

【作者】 张倩

【导师】 梁丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年12月11日,在中国加入世贸组织以后,我国政府取消了外资金融机构服务对象的限制,允许设在上海、深圳、天津、大连4城市的外资金融机构正式经营人民币业务,由此拉开了中、外资银行激烈竞争的序幕。 目前,外资银行在华业务无论是从业务范围、业务品种,还是业务量上,都有了较大的发展。在管理方式、经营战略、客户关系等方面,外资银行已经形成了自己独特的模式。外资银行已经成为了中国银行体系中不可或缺的一部分。加入WTO,引进外资银行竞争机制,尤其给我国国有商业银行带来的既有压力,也有机遇。 在与中国国内银行的竞争中,外资银行面临一些有利条件和不利条件。在有利条件方面,多数外资银行机构已经建立起较为完善和健全的经营管理体制,有着明确的以客户为中心的服务体系,能够充分利用其全球性或国际性服务网络系统,基本上不承担“政策性”服务功能。 但外资银行也有一些不利条件,主要有:外资银行缺少足够的经营网点,短期内难以在中国国内形成自成一体的服务网络系统,与中国国内客户之间还需要建立并发展文化上的相互认同关系,当地融资能力尚有待提高,与各级各类政府机构的关系也需要进一步发展(这一点在一定意义上也成为外资银行有利的经营条件,即它们不必像中国同行那样受到来自政府机构的过多干预)。 通过与外资银行进行比较分析,本文总结出我国国有商业银行具备三大竞争优势:一是遍布全国的发达的服务网络;二是与各行业主管部门的联系更加紧密;三是员工具有更强的归属感等优势。但是,在竞争劣势方面,我国国有商业银行显得更加突出。比如,市场意识淡薄、经营思想落后,管理体制、业务流程不适应市场竞争,经营管理机制不健全,为客户提供综合性的服务能力差、员工素质偏低等。 面对严峻的竞争形势,我国国有商业银行必须在认真研究对手的基础上,扬其所长,避其所短。施行积极可行的竞争对策,才能进一步提高经营管理水平,从而得到进一步的发展。目前,我国国有商业银行改革,应从以下几个方面着手: 树立效益第一、客户至上、稳健经营、竞争取胜的经营理念;二二、、重整业务流程,建立以市场为导向、以客户为中心的业务流程体系;三、全面实施客户经理制,推进服务产品、服务价格、服务方式差别化的 市场策略,提升为优质客户服务的层次;四、加强风险管理,建立健全内部指导监督约束机制;五、构建合理的绩效考评体系和科学的激励约束机制。

【Abstract】 On December 11th, 2001, China joined the WTO. After that, our government canceled the limitation of foreign banks dealing foreign exchange business in China, and allowed the foreign financial institutions in Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, and Dalian to conduct RMB businesses. And this allowance set out the competition between China banks and foreign banks.Currently, not only in business scope, business types, but also in business volumes, the foreign banks in China have developed greatly. On the respect of management, dealing strategy and customer relationship, the foreign banks have formed their special modes. Foreign banks have become an important part of Chinese banking system. It brings not only competition pressure but also opportunities for our country to take part in the WTO.Compared with Chinese banks, the foreign banks are facing with some advantages and some disadvantages. Most of them have established a healthy dealing& managing system, a customer oriented service system. They can make a good use of their globally or international service system, and don’t take on any policy business.But foreign banks have also some disadvantages. They have no adequate business network, have some difficulties in the cultural fields when connecting with Chinese customers. Their locally financing ability and the relationship with local Chinese government are both to be developed.Through the comparison with foreign banks, our state owned banks have the following three advantages. First, we have a developed service network throughout the country. The second is that we have a close relationship with the governmental department of all sorts of industries. And the last is that our employees have a deeper sense of being a family. But our disadvantages seem more serious, especially on the respect of marketing sense, dealing mind, management system, business flow and the comprehensive quality of our employees.Facing with the serious problems, we should take the following steps to develop our competition position.1. to set up a sense of profit first, customer most, dealing stably and healthy, winning by competition;2.to reorganize the business flow and set up a customer and market oriented business flow;3.to thoroughly adopt the customer representative system, making the products, price and service differently according to the different customer demands;4.to strengthen the risk management, set up a healthy internal conducting, supervising and limitation system;5.to set up a reasonable performances assessing system and a scientific stimulating & limitation system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【下载频次】292

