

【作者】 张向奥

【导师】 霍海燕; 杨朝聚;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国社会正在经历剧烈的转型,这可以从社会经济关系模式、社会政治关系模式、社会文化关系模式三个维度进行考量。不难发现,这三维度中,尤以社会经济关系的转型为甚,表现为计划经济的坚冰逐渐被打破,市场经济的雏形在我国已基本确立。市场经济的精髓在于充分利用行为人的自利本性,通过保护合规范的自利行为谋求整个社会的发展与繁荣。在此,行为人的主体资格与自主权利十分必要和重要,管理的规则体系必须无损其存在,否则便是一种反市场的规则体系。十六届三中全会把对私有财产和个人权利的保护写进了宪法,为我国市场经济的进一步发展拓清了障碍。经济基础决定上层建筑,和市场经济相适应的政府类型必然是尊重公民权利、服务于公民合规范自利行为实现的政府。另外,从国际环境的压力来说,随着我国加入WTO,中国政府的行为必然要融入成员国的政府运做规则,而这些国家的政府都是服务型的。综合以上两个方面,本文认为我国未来的政府应该是服务型的。文章内容分为四部分,也可简单的归结为两篇:理论篇和建设篇。 第一篇是服务型政府的理论篇,是文章的第一部分。第一部分先从国家和社会关系模式的三维度:政治维度,经济维度,文化维度来考量政府的基础,然后据此分析了中国政府类型的演进,引出服务型政府;最后综合了国内外学者关于服务型政府的定义,本文对服务型政府的内涵也进行了界定。第二篇包括文章的第二、第三、第四部分。第二部分分析了服务型政府建设的逻辑必然性;第三部分指出了服务型政府建设在我国存在的问题和困难:第四部分指出了建设服务型政府的方法。

【Abstract】 Our society is undergoing acute transformation, which can be testified from three dimensionalities, economic relationship; political relationship; cultural relationship. It’s easy to find that the economic relationship’s transformation is more acute than other two dimensionalities above, which is being shown that the planned economy is broken down step by step and the market economy is setting up step by step. The soul of market economy is utilizing the humanities of selfish folly and protecting the canonical selfish action to make the society develop in an all rounds. In this point, the person’s main-body qualification and rights are necessary and important and the managing rules can’t destroy them, otherwise it will be the system offending the market economy regulations. Last year our constitution was modified adding the content of protecting the private possession and person’s rights, which sweeping off the obstacles to develop market economy more. The economic basis determines the superstructure, so the government form which fitting the market economy is the government which protects the citizen’s rights and serve the canonical selfish actions. Since our country has joined into the WTO, in which the governments are all service-governments. From the two aspects above, this thesis points out the form of our government should be service-government in the future. This thesis includes four parts, which can be classified into two pieces: theory piece and construction piece.The first part is the theory piece. In this part, firstly, this thesis testifies the government’s basis through three dimensionalities: economic relationship, political relationship and cultural relationship; then, this thesis analyses the governmental evolvement through view of the governmental basis; finally, this thesis puts forward the definition basing on the studies of domestic scholars and foreign scholars.The construction piece comprises the second part, the third part and the fourth part. The second part discusses the necessities to construct service-government; the third part points out the present problems and difficulties in constructing service-government and the fourth part expatiates on the ways to construct the service-government.

【关键词】 政府的基础政府服务型政府
【Key words】 governmentgovernmental basisservice-government
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】903

