

【作者】 张胜英

【导师】 马松建;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 滥用职权罪是1997刑法新增的一罪名,随着理论研究和司法适用的不断深入,有关本罪的一些问题,争论激烈,观点纷呈。本文对滥用职权罪的若干问题进行了研究,旨在进一步推进这一课题的法学理论发展,以便更好地为司法实践服务。 全文由绪论和正文两部分组成,约40,000字,其中正文部分分为五个部分。 绪论部分论述了滥用职权罪的危害并对滥用职权罪的立法进程进行了追溯。 正文的第一部分:滥用职权罪主体的界定,关于滥用职权罪的主体即“国家机关工作人员”的界定争议颇多,通过对各种观点进行剖析,笔者对国家机关工作人员的内涵作了界定,其范围包括国家权力机关、行政机关、审判机关、检察机关、军事机关以及2002年12月全国人大常委会对渎职罪的适用主体所进行的立法解释中新增的四类人员。 第二部分:滥用职权罪的罪过探析,通过对“过失说”、“故意说”、“故事与过失并存说”评析,笔者从该罪的自身特点、立法进程、法条竞合理论,论述滥用职权罪的罪过形式应是故意包括直接故意和间接故意。 第三部分:滥用职权罪的客观方面探讨。首先论述了本罪客观方面的特征,其次,针对学界有关客观方面两个争议问题:逾越职权行为与放弃职权行为进行了探讨,笔者认为滥用职权行为应包括逾越职权行为与放弃职权行为,同时也阐述了滥用职权行为的表现,即作为型的滥用职权和不作为型的滥用职权。 第四部分:滥用职权罪的认定问题研究,首先阐述了对第397条第2款的理解,笔者通过分析认为,第2款是法定的加重情节而不是独立罪名,其次对滥用职权罪的认定进行了研究,主要包括本罪与玩忽职守罪、渎职罪中的其它特殊类型的滥用职权罪的区别;滥用职权罪与受贿罪竞合时如何认定。 第五部分:滥用职权罪的立法比较及借鉴。通过对不同国家和地区滥用职权罪的立法进行了比较,结合我国刑法对滥用职权罪的立法,指出了我国刑法对滥用职权罪的立法缺陷,并提出了完善我国刑法对滥用职权罪的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Abusing-power crime is a new name stipulated by 1997 Criminal Law .As the theoretical research and the judicial application are developing in depth .Various theories about some problems relating to the crime are blooming and arguing with each other . The thesis approaches several problems of abusing-power crime , it aims to promote further development of law science and better serve the judicial practice .In structure ,this thesis consists of the introduction and the main body, about 40,000 words.The instruction gives a brief account of the harmfulness of abusing-power crime and also looks back to regulations about abusing of power in criminal legislation of past ages.The main body is divided into five parts as follows:Part one : The definition of the subject of abusing-power crime. The definition on the subject of the crime-functionary of organs of state arises intense issues. By analyzing different theories, the author defines the connotation of functionary of organs of state. Its limit consists of five-type functionaries of state organ and four-type staff added by legislative interpretation of Dec. 2002.of the Standing Committee of People’s Congress.Part two: The research on the subjective aspect of crime. By analyzing the controversial viewpoints. The author argues that the subjective aspect of crime is intentional including direct intention and indirect intention from the characteristic of the crime , the process and the coincidence of provisions .Part three: The objective feature of abusing-power crime. First the author analyzes the objective feature of abusing-power crime. Second ,The author discusses the two controversial problems of objective aspect and embody of criminal action of abusing-power crime.Part four: Research on the determination of abusing-power crime. The author focuses on the understanding of Article 397 section 2 of Criminal Law, By analysis, The author argues that Article 397 section 2 of Criminal Law is not a independent name of the crime but a more serious plot .Also, The author tries to make a clear distinction between abusing-power crime and neglecting-duty crime, between abusing-power crime and other’s specific abusing-power crime. Also the author approaches on provisions coincidence concerning crime of powers abusing and crime of Accepting Bribes.Part five: Comparison and reference on the legislation of abusing power crime .through legislative comparison of abusing-power crime from many countries and districts in the world. Combing with the legislative stipulation of abusing-power crime of 1997 Criminal Law . The author points out the legislative defects and puts forward the legislative suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】231

