

【作者】 朱明

【导师】 钊作俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文内容共分五个部分,第一部分:贩卖毒品罪的概念,贩卖从词义上侧重于卖的含义。购买行为必须依附于卖而成为犯罪,不以出卖为目的的购买,不构成犯罪。所谓贩卖毒品罪就是指明知是毒品而非法销售或者以贩卖为目的非法收买毒品的行为。 第二部分:贩卖毒品罪主观方面是否要求具备牟利目的,贩卖包含获取利润的含义,同时牟利包括自利目的和他利目的。只要贩卖毒品罪的行为人实施了贩卖的行为,就可以认定行为人具有牟利的目的,同时不要求行为人实际上获取利润。 第三部分:贩卖毒品罪的客观表现形式。居间介绍买卖毒品是否构成贩卖毒品罪。主要看居间介绍人在主观上是否明知,居间介绍人不明知他人购买毒品的目的是为了贩卖,不具有牟利的目的,不能以贩卖毒品罪的共犯论处。贩卖毒品罪与非法持有毒品罪的关系。二者在主观方面和客观行为上有所不同。“以贩卖为目的非法收买毒品的行为”已经查到毒品的来源,并能够证实属于非法收购毒品的行为,客观行为反映主观故意。 第四部分:关于贩卖毒品罪的形态。贩卖毒品罪是行为犯,既遂形态以毒品进入交易环节为准。贩卖毒品罪除了不能犯的未遂外,行为犯的未遂只能存在着手未遂的情况。犯罪构成客观方面的实行行为包括手段行为和目的行为。贩卖毒品开始实行手段行为即为犯罪的着手。在着手以后,如果是由于意志以外的原因毒品未能进入交易环节的,则构成本罪未遂。贩卖毒品罪存在犯罪的中止和预备。 第五部分:贩卖毒品罪的量刑标准,以毒品数量多少作为量刑的标准,起到区分罪与非罪的界限和适用不同刑罚的标准作用。毒品吗啡的量刑数量标准应比照海洛因来认定。刑法规定贩卖毒品罪不论数额多少,都构成犯罪,分则与总则存在矛盾,应当对刑法分则进行修改。贩卖毒品罪应当以纯度折算,以纯度折算应当分一般犯罪和应处死刑犯罪不同情况进行分別折算。

【Abstract】 This article has five parts in all. The first part: the concept of the crime of traffic in drugs, from the acceptation of the word itself, " traffic" emphasizes particularly on the signification of selling. The act of purchasing that must leech on to the action of selling constitutes a crime. The purchase that is not for the purpose of sale does not constitute a crime. The "crime of traffic in drugs" namely means the act of knowing they are drugs and illegally sell them or the illegal purchase on the purpose of trafficing.The second part: whether the crime of traffic is required to have a purpose of seeking profits in the subjective respect. Traffic has the meaning of obtaining profits, which include motive of personal profits and motive of other profits. As long as an actor accomplishes traffic in drugs, he is affirmed to have purpose for seeking profits, and he is not required to obtain actual profits simultaneously.The third part: the objective manifestation of the crime of traffic in drugs. Whether the middleman service of selling and buying drugs constitute the crime of traffic in drug mainly depends on whether the middleman subjectively knows it clearly or not. If the middleman doesn’t know clearly that the purpose of other persons on purchasing drugs is for traffic, he can be considered to have no purpose of seeking profits, and he cannot be punished for the crime of traffic in drugs as an accomplice. The relationship between the crime of traffic in drugs and illegally holding the drugs differ in the aspects of subject and objective act. For "Illegal actions of purchasing drugs for the purpose of trafficing", the origin of drugs have been found, and it can beconfirmed to belong to the illegal actions of purchasing drugs, the objective act reflects subjective intention.The fourth Part: formation of the crime of traffic in drugs. The crime of traffic in drugs is an act offence, the accomplished formation is taken drugs in the round of dealing as requisites. Except for the attempted crime of traffic in drugs that cannot be offend, the attempted act offence is just in the situation of the attempt that is being accomplished. The objective accomplished act to constitute a crime includes method act and objective act. The method act of traffic in drugs is considered as the crime that is being accomplished. After accomplishment, if the drugs do not put into the dealing round because of factors out of the will, it constitutes attempted crime. The crime of traffic in drugs has the suspended offence and the preparatory offence.The fifth Part: the crime of traffic in drugs is taken the amount of drugs as the criterion of imposing penalty, which can play the role on differentiating the limit of crime or non-crime and standard suitable for the different penalties. The criterion of imposing penalty of drug morphine should be confirmed compared to that of the heroin. The criminal law stipulates traffic in drugs is considered to constitute the crime regardless the amount of drugs. There is a contradiction between sub-provision and general provision, and the sub-provision of the criminal law should be revised. The crime of traffic in drugs should be converted according to the purity, which should be done respectively in accordance with different situations of the ordinary offence and capital offence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】253

