

【作者】 马乾瑞

【导师】 王连峰;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 保护商标权人的合法权利,与预防、制止、打击商标侵权是分不开的。对商标侵权问题进行研究,旨在分析产生商标侵权的原因,探讨解决商标侵权的法律途径,进而提出完善我国商标立法的建议。 本文共分五部分。第一部分简要阐述商标的概念、功能和价值。第二部分分析了商标侵权的原因,从宏观经济背景、微观经济背景、文化因素和执法环境等方面力图找出其产生的根源。毋庸置疑,商标侵权行为同样受益于商标所带来的营养供给,利益驱动是其根本原因,我国传统的法律文化轻视私人财产权,轻视包括商标权在内的知识产权,在这种文化背景下,权利人自我保护意识缺失或不足,侵权人内心丧失羞耻感,诚信意识扭曲,加上执法不力等等,致使当今商标侵权现象大量存在。第三部分重点论述了商标权的产生和权利范围、认定商标侵权的原则和范围、商标侵权在现实社会中的种类以及商标侵权的例外情形。在第三部分中还涉及到商标,抢注以及TRIPS协定对商标保护的有关规定等内容。第四部分针对商标侵权产生的原因,提出了治理和防范措施,一方面要增强公民的权利意识,自觉抵制商标侵权;另一方面要采取“打”、“罚”、“赔”相结合的方法,充分利用刑事的、行政的、民事的手段对商标侵权进行综合治理。第五部分是本文的创新点和重点,针对我国立法的现状,提出完善我国商标立法的几点建议:其一,扩大商标法保护的对象,其中包括扩大商标的概念;在商标权的授予上,采用使用主义和注册主义相结合的混合原则,扩大商标法保护范围;其二,加强反不正当竞争法在我国商标保护中的作用;其三,立法应允许商标所有人运用防御商标、联合商标来预防和抵制他人的侵权;其四,增加、充实有关罪名,打击商标侵权犯罪行为;其六,制定我国统一的知识产权法典,改变分散的立法模式。

【Abstract】 Protecting the legal right of trademark oblige has great relationship with preventing, refraining and attacking torts in trademark area. The urpose of researching in trademark torts is to analyze the reason of trademark torts, to discuss how to resolve the problem of trademark torts and to perfect the of trademark law.This article can be divided to five parts. Part one briefly expatiates the concept, function and value of trademark. Part two analyses the reason of trademark torts according to macroscopic economic background, microeconomic background, cultural factors and the environment of executing the law. We can draw the conclusion that the fundamental reason of trademark torts is benefit. The traditional culture of our country despises private property right. In this cultural background, the obligee’s consciousness of self-protection is not enough and some obligors lose their sense of shame in their hearts. In addition, our country has not done its best to execute the law. All these leads to a lot of trademark torts nowadays. Part three has analyzed this question with logic method. First, expatiates resources and scope of trademark right; Next, discusses how to understand trademark tort’s function, category; And finally, analyzes the exceptions of trademark torts. At the same time expatiates the question of: preemptive register of trademarks, the protection of unregistered trademarks and relative rules about trademark protection in "TRIPS". Part four brings forward the measures of how to put in order for and keep away from trademark torts. On the one hand, we should boot up civic consciousness of legal right and make them reject trademark torts with consciousness. On the other hand, with the method which including striking, fine and reparation, and with penal, civil and administrative measures, deals with the trademark torts. Part fiveraises several suggestions for perfecting our trademark law. First, it should expand trademark’s function and expand trademark protection range. Second, it should strengthen the effect of Unti-unaffair Completion Law for trademark protection. Third, in legislation of our country, it should endow the people’s courts with the right to affirm the resound trademark right. Four, it should allow the trademark right owners to protect their trademark rights with recovery trademark and allying trademark. Five, it should increase the relative accusals to strike trademark torts. Finally, it should make a uniform intellectual code to change the dispersive legislation mode.

【关键词】 商标侵权研究
【Key words】 trademarktortresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】344

