime, and emphasize to explain such problems as its legal characteristics, understanding for knotty problems in the legal causes, common offence and attempt, etc. Based on the above, the article gives suggestion on revising and perfecting legislation of this crime.In the aspect of the legal characteristics, seven characteristics of this crime are summed up from the requisites to constitute the crime. At first time, the article puts forward the characteristics of successiveness in time and legality of performing functions and powers, and expounds how to limit a suspect in the judicial practice. The exposition on knotty problems is the important part of this article, which brings forward two results and reasons that permanent disability shall include light injury and heavy injury (including disability), explains the subjective aspect of causing person to permanent disability or death shall be direct intention, excluding fault. In the exposition on the problem of offence transformation of this crime, the article raises the concept and characteristics of two kinds of transformed offences in broad and narrow senses and confirms the torturing crime is the transformed offence in a board sense. In the aspect ofthe common offence, the article enumerates the situations of the common offence from the two aspects of suitable case or not of subject, points out the negative is also the manifestation of objective act of this crime, and expound the affirmance on the common offence of identity or non-identity offence. The article bravely tries to put forward the torturing crime shall have the formation of attempted offence, the crime is an act offence, which has two situations: the attempt that method act has not fully accomplished and the attempt that method act has fully accomplished but objective act has not fully accomplished. In the aspect legislative suggestion, the article gives reasonable suggestion on compiling stylistic rules of legislation, perfecting offence subject, supplementing offence object, setting up legal penalty, limiting transformation of offence and revising judicial explanation, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】240

