

【作者】 门瑞丽

【导师】 郑志龙; 高卫星;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一个有能力与效率的政府,无论是对于经济的发展还是社会的进步都是不可缺少的。随着全球化进程的加快、市场经济的发展,政府职能的重心逐渐从政治统治向社会管理、社会服务转移,社会公众逐渐由“臣民”角色向“公民”角色转变,这就要求政府不仅要追求政府行为的高效率,更要重视政府给公众提供的公共产品的质量和社会服务的水平。因此,政府必须从效率优先转到效能优先上来,即从“效率型政府”转变为“效能型政府”。 目前,要在我国建设效能型政府,应在“三个代表”重要思想的指导下,立足于满足最广大人民的根本利益,立足于提高政府的整体效能,从而建立起一个灵活、高效、廉洁、有为的政府。本文从分析效能型政府的理论基础和实践价值入手,结合我国国情,从多个角度对效能型政府的衡量标准进行了分析。由于效能型政府的建设是一项系统工程,在建设中会面临诸如政府管理缺乏效能意识、政府职能转变滞后、政府组织结构不科学、政府运行机制效能低下、公务员素养不高等障碍,因此应从转变政府管理理念、转变政府职能、优化政府组织结构、完善政府决策机制、强化效能考核监督机制、提高公务员行政能力、改善政府管理手段等几方面着手,来推动效能型政府的建设。 本文共分三部分。第一部分从效能型政府的理论来源谈起,分析了效能型政府的内涵和实践价值。第二部分从我国国情出发,分析了效能型政府的衡量标准,并对在效能型政府建设中面临的主要障碍作了系统论述。第三部分针对效能型政府建设中的主要障碍,根据我国的现实情况,提出了我国建设效能型政府的一些对策。

【Abstract】 A government with capability and efficiency is absolutely necessary for not only the development of economy and the development of the society. With the acceleration of the globalization and the development of market economy, the function of government is changed from politics ruling to society management and society service, and the role of the public is changed from subjects to citizens. This requires the government not to pursue high efficiency of government, but also to attach more importance to the quality of public products and services. So the work of government should change from efficiency to effectiveness, that is from efficient government to effective government.At present, the building of our effective government should be directed by the thoughts of Three Representatives. It is based on the ultimate benefit of the broad masses of the people, and its ultimate object is to improve government’s effectiveness. Consequently, it is to build a flexible, honest, high-efficient and capable government. At first, this paper analyzes the theoretical foundation and the practice value of effective government, then combining the situation of our country, it analyzes the standards of the effective government from different aspects, For building an effective government is a systems engineering, it faces many difficulties in its process, such as lacking effective consciousness in the government management, lagging transit of government function, the frame of government organization not scientific, the effectiveness of government’s operating mechanism not high, the quality of public servants not high. So we should take measures to boost the building of effective government, from transiting the concept of government management, transforming government’s function, improving the frame of government organization, perfecting the mechanism of decision-making, strengthening the assessing and supervising mechanism of government effectiveness, increasing the capability of public servants and improving the means of government management.The paper is divided into three parts. The first part discusses from the origin of the theory of effective government and analyses the connotation and practice value of effective government. The second part expounds the standards and difficulties of effective government from our situation. The third part directs against the main barriers in the construction of effective government, this paper, according to the realistic situation in our country, brings up some measures to build effective government.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】641

