

【作者】 孙亚永

【导师】 王长水;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 刑事再审程序作为刑事诉讼程序的一部分,在刑事诉讼中占有重要的地位,也被称为“非常救济程序”。科学、合理的刑事再审程序,可以真正纠正判决的错误,实现司法的公正,增强人们对法律的信心,从而树立法律的权威。然而,我国现行刑事再审程序缺陷颇多,从基本理论到具体程序,都存在着与现代法治精神不相符合的情况。例如,实事求是、追求实体真实的基本原则,从理论上给我国的刑事再审程序的任意提起提供了方便之门。从具体程序上看,人民法院可以不管不顾当事人和检察机关,主动提起再审,人民检察院可以以生效裁判确有错误为理由,向人民法院提起再审,人民法院必须再审,当事人作为与案件关系最为密切的一方却没有权利来启动再审程序,只能向人民法院和人民检察院申请,能否启动则完全在于人民法院和检察院;再审理由过于抽象,没有可操作性,这也造成实践中再审提起的任意性;再审没有追诉时效和次数的限制,一个已生效案件迟迟不能等到稳定,被告人的权利不被重视等等。这些问题都将影响我国公民对法院判决权威性及最终性的怀疑,影响公民对法律的信心,影响我国建设法治国家的进程。本文试图用历史分析方法和对比分析方法来分析刑事再审程序存在的现实合理性,外国刑事再审程序的一些特点、外国先进理论的确立原因及对我国的启示。本文共分四个部分。第一部分简要介绍了外国古代、我国古代的刑事再审程序,仔细分析了外国现代的刑事再审程序,并分析了大陆法系国家和英美法系国家有关刑事再审程序的区别与联系;第二部分分析了一事不再理原则的发展及各国确立一事不再理原则的原因和意义;第三部分介绍了我国刑事再审程序的现状,包括基本理论、再审主体以及再审程序等,并指出我国现行刑事再审程序的一些缺陷;最后一部分,对刑事再审程序中的几个问题提出了一些改革意见,如应该取消法院的再审提起权,确立当事人的再审提起权,改革再审理由,改革再审程序等等。

【Abstract】 As a part of the criminal procedure, the adjudicatory supervision procedure plays a important part in the criminal procedure of our country. Scientific and reasonable adjudicatory supervision procedure can correct criminal trial mistakes, realize judicial fair, strengthen people’s confidence to laws and thereby help to build the authority of law .However, there are too many deficiencies in the adjudicatory supervision procedure in China now. Both basic theory and concrete procedure are not in good accordance with modern spirit of law. For example, the subject of starting of the adjudicatory supervision procedure is not reasonable, the cause of the adjudicatory supervision procedure is abstract, the application times and retrial times are limitless, etc. These problems will affect the development of the constructing of our law country. In this article, the author attempts to use history analyze method and contrast analyze method to analyze the existing rationality of the adjudicatory supervision procedure, to analyze the adjudicatory supervision procedure of some foreign countries and to get some help to our country .This article includes four parts . In the first part, the author introduces the adjudicatory supervision procedure in the past, and analyzes the difference and relation of the countries. In the second part, the author analyzes the development of the Non Bis in Idem principle and the reason that many countries think it as the principle. In the third part, the author introduces the existence of the adjudicatory supervision procedure in China now and gives some deficiencies. In the end ,the author puts forward some reforming ideas as to several concrete questions of the adjudicatory supervision procedure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】116

