

【作者】 王冠

【导师】 叶高峰;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 期待可能性之说是大陆法系传统刑法学研究中颇具特色的理论之一,在大陆法系诸如德日诸国及我国台湾地区得到刑法理论界与实务界的广泛认可,但我国刑法学界对这一重要论题鲜有研究。本文试就我国刑法学研究中的期待可能性问题略陈管见,以期收到抛砖引玉之功效。 本文共分六个部分: 1、引言。该部分介绍了期待可能性的涵义及选题意义。 2、期待可能性思想溯源探微。该部分从思想之历史变迁的角度阐述了古今中外期待可能性观念的发展历程。 3、期待可能性的理论根据解读。该部分从多个层面对期待可能性的理论根据作以解读:(一) 期待可能性的哲学根据:相对意志自由论;(二) 期待可能性的伦理学根据:人本主义;(三) 期待可能性的法理学根据:司法能动论;(四) 期待可能性的刑法学根据:刑法谦抑主义;(五) 期待可能性的责任论根据:规范责任论。 4、大陆法系有关期待可能性立法与司法现状概略。该部分介绍了大陆法系有关期待可能性立法与司法现状。期待可能性在欧陆诸国是法定责任阻却事由的理论基础,立法亦有所体现;在日本,期待可能性则是超法规的责任阻却事由并有若干适用期待可能性的司法判例。 5、我国期待可能性理论本土化若干问题探索。该部分分析了我国刑法学研究中借鉴期待可能性理论的若干问题。(一) 期待可能性的理论定位:在我国犯罪构成中期待可能性是刑事责任能力要素;(二) 期待可能性的判断标准:期待可能性应依据平均人标准判断;(三) 期待可能性的适用范围:在我国刑法学理论中期待可能性应适用于包括故意犯罪在内的所有犯罪。 6、我国期待可能性理论立法化与司法适用问题研究。期待可能性作为超法规的责任减免事由在我国现阶段社会与法治发展水平条件下具有其存在之合理性与价值。我国刑法应从三个方面规定完善以实现期待可能性的立法化:第一,刑法典总则中增设关于欠缺期待可能性阻却或减轻刑事责任的一般规定。第二,在包庇类犯罪的规定中增设容隐制度之例外条款。第三,明确规定欠缺期待可能性减免责任的情况。该部分还研究了司法实践中适用期待可能性应注意的若干问题。

【Abstract】 Probability of expectation is distinctive in the theory of criminal law in continental law system . It is widely accepted and applied to practice in such countries as Germany and Japan , as well as in Taiwan province, China . But the Chinese theory of criminal law is lacking in the research on such an important issue . The dissertation presents a special approach on probability of expectation in the Chinese theory of criminal law.The dissertation is composed of six parts :Part I is an introduction . The introduction clarifies the implication of the theory , and the value of such research.Part II centres on the development of the theory in Chinese and foreign history .Part III analyses the theoretical grounds for probability of expectation . The analysis is made from different angles : ( i) philosophical ground : comparative liberty of will; (ii) ethical basis : humanism ; (iii) reason in jurisprudence : judicial activism ; (iv) basic idea in the theory of criminal law : restraining of criminal law ; (v ) foundation in the theory of criminal responsibility : theory of normative responsibility .Part IV is a survey of legislation and judicature for probability of expectation . Probability of expectation lay the theoretical foundation for the legal limitations of liability in most European countries , while in Japan it is a supra-law ground for elimination of liability , and there are also certain judicial precedents to which such a theory is applied.Part V discusses the main problems to realize the localization of probability of expectation in Chinese theory of criminal law . ( i ) on its position in constitution of crimes : probability of expectation is a constitutive element of criminal capacity in Chinese theory ; (ii) on its criterion of adoption : the criterion of its adoption should be judged generally ; (iii) on the scope of its application : probability of expectation can be applied to all forms of crimes including intentional crimes .Part VI makes research on the legislation of probability of expectation in Chinese criminal law and its application to judicial practice . In the existing social environment for legal system , probability of expectation being a supra-law ground for elimination and mitigation of liability is reasonable . Three improvements should be made in Chinese criminal law : (i ) The clause on probability of expectation should be added to the general provisions of criminal law ; (ii) An escape clause should be made in the articles about the crimes of harboring criminals ; (iii) Those mitigating and eliminating circumstances the theory can be applied to should be clearly stipulated hi Chinese criminal law . In addition , some problems which should be attended to when the theory are applied to practice are also studied in this part.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】309

