

【作者】 徐峰

【导师】 陈铁军;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的快速发展,数据库系统的应用己迅速从传统的数据处理发展到空间的、时间的信息处理,多媒体信息处理,办公信息库,科学的、面向应用的数据库和基于Internet的数据库应用。随着数据库技术的广泛应用,信息化程度的深入,各个行业数据库中存储的数据量急剧增长。如果没有对海量数据进行科学分析的能力,美国零售业巨人沃尔玛的老板再精明,也绝对想不到“啤酒和尿布”这两个风马牛不相及的东西之间还有着千丝万缕的联系。而将它们放在一起竟然增加了啤酒的销量,可见对数据仓库进行数据分析的巨大威力。2000年全球前500个大企业中有50%的企业已经实施数据仓库或部门级数据集市。 数据仓库技术是信息技术领域的一门新兴技术。采用数据仓库技术,可以充分利用企业内部已有的海量数据资源,从中挖掘出有价值的知识和规则来支持企业决策,将客观详实的经验数据与决策者自身的宝贵经验有效的结合起来,提高企业的市场竞争力。 ERP作为企业信息化的重要工具,在我国企业得到越来越广泛的应用。但是,当前国内ERP系统的数据分析能力很多都不够强大,但其数据库的架构与数据分析能力是决定其性能的重要指标。面向ERP的软件数据分析功能被称为“商业智能”,其主要功能是对ERP系统积累的数据进行分析处理,形象地说就是帮助用户发现ERP系统积累的数据的潜在价值。 本文以河南华晶超硬材料有限公司(简称河南华晶)ERP项目为依托,首先阐述了在具体的软件实现过程中所要用到的数据仓库技术,根据对河南华晶公司的实际调研,规划了华晶ERP数据仓库的需求分析和总体设计。然后通过实际代码实现和图例说明华晶ERP物理数据库的建立过程以及华晶ERP数据仓库的OLAP的设计方法与实现过程。本文研究的内容主要包括下面几点: 1.针对ERP和数据仓库各自的特点,提出了ERP和数据仓库集成的模型,并把数据仓库技术应用到ERP系统中。 2.根据对华晶公司的实际调研充分了解公司的生产、销售、采购和财务等方面的业务流程,总结了华晶ERP数据仓库的需求分析并进行总体设计。 3.根据企业具体的需求,设计和实现了华晶ERP物理数据库,同时通过系统表、触发器和存储过程的具体分析用MS SQL SERVER来实现ERP系统。 4.把分析型数据从事务处理环境中提取出来,按照决策支持系统处理的需要进行重新组织,建立单独的分析处理环境。 5.通过OLAP工具和MDX语言在华晶ERP数据仓库上建立了以生产、销售和库存为主题域的多维立方体分析,建立了在ERP系统基础上的决策分析系统。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information technology, the application of the database system has rapidly developed from the traditional data processing to the spacial and temporal information processing, multimedia information processing, information library of the office, scientific and application-oriented database and the database application based on the Internet. With the abroad application of the database and information, the amount of the data stored in the database increased very quickly. Without the ability to analyse the large quantities of data scientifically, the boss of Wal-Mart could not consider the fact that there are much relations between the beer and the napkin although he is smart enough. But when the two kinds of goods were placed together to sell, the amount of the sale of the beer was improved. So we can see that Data Warehouse can do much help to the data analysis.Data Warehouse is a new technology in the field of information. Using the Data Warehouse, we can make use of the abundant data resources in the enterprise to support the decision about the enterprise. It can also combine the experience from the objective data and from the person who make the decisions.As the important tools of management in the enterprise, ERP is applied more widely step by step. But the ability of data analysis in ERP is not stronger enough. Furthermore the structure and ability in data analysis of database is the key parameter to the capability. The ability of data analysis of software for ERP is called Business Intelligence (BI) whose function is to deal with and analyse the data stored in ERP system, i.e. to help the user to find the potential value of the data stored in ERP.This thesis is based on the ERP project of Huajing Co., ltd. in Henan Province. Firstly, the technology of Data Warehouse that is used in the process of programming of HJ-ERP is introduced; secondly, the integration of ERP and Data Warehouse is discussed. Furthermore research and requirements analysis of the Data Warehouse in HJ-ERP based on the practical investigantion is described. At last, the process of establishing the physical database and the methods of designing the OLAP in Data Warehouse of HJ-ERP is introduced through the software code and diagram. The main contents of this thesis are outlined as follows,1. The model of the integration about ERP and Data Warehouse is put forward based on the each character of ERP and Data Warehouse. And the Data Warehouse is applied to ERP system.2. The requirement analysis and the whole designation of Data Warehouse inHJ-ERP is introduced which is based on the practical investigation on the manufacture, sale, purchase and finance etc. in the company.3. The physical database of HJ-ERP is designed which is based on the practical demand of the company. And the ERP system is realized through MS SQL Server that is based on the analysis of the system table, trigger and the stored procedure.4. The data of analysis type is extracted from environment of transaction processing and is reorganized according to the requirement of Data Decision Support (DSS). And at the same time the environment of analysis processing is established separately.5. The analysis of multidimensional cube which is established on the subject domain of manufacture, sale and stock is applied to the Data Warehouse in HJ-ERP through the tools of OLAP and the MDX language. Furthermore the DSS is established based on HJ-ERP.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】439

