

【作者】 岳花艳

【导师】 杨雷;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 道德信仰问题是道德建设中的重要组成部分,它从根源上解决“人为什么要讲道德”和“人应具有什么样的道德”的问题。在目前面临社会转型的中国,精神文明建设面临重重困难,集中于道德建设领域主要在于道德信仰的迷失。正确认识目前道德信仰的现状,分析此现状产生的深刻根源,重视道德信仰在当前社会主义道德建设乃至精神文明建设中的作用,找出使人们走出道德信仰迷失的有效途径,这是加强精神文明建设过程中迫切要解决的问题。本文从以下四个方面进行论述: 第一部分:从众多学者关于道德信仰含义的界说中引出笔者对道德信仰的见解,并且重点论述了道德信仰的功能及其在道德建设中的作用。 第二部分:揭示了道德信仰在我国社会转型时期面临的迷失现状:具有合理性的传统道德观念在现实生活中遭到背弃;道德情感麻木,道德意志缺失;对道德价值体系及对价值理想目标存在的依据和理由持怀疑态度;对道德规范的漠视;道德人格的分裂等。 第三部分:从历史、经济、文化角度以及道德信仰自身的理论缺失方面深刻剖析了道德信仰迷失的复杂原因。 第四部分:阐述重塑道德信仰的有效途径:大力发展社会主义市场经济,为重塑道德信仰提供经济条件和社会环境;正确对待价值取向的多元化,使传统道德与新的制度、机制、规则相配合;道德信仰与法律信仰相结合,把德治的说服力、劝导力与法制的强制力、威慑力相结合;用情感渗透的方式并结合社会实践,分层次加强道德信仰教育;保持道德信仰的开放态势,与时代接轨,批判地借鉴其他信仰的优点。

【Abstract】 Moral belief is the important part of the moral construction, which resolves from the foundation stone "why people should have morality?" and "what kind of morality people should have ". At present, China confronts society revolution, whose construction of the spiritual civilization also confronts lots of difficult. It lies in mostly the maze of the moral belief, which has fastened on moral construct field. We should accurately understand the autuality of the moral belief, analyze the profound germ of the autuality, attach importance to the action in moral construction and find the efficiency approach making people walk out the maze, which is an exigent problem. This article is divided into four sections:The first section: The author has elicited the definition of the moral belief from all kinds of definitions. It explored on the action of the moral belief and the important action in moral construct fields.The second section: This section instructs mazing autuality in society revolution: Rational parts of the traditional moral conception are discarded in realism life; The emotion of morality is numb and the will of morality is lacking; People are suspicious of the gist and excuse of the moral value system and value ideal goals; People brush moral rule aside and confront abruption of moral personality.The third section: This section anatomies profoundly complex reason of the moral belief maze from history, economy, culture and the absence of moral system itself.The last section: We must do following aspects in order to reshape moral belief: We should promote vigorously socialist economic development, which can provide economic condition and society condition; treat accurately pluralistic value tropism, so as to assort traditional morality with new system mechanism rule; moral belief should be combined with legal belief, persuasion of morality controlled should be united with regulation authority of legal system, though it, to reshape moral belief; strengthen education of moral belief through sensibility infiltrated into and socialist practice ; keep moral belief to be open, use for reference the advantage of other belief.

【关键词】 道德信仰迷失重塑
【Key words】 moral beliefmazereshape
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】848

