

【作者】 胡雁云

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 转化犯是近年来在我国刑法理论研究中提出的一种新的、特殊的罪数形态,与刑法理论中业已存在的其他罪数形态相比较有很大的不同。说它新,是因为它是我国刑法学者首先提出来的;说它特殊,是因为作为一种立法模式,它起源于我国的刑事立法,是对立法现象的理论概括。因此,自从我国79’刑法中出现这一立法例以来,学者们在转化犯的基本问题上分歧很大,至今没有统一的意见。本文拟通过对转化犯基本问题进行探讨,澄清在概念、构成特征等方面的分歧,并针对这一理论提出自己的观点。 本文共分为五部分。 第一部分:引言 在这一部分,作者主要讨论转化犯这一新的罪数形态所引发的问题以及作者写作本文的目的。并希望通过对转化犯基本问题的探讨,来完善这一理论问题。 第二部分:转化犯的概念 这一部分分为三节。第一节是“转化犯”、“准犯”和“追并犯”三个概念的辨析。通过对这三个概念的比较,作者认为,在用语上,“转化犯”比“准犯”和“追并犯”通俗易懂、言简意赅。而且,“转化犯”比“准犯”和“追并犯”更准确地反映了我国刑法中犯罪转化这一立法模式的特征。第二节是转化犯概念的论争。主要是对目前关于转化犯的几种具有代表性的定义进行分析和比较。在第三节,作者提出转化犯的概念。即转化犯是指行为人在实施某一故意犯罪已达未遂或既遂之后,由于出现了基本罪犯罪构成不能容纳的主客观要素,使犯罪的性质发生变化,构成另一较重的故意犯罪,法律规定以后罪定罪处罚的犯罪形态。 第三部分:转化犯的构成特征 这一部分分为五节,主要分析了转化犯的构成特征。第一节是关于转化犯成立的条件。即基本罪的成立是犯罪发生转化的前提条件。第二节是转化犯的转化本质。即犯罪性质的转化是转化犯的核心内容,且转化犯是重罪向轻罪的转化。第三节是犯罪转化的原因。即特定的、法律规定的条件的发生是犯罪发生转化的原因。第四节是转化犯的法定性。即转化犯必须由法律明文规定。第五节是犯罪转化的法律后果。即犯罪发生转化之后,必须按转化之罪定罪处罚。 第四部分:关于我国现行刑法中转化犯的思考 这一部分分为两节。第一节是对我国现行刑法中转化犯之立法检讨。主要从刑法典内部的协调性和转化犯成立的理论根据两方面对现行刑法中的犯罪转化的立法例进行分析和评价。认为在我国现行刑法典中,有些立法例不适合规定为转化犯。第二节是探讨关于转化犯在中国刑法中的立法价值。 第五部分:转化犯疑难问题研究 这一部分分为两节。第一节是关于转化犯在罪数形态理论中的地位的分析。认为转化犯是介于典型的一罪和典型的数罪之外的一种罪数形态,和想象竞合犯、吸收犯、牵连犯等犯罪形态一样,属于罪数不典型的一种。第二节是转化犯和其他罪数形态(如包容犯、牵连犯、吸收犯以及结果加重犯)的比较。通过比较,将转化犯与其他几种犯罪形态区分开来。

【Abstract】 The transforming offense is a kind of new and special criminal form raised during the study of Chinese criminal jurisprudence in recent years, it is different from other criminal forms which have been in the field of criminal jurisprudence. Not only is it new because of an origin to name this criminal form as transforming offense on the theory of Chinese criminal jurisprudence, but also it is special because of as a legislative model in Chinese Criminal Law and a summery of legislative states on the criminal jurisprudence in reality. So, since the first legislative example of transforming offense appeared in Chinese Criminal Law, there have been many different opinions on the conception and legal provisions of transforming offense, and no common opinions have been arrived at so far. Through arguing about these basic problems, the author will try her best to inquire into the theory of transforming offense and hopes this will be good to the advancement and perfection of the theory of quantity of crimes.This dissertation consists of five parts.Part I : The PrefaceIn the part, the author ’s attentions are paid on some problems which are come from transforming offense and the reason why the author want to write it. The author hopes that it can promote the development of the theory.Part II: Conception of Transforming OffenseThis part is divided into three sections. The first section is about difference between "transforming offense" with "quasi-offense" and "additive-offense". After comparing, the author draws a conclusion that the name "transforming offense" is better than those two. The name "transforming offense" is easy to understand and can reflectcharacteristics of this criminal form sufficiently than "quasi-offense" and "additive-offense". It is exact and appropriate to use it. The second section pays attentions on all kinds of concepts of transforming offense on the theory of Chinese criminal jurisprudence. After comparing, the author puts forward her own concept of transforming offense in the third section. Namely, the transforming offense refers to the crime of an executor carries out an act of one intention crime is completed offence or attempted crime, because of appearing some subjectivity and objectivity elements, the basic crime transforms and is fit for another intention crime’ constitution of crime. According Chinese Crime Law, it should be convict and punish as the second intention crime.Part HI : Constitution Characteristics of Transforming OffenseThis part consists of five sections and every section is about one of constitution characteristics of transforming offense. The first section analyses the terms and conditions of transforming offense. The second section pays attention on the nature of crime transition. The third section is about terms and conditions of crime transition. The fourth is statutory in code of transforming offense. The lastly section is about result of crime transition.Part IV : Thinking About Transforming Offense in the Chinese Criminal LawThis part is divided into two sections. The first section is about arguments and analyses of transforming offense of Chinese Criminal Law. The author’s attentions are paid on two problems. The first is the coordination between some parts of legislation and provisions of the transforming offense isn’t enough; the second is lack of the theoretical basis in some part of the related legislation. Through observing, the author thinks that some part of the related legislation in the present Chinese Criminal Law aren’t fit for as transforming offense. The secondsection is about analyses and evaluations on the legislation of the transforming offense.Part V: The Study of Difficultly Problems of Transforming OffenseThis part is divided into two sections. The first section analyses the statue of transforming offense in the field of criminal forms. The author thinks that the transforming offense is one of the non-typical of crime in number. The second section compares transforming offense with other criminal forms. For exam

【关键词】 转化犯立法例刑法
【Key words】 transforming offenselegislation lawcriminal law
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】211

