

Study on Treatment of Cocking Wastewater by Different Flocculants

【作者】 张清友

【导师】 樊耀亭;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 研究了四种氧化型脱色剂复合高铁酸盐、液氯、二氧化氯和聚硅酸盐对焦化废水的脱色率。结果表明:硅酸盐对焦化废水的脱色效果明显低于高铁、二氧化氯和氯气,其脱色率最高为67%左右,其它三种脱色剂对焦化废水都具有良好的脱色效果。 废水pH值、反应时间、脱色温度等环境因素都显著影响其对焦化废水的脱色效果。通过对四种脱色剂的综合性能进行比较分析表明:二氧化氯和复合高铁酸盐溶液用于焦化废水的脱色均可获得满意的脱色效果,但前者的运行费用低,后者的一次性投资费用小,但二氧化氯的经济型优于高铁酸盐。 在此基础上,系统研究了复合高铁酸盐在焦化废水深度处理中的应用性能,主要实验结果如下: 1.当焦化废水系统排放水CODcr≤150mg/L时,复合高铁酸盐对其色度有良好的去除作用,当高铁酸根浓度为1.73mg/L,pH=6.17时,色度脱除率可达76.41%,处理后的废水,无色,无刺激气味,优于国家规定的废水色度排放Ⅰ级标准。 2.用复合高铁酸盐对氨氮不能达标的焦化废水系统排放水(氨氮浓度≤2.706mg/L)进行深度处理,氨氮脱除率可达98%以上,处理后的废水氨氮浓度仅为0.0345mg/L。对于高氨氮浓度的焦化废水NH3-N≈2935.5mg/L,,氨氮脱除率可达56%左右,处理后的废水中NH3-N含量(≈1292mg/L)基本可满足生化处理中微生物对氨氮含量的要求。 3.高铁酸盐对焦化废水中的酚类物质具有一定的脱除作用,酚含量为792.76mg/L的焦化废水当高铁酸根浓度达到120.23mg/L时,酚脱除率可达38.87%。在其它条件相同的情况下,随着水体pH值的增加,酚脱除率呈上升趋势。

【Abstract】 In this paper cocking wastewater was treated by chlorine dioxide, chlorine, compound ferrate and PASS, respectively. Experiment result indicate chlorine dioxide and ferrate was superior than the other flocculants, either in the CODcr removal efficiency or in the chroma and SS removal efficiencies. Only the PASS is better than the sodium ferrate in the turbidity removal efficiency.The removal efficiency of the ammonia-nitrogen in cocking wastewater by combined ferrate was studied. The effects of the FeO4~" concentration, pH and temperature in the removal of NH3-N were investigated. The results were suggested that the NH3-N in the crude cocking wastewater could be removed from3493.8mg/L to 1653.9mg/L when the ferrate concentration was 60.14mg/L and the temperature was 71; while in the disposed cocking wastewater, the NHb-N concentration was decreased from 2.706mg/L to 0.0345mg/L when the ferrate concentration was 13.278mg/L, and the removal rate reached 98.7%.The stability of the compound ferrate,the influences of the concentration of the compound ferrate, pH value, reaction time and temperature have been studied in the decolouration of the cocking wastewater. The experiment results indicate that the additive A can obviously improve the stability of the solution of the fresh compound ferrate. The compound ferrate exhibits excellent decolorant effect, in the decolonration of the cocking wastewater. The colority of the treated cocking wastewater was less than GB standard limits of drain off water.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X784
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】585

