

【作者】 刘同俊

【导师】 肖国兴;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着个人消费贷款的升温,市场更加规范化和规模化,银行和保险公司纷纷联手推出了履约保证保险,以保证在借款人还款不能时银行的信贷资金安全。然而目前对于履约保证保险的性质认定还存在很多分歧,对履约保证保险关系是否等同于保证关系,履约保证保险与责任保险的异同、履约保证保险关系的法律适用等问题,还没有完全统一认识。本文提出了履约保证保险主要发生在消费贷款业务中,它是一种保险品种,而非《担保法》的保证方式的观点,并从降低履约保证保险制度的社会成本的角度,对银行的风险提示及防范对策;提出了完善履约保证保险的立法建议和制度选择。本文的最终目的是通过履约保证保险法律理论的研究,以期使保险公司与银行在履约保证保险业务合作中达到双赢。 本文对我国目前履约保证保险存在的问题进行了理性分析,指出了其内在缺陷,并提出履约保证保险是一种保险品种,而不是《担保法》上的保证方式的观点;本文从我国履约保证保险的现状出发,结合目前的司法实践,论述了银行在履约保证保险的操作风险,提出了防范风险的措施,并以履约保证保险制度适应我国消费贷款的发展需要,提出了立法建议。 全文分为四个主要部分: 第一部分为履约保证保险合同一般理性;从理论上解析了履约保证保险合同的概念、发展历程、特征、分类,分析了国外保险市场对履约保证保险信用风险的选择模式; 第二部分为履约保证保险合同的法律性质分析。探讨了履约保证保险合同的争论、履约保证保险与保证担保方式的关系、履约保证保险与责任保险的关系、履约保证保险合同的法律适用以及履约保证保险合同的法律性质及保险责任承担; 第三部分为银行履约保证保险合同银行风险成因分析及其防范对策。分析了履约保证保险风险,研究了银行可采取的风险防范模式; 第四部分为完善履约保证保险立法建议及制度选择。提出了履约保证保险法律制度和政府监管机构的价值取向问题:一要修改《保险法》、《商业银行法》、《担保法》等法律法规,改变对履约保证保险条款规定空白的现状,建立一个完善的法律制度;二要改进银行监管机构和保险监管机构监管职能调解履约保证保险银行和保险公司的矛盾;三要降低履约保证保险制度的社会成本,推行金融混业制,建立与履约保证保险制度相适应的法制环境。 中国正处于经济转轨时期,保险监管水平和金融法律制度的完善程度都与履约保证保险制度的要求有一定的差距。随着我国消费贷款市场的逐步发展,保险监管水平的提高和金融法律制度的完善,履约保证保险制度会逐步进入良胜的发展轨道。

【Abstract】 With the warm up of personal consumer credit, the market become more standard and larger. To make sure the safety of the credit when the borrower can’t pay off the money, the commercial banks and insurers establish the performance-guarantee insurance together. But there are many divaricators on the cognizance of the guarantee insurance’s character, and there are not native viewpoints on some parts, for example, whether the legal relationship of guarantee insurance means the legal relationship of insurance, what’s the difference and similarity between the guarantee insurance and the civil responsibility insurance, what’s the legal application of the guarantee insurance, etc. This article argues the topic from the guarantee insurance’s characteristics, the relationship between the performance-guarantee insurance and the common insurance, the risk- preventing of the performance-guarantee insurance in bank, the legal consummation of the guarantee insurance. Through disquisition on the legal theory of the guarantee insurance, this article aims at the banks and insurers’ double-win.This article makes a rationalism about the performance-guarantee insurance’s problems of our country’spresent, points out the inherent limitation and advices that performance-guarantee insurance is a kind of insurance variety not a "guarantee legal" viewpoint . According to our country’s performance-guarantee insurance’s actuality and justice practice. This article discusses the operation risk of performance-guarantee insurance. Advices the measures of risk-proof and adapts the performance-guarantee insurance system to our country’s consume credit. Advances the legislation advice.This article makes four main parts:The first one is performance-guarantee insurance pact logos, resolves its conception, developing course, character, sort on the basis of theory.The second is performance-guarantee insurance pact’s law quality analysis discusses its argument and the relation to guarantee assure pattern. Responsibility insurance as well as its application quality and assume.The third is cause analysis and defense countermeasure. Analyses performance-guarantee insurance risk,performance-guarantee insurance researches the countermeasure of bank can take.The fourth is legislation advice and system choice advancesperformance-guarantee insurance law system and government ward organization’s value tropism first .it needs to mend a few laws and codes changes its blank actuality. Sets up a perfect law system . Second improve bank ward originations and insurance ward originations function. Mediates their contraction. Third lows performance-guarantee insurance system’s social cost, pushes finance mixture system establishes legal system circumstance.China’s economy is shunting. Insurance ward and finance law system.-have a difference from performance-guarantee insurance system’s request. With the gradual development of our country’s consume credit. Insurance ward and finance law system, performance-guarantee insurance system will have a good development

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】276

