

【作者】 李俊华

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代刑事法治的发展,法条竞合成为一种普遍存在的刑事法律现象。法条竞合,虽然缘起于静态的立法现象,但最终体现为实践中的动态法律评价问题。本文从适度法律评价的视角,以双重评价原则和充分评价原则为轴心,重点研究四个问题: 一、法条竞合的法理基础。由于法条竞合的法理基础关系到法条竞合的存在根据,影响到法条竞合的概念、特征、类型、处理原则等问题。因此,文章首先研究了法条竞合的法理基础,从对刑事法律评价的解构入手,论述适度评价是现代刑法理念对法律评价的要求,认为适度评价包括禁止双重评价原则和适用充分评价原则,前者是为了避免对犯罪事实的过度评价,后者是为了防止对犯罪事实的评价不足。禁止双重评价原则要求在法条竞合时,每一个与犯罪认定相关的事实要素,不能同时成为认定相竞合的两个犯罪的事实根据。充分评价原则要求在最终确认罪名,选择适用的法条时,应当选择能够对犯罪事实进行充分评价的犯罪构成,即包含较多定罪法定要素的犯罪。 二、法条竞合的概念、特征及本质。在明确其法理基础之后,本文分析了对法条竞合的不同称谓,主张采用“法条竞合”的表述,并认为应当从静态和动态两方面对其进行广义理解。鉴于此,笔者将法条竞合定义为:行为人实施一危害行为,触犯具有竞合关系的数个罪名,用其中一罪名的犯罪构成就能对犯罪事实进行充分评价的情形。具体而言,法条竞合的特征有:行为人实施一个危害行为;触犯了具有竞合关系的数个罪名;用一罪名的犯罪构成能进行充分的法律评价。最后,文章剖析了法条竞合的本质和地位。笔者提出法条竞合双重本质论。从逻辑关系的角度考虑,法条竞合的第一层本质就是竞合的罪名关系,这也是法条竞合在静态立法层面上的本质体现;从法律评价的角度出发,法条竞合的第二重本质就是充分的法律评价,也即用一罪名足以全面评价犯罪事实,从而排除其他罪名的适用。“竞合的罪名关系”和“充分的法律评价”,是法条竞合在不同层面上具有的双重本质。 三、法条竞合的类型。首先讨论了与法条竞合有密切联系的一个静态概念—罪名竞合。罪名竞合是确认动态法条竞合之成立的必经步骤;同时,罪名竞合还体现为法条竞合的第一层次、第一阶段上的本质,是法条竞合在形式逻辑上的映照。犯罪构成是罪名的内涵,故论文还详细阐述了犯罪构成及其要件对罪名竞合的影响。罪名竞合包括包容关系和交叉关系两种。包容关系的罪名竟合,在形式上表现为一罪名的外延是另一罪名外延的一部分,就实质内涵而言,它要求两个罪名的犯罪构成之间存在单向包容关系,也即是两个犯罪构成的危害行为和罪过形式一致,并且一罪的其他犯罪构成要件要么同一,要么总是包容另一罪的相对应的犯罪构成要件。交叉关系的罪名竞合,在形式上表现为一罪名外延的一部分属于另一罪名,反之亦然的情形,就实质内涵而言,它要求两个罪名的犯罪构成之间存在双向包容关系,也即是危害行为和罪过形式一致,而其他犯罪构成要件除了处于同一关系外,甲罪的部分犯罪构成要件包容乙罪的相应构成要件,同时乙罪的部分犯罪构成要件也包容甲罪的相应犯罪构成要件。本文主张,虽然罪名间的竞合关系包括包容关系和交叉关系两种形态,但只有在罪名之间处于包容关系时,用一犯罪构成刁‘能充分评价处于重合部分的犯罪事实;而在罪名间处于交叉关系时,无论用哪一个犯罪构成都不能对犯罪事实进行充分、全面的评价,这决定了法条竞合仅表现为包容关系一类型,而不存在交叉关系的法条竞合。 四、法条竞合的处理原则。与法条竞合的类型相对应,本文认为“特别法优于普通法”是法条竞合的唯一处理原则。对特别法、普通法的界定,应当放在特别法与普通法这一特定关系,即罪名之间的包容关系中进行。所谓特别法,是指在包容关系的罪名之间,处于被包容地位,相对另一犯罪而言具有特殊犯罪构成要素的法条。所谓普通法,是指在包容关系的罪名之间,处于包容地位,相对另一犯罪而言不具有特殊犯罪构成要素的法条。

【Abstract】 Along with development of modern criminal law, Overlap of Articles of Law has been a common phenol then on in criminal law, Though it was derived from, static legislating phenomenon, Overlap of Article of Law will become dynamic application of law in practice. There are four issues which will be emphatically discussed in the dissertation .No.l The jurisprudential basis of Overlap of Articles of Law. Relating to the ground in existence, the jurisprudential basis of Overlap of Articles of Law influences those problems such as its definition, types, features and handles principles etc. So, first of all, the dissertation analyses the jurisprudential basis of Overlap of Articles of Law, Starting with taking the process of Articles of Law, Starting with taking the process of criminal law evaluation apart, the author thinks it is modern criminal ideal that pursues moderately evaluation. The principle of prohibiting against dual evaluation and principle of sufficiently evaluation are two aspects of moderately evaluation on law, and the former is for preventing from excessively evaluation on case facts, and the later is for avoiding deficiently evaluation. Under the situation of Overlap of Articles of Law, the principle asks for that every fact element relation to crimination cannot synchronously be fact ground of confirming two overlapping crimes. On finally selecting the applied article of law and confirming the criminal charge, the printable of sufficiently evaluation demands that it is the article that can make sufficiently evaluation on criminal facts that should be selected. Namely the criminal charge that contains more elements of criminal constitution should be selected.No.2 The definition, feature and essence of Overlap of Articles of Law. Following the argument above, the dissertation analyses the different to take the expression as Overlap of Articles of Law, and fatherly suggests. Overlap of Articles of Law should be, apprehended in broad sense, and from static and dynamic aspects. Owing to that, the writer defines the concept as following: One endangering action the offender carried into effect violates several charges that are in overlapping relationship, but it can sufficiently evaluate criminal facts to apply the criminal constitution of one chargeamong those. More specially, the characteristics of Overlap of . Articles of Law are: One endangering action the offender puts into practice and ; Violating several charges that are in overlapping relation and ; applying criminal constitution provided by one charge can proceed the sufficient law evaluation. Finally the writer discusses the essence and position of Overlap of Articles of Law in the dissertation. The author poses doctrine of dual essences on Overlap of Articles of Law. That is to say, from the argyle of logic relation the essence should be relation of overlapping charges that also be its natural reflection on the level of static legist Latino, and from the angle of law evaluation. The essence should be sufficiently law evaluation the essence should be sufficiently law evaluation that means it is good enough of applying one charge to evaluate criminal facts completely to expel the application of other charges therefore. Both relation of overlapping charges and sufficiently law evaluation are the essence of Overlap of Articles of Law on different levels.No.3 The type of Overlap of Articles of Law. In the first place, the writer considers a static concept closely concerning Overlap of Articles of Law-overlap of criminal charges. Overlap of charges is the necessity step through the process of affirming dynamic. Overlap of Articles of Law ;At the same time , the concept is also reflection of essence, of Overlap of Articles of Law on the first level and in the first stage , and is the formal logic reflection of Overlap of Articles of criminal charge , more studies are made on the influence on overlap of charges. Overlap of criminal charges induces the comprehensive relation and the cross relation. The former formally represents that the extension

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】354

