

【作者】 宋新

【导师】 董广安;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 新闻学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的电视法制节目,始创于上世纪80年代的“一五”普法期间,20多年后的今天,法制节目像雨后春笋般覆盖了中国几乎所有的电视台。节目形态已从原来单一的演播室专家讲法,发展为现在的数十种多元化制作样式,其节目素材几乎可取自社会生活的各个层面。电视记者的摄像机时常聚焦法院的审判庭,将社会关注的大案要案的审判过程直接展现给观众,成为沟通观众和法院以及司法机关的司法执法活动的重要媒介和桥梁。电视法制节目已成为法制宣传教育的重要阵地,在推动全民普法教育,提高公民法制观念、培育社会法治环境等方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。 上世纪90年代末,随着改革开放进入攻坚阶段,社会机制转型面临世纪选择,人们的法律意识空前高涨,1999年1月,以黄金时间段日播化的《今日说法》为标志,我国电视法制节目走向全面繁荣,大量法制节目相继跟进以日播形态出现,形成了我国电视界一股高播出密度、高收视率、栏目品牌化的发展潮流。 然而,不可否认,我国电视法制节目发展到今天,在繁荣的表面下盼隐忧已经显现。有的栏目定位不准,有的栏目过分猎奇,有的栏目经费困难,有的栏目从业人员的素质和专业水平无法与法制建设、新闻发展相适应,有的栏目固守成规,无法适应观众收视习惯的变化等等。 在“依法治国、依法行政”成为全社会共识的今天,我国电视法制节目如何与飞速发展的社会生活、观众的收视心理相适应,从繁荣走向繁荣?电视法制节目在节目形态、题材选择等方面应该有哪些探索?通过综合考察作者发现,对这一系列问题,新闻传播界的研究和考察还处在零散的、表面化的阶段,缺乏深入、系统的理论考量。这种现状,已无法指导我国电视法制节目的实践和发展。 作为河南电视台法制频道《法制时段》的一名编导,笔者从事电视法制节目的制作和策划已有多年。本文结合笔者自身的新闻实践和理论学习,意在通过对中国电视法制节目的系统考察,对中国电视法制节目的走向和发展趋势,比较系统深入地进行前瞻性的剖析,以期能对从事电视法制节目的同行们的工作实践有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Our country’s video programmes of law initiated from the "one-five"general law popularity plan in 1980’s. Now they have rapidly popularized at many TV stations here and there in China. Furthermore the form of these programmes have developed into various modality and the content of them have based on almost every aspect of our daily social life. As the bridge and medium between audience and judiciary administrator, journalists through their cameras let audience catch the point of trial process about many important cases regarded by the public. So the video Programmes of law play an increasing important role in many areas such as impulsing generallaw education, enhancing citizen’s jural sense, growing constitutional circs and so on.With the core of Chinese reform and opening is coming, the level of citizen jural sense was increasing at an amazing speed. Meanwhile, our country’s video programmes of law turned into the phase taking on a overall prosperity, which characterized of today law played at precious time every day in January 1999. Now jural programmes have come into being a developing tide with a high density, high contact, well-known programmes.However, under the surface of its prosperity, we should be aware of array of troubles. For example, some programmes can’t set a accurate position, the others lack of capital, professional people, creativity. So those factors lead to condition that programmes can’t fit in with audience’s habits.In this mordern jural information age, how to keep up with rapid developing social life and audiences mental condition, how to let our programmes keep on prosperous, Facing these problems. Today’s research of newscast, professional people still can’t direct our reality our reality practice. Just because it’s short of systematical investigation.As a director and editor of channel law, Henan TV station. The author haveproduces video programmes of law for many years, through these years’news practice and theoretical study. I make up mind to scientifically search into tendency about Chinese video programmes of law, hoping to take some efforts to workmates in video law news area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G222.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】835

